Big Ads
Years ago

Its time to retire #4 and #15

Having being fortunate enough to see Adelaide 36ers "The Golden Era" (twice now) I encourage members/season ticket holders to strongly advocate for Al Green and Darryl Pearce having their numbers officially (and permanently) retired at the start of next season.

Not only are both players NBL Hall of Fame members but they played a key role in making the 36ers the basketball powerhouse it became between the mid 80's - early 90's and made key contributions in developing the platform for success that the NBL enjoyed during the mid 90's.

It seems only fitting that the club deliver on their goal to rebuild the culture at the club by hoisting the numbers of both these players next to those of Davis and Maher.

Topic #25270 | Report this topic

Years ago

Where is the Like button! AGREE AGREE AGREE!

Reply #313050 | Report this post

Years ago

Where is the Like button! AGREE AGREE AGREE!

Reply #313051 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that they contributed greatly to the club, however, I believe retirement is extremely special and should be reserved for exceptional long time servants of the club. No other players match the Maher & Davis contribution to the 36ers. They played all of their NBL careers at the club and served better than anyone before or since over an extended period of time. I say make retirement of a number an extra special thing and save it for exceptional servants.

Reply #313053 | Report this post

Years ago

Well you wont see to many numbers retired again in the NBL. Players are money driven now, and im not knocking them for that, but long gone are the days of a one team player such as a Maher or Davis. Green and Pearce WERE the 36ers in the 80's this dvd which i havent seen yet, may jog some peoples memories. Retire the jerseys i say.

Reply #313056 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

You make a valid point Nutwork and I respect your view however sometimes an exception can be made, especially for two uniquely gifted players who made an extremely valuable contribution to the club.

Both Green and Pearce were exceptional servants who were playing when the league was in its infancy. Their involvement with the club might not match that of Davis or Maher in terms of years however I believe it reasonable to suggest their contribution inspired the generation that followed them. Their recognition as Hall of Fame members acknowledges that.

Significant changes in key personnel at an organisation, and at key points in a players' career, must also be a factor. Would Brett Maher have developed into the player he became had Mike Dunlap not implemented the "youth strategy". I suspect that neither Pearce or Green had the same support from the organisation in the latter parts of their careers that Davis and Maher experienced (would it be unfair to suggest that Phil Smyth's tenure as coach between 1998 and 2008 played a key role in both Maher and Davis' tenure as players?

My suggestion is not intended to take anything away from the legendary status that both Maher and Davis deserve, they are legends and it is fitting for them both to be recognised as such, however I believe merit should also be granted for two players who had a strong influence on both their careers, be it as teammates or former players at the club.

Finally I would be most surprised if Brett was not inspired by the play of Al Green and Darryl Pearce as a starry eyed teenager and question whether Davis would have had the decorated career he enjoyed had he not had Green and Pearce riding 'Shotgun' with him during the "Golden Era".

Reply #313059 | Report this post

Years ago

If you retire Al's number where do hang it?
Brett Maher Court or Port Adelaide?
Further to that why can't we hang a banner for Westies 1982 Championship banner at BMC?
Is this not the "home' for SA basketball?

Reply #313069 | Report this post

Ineedmore raises interesting points.

West Adelaide can retire Al's number if they like.

Big Ads is obviously advocating for the sixers to retire the numbers, not Westies.

Question is if Westies decided to do it, would it look a little silly???

Reply #313071 | Report this post

Years ago

There are worse ideas than the old plan to have a category for retired singlets, and another for 'honoured' singlets (number still in use, but recognising the player).

Reply #313073 | Report this post

Years ago

IIRC, Pearce and Green's singlets used to hang at the Powerhouse (along with... Ray Wood I think? And maybe Peter Ali?), but then they were "un-retired" a few years ago. Is that correct?

Reply #313078 | Report this post

Years ago

I think they were hung there, then explained as 'honoured' and then taken down at some point for whatever reason.

Reply #313080 | Report this post

Years ago

Is there something that honours Phil as coach for the championships? If not, there should be.

Reply #313085 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Yeah, I thought it was Pearce, Ali and Mackay's numbers that were originally retired.

I always remember at least 5 jerseys hanging from the rafters.

Reply #313086 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont Agree!!!! They were taken down as they shouldn't have done up in the first place, their achievements are great but dont qualify for retirement. The sixers constitution on this is the same as other clubs. Al is the only one that thinks it and at the event the other night there were comments by other players, (not maher or davis) made that they agree they shouldn't be up as they dont want to de-value what those two have achieved. Green, Pearce, Wood and Mckay had their names honored for their contribution but not numbers retired which is how it should be.

