Years ago

36ers vs Taipans, March 4

Adelaide are not making finals, so this one's all about pride for the home team. For the Taipans and a few other teams, it's absolutely critical. Gold Coast and Wollongong will be desperately hoping for a 36ers win tonight...

I don't want to talk it down, but both teams are on losing streaks; they're not exactly the form teams.

Centrebet have Adelaide as narrow favourites and the Taipans at $2.20.

I think the key will be stopping Crosswhite and Loughton.

What's your tip?

Topic #25107 | Report this topic

Years ago

It is hard to get excited when you know your team is out of the playoff race, especially when you only have 3 home games in the last 2 months of the season.

I am still looking forward to our you guns ahving a good run tonight.. I hope.

Crosswhite is the man to shut down, hopefully DJ is given plenty of minutes tonight.

I still think we will win, but there wont be much in it.

Reply #310303 | Report this post

Years ago

Taipans should win this one

Reply #310304 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Doubt the Sixers can shut down Crosswhite, especially with Loughton lurking as another offensive threat.

Putting all my luck behind the Sixers winning it, but mind says the Taipans by 6.

Reply #310305 | Report this post

Years ago

Dont forget the pre game
u12 boys
Port Pirie Panthers vs Whyalla Stealers
Great to see some teams from the north getting a gig at a 6ers game

Reply #310306 | Report this post

Years ago

I am not going to fall into the trap of suggesting the 36ers should allow the Taipans the win because they have nothing to lose, because any suggestion on a previous occassion about which team deserves the win more has been responded with a lot of criticism. All I want to say is that Cairns have everything to gain, Adelaide has nothing to lose, lets make this game mean something. I don't agree that Adelaide have pride to gain in this game because pride does not come from one game alone, it comes from the whole season. They have not set the standard throughout the season to make playoffs so pride means nothing in this single game. As for Gold Coast and Wollongong needing an Adelaide win, well the answer there is they are not playing this game, they have to get to where they want to be off there own backs, or to put it bluntly, do your own dirty work.

Reply #310308 | Report this post

Years ago

Tonight and the last home game is all about entertainment as far as I am concerned which is the same for every other match.
Crosswhite looms as the danger but the Taipans are on a downer and well in front of us obviously for wins, which says...we can beat them.
If we are higher than them, we would lose guaranteed as seen with 2 wins against Perth in a row then playing Sydney and Gold Coast who were lower.
As for helping out the other 2 teams trying to make the playoffs, I couldnt care less. Wollongong have incentive in that, they win the Championship, their millionaire owner gives them an incentive with shares or so I read. Thats enough as it is. Gold Coast, well dunno and dont care. Id hope we can win but its line ball. I tip overtime and again another loss.
But most importantly, give the 2nd unit game time like last time. They set us up in the 3rd only to be let down by the starting 5.

Reply #310319 | Report this post

Years ago

Dragging the gf along tonight to her first game in over a decade - she's desciding if she wants to join Dad and I next year with our season tickets.

I sincerely doubt tonight will motivate her to purchase said tickets. Well, aside from wanting to keep an eye on my Super Dry consumption...

In any case, let's focus on the positives. Skip - when I give the signal, hit my entrance theme. I want to hear The Game blaring like never before now that I have a vallet accompanying me ringside.

I mean... courtside.

Also, I don't think we can risk starting DJ at this crucial point of the season - best save that for the third year of the plan I reckon.

Sixers by 6 for the sake of alliteration.

Reply #310320 | Report this post

Years ago

So if the 6ers are purely playing for pride, then they will lose. They havent shown any all season. Correct me if im wrong.

Reply #310321 | Report this post

Years ago

EC, that's true, but pride over a season is only made up by individual games. Might as well show up to play tonight - it's the least they can do.

Reply #310322 | Report this post

Years ago

Serious question - has the club considered employing the help of a sports psychologist?

Especially re: road wins?

We have very little pride / intensity etc.

Reply #310325 | Report this post

Years ago

Don't know for sure though I have heard it mentioned in NBL circles so surely someone's tried it. Players are serious investments for clubs so it strikes me that something like this may well be worth trying on an individual or team level.

Reply #310330 | Report this post

Years ago

I could just imagine the pshycologist walking in the room looking at the 6ers, and saying 'right we will be ready to start as soon as the bigger guys in the team arrive.....' followed by awkward silence.

Reply #310331 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to pay that!

Reply #310332 | Report this post

Years ago

The end of Boti's match day article today,

"But it will be most interesting to see whether a round off with the bye has changed anything in Adelaide's tactical armoury or whether it will be the same tried-and-failed strategies of starting small ... and losing big."

Reply #310349 | Report this post

Years ago

Fly in Charlie Sheen as a guest coach for the last round.

Crowd numbers skyrocket.

Sixers start #WINNING.

Reply #310353 | Report this post

tropical booz  
Years ago

Shame its not televised.

Taipans by 5

Reply #310357 | Report this post