Reply #313088 | Report this post

Years ago

retired singlets have been

#9 Wood
#8 Ali
#10 McKay
#4 Pearce
#6 Ninnis
#33 Davis
#15 Green
#5 Maher

Hemmerling took down all the singlets when there was a mandate to turn the dome into a multi use facility.

Reply #313089 | Report this post

Years ago

DB5 - good idea too.

Reply #313090 | Report this post

Years ago

KB3, those numbers were not retired the players were only honored. It was done still back when it was BASA, nothing to do with Hemmerling. I remember Robbo (Mark Robinson) standing on court interviewing McKay on his night.

Reply #313101 | Report this post

Years ago

Misty i can very much tell you that they were retired and that each of those players will tell you the same.

Hemmerling took the singlets down not BASA.

Reply #313108 | Report this post

Years ago

Hemmerling not only took the singlets down but he/groves took the singlets. When SOS were first given access to the dome they along with lots of other memorabilia had disappeared.

Reply #313110 | Report this post

Years ago


You will find that both players did not choose to leave, and were forced out of the club at a time of transition. So how can they be held responsible for that?

The fact is, without Green and Pearce, The Powerhouse would never have been built, and those rafters would never have been there to hang from...

Reply #313119 | Report this post

Fill Smythe  
Years ago

I think Isaac's on the right track. Singlet retirement should be honour reserved for one club players, but we should reward excellence also .
Perhaps a life sized picture of all Hall of Famers

Reply #313164 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

The singlets disappeared? Dude, I'm not liking the sound of this. You might find the backboards disappearing if you play that game with me.

Strewth, there's some untold stories out there!

FWIW, I'd retire Pearce for sure. Played almost 10 years. I'd also hang West Adelaide's premiership banner from the rafters at the Dome as the home of Adelaide basketball. I'd be keen to see what the constitution says on it too.

Reply #313168 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Would love to see Mal's pool room!

Reply #313228 | Report this post

Years ago

My gut feeling is that Pearce and Green should have some more obvious recognition of their achievements displayed in the Dome. Not 100% sure about retiring their numbers, but the old idea of 'retired' and 'honoured' categories that Isaac mentioned is a good one.

Not sure what the rules say about claiming the West Adelaide premiership, but I think we need look no farther than basketball royalty in the Los Angeles Lakers to find a nice precedent!

If we got knocked back by the NBL, we could ask them if the Kings get to reclaim their old titles! ;-)

Reply #313230 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the question remains is what does the club's constitution say regarding retired numbers? It may not be as simple as re-retiring or re-honoring past players who have had a great influence on the club.

I do agree with honoring those who played a significant role in the 36ers being 4 time NBL premiers. Players like Bill Jones, Al Green, Darryl Pearce, Peter Ali, Mike Mackay, Scott Ninnis, Martin Cattalini, Darnell Mee, Kevin Brooks, Paul Rees etc etc. And coaches Ken Cole and Phil Smyth should of course be honored too IMO.

An honor board showing championship players and their NBL stats while playing in Adelaide would be a good thing. I know the team photo's are there showing every year from 1986-2008 but where are the 1982-85 and 2009-11 team photos?

On whether West Adelaide's 1982 Championship banner should hang at Brett Maher Court? Interesting question. Not so sure about an answer there. But hey, the Lightning's WNBL championship banners hang above the OT Bar don't they? And the Lightning don't even play at The Dome anymore. Why not West Adelaide's 1982 banner? They were the first Adelaide based team to win an NBL championship weren't they.....

Reply #313254 | Report this post

Years ago

The old retired singlets haven't disappeared, they are in plastic crates that are stored in an office at the Dome.

Reply #313302 | Report this post

Years ago

the singlets which used to hang up at the dome were in fact retired, not just 'honoured' and for some reason are no longer displayed.

Reply #313369 | Report this post

Years ago

Because they were retired by a BASA committee which was full of deals for mates.

When BASA sold the team the new management decided to award retired singlet status to only the very best 36ers players, Davis and later Maher.

No offence but can anyone justify Ray Wood's singlet being retired because of his contribution to the Adelaide 36ers as a player? It was retired as a thank you from his mates on the 36ers committee, a committee on which Wood himself was on.

Reply #313383 | Report this post

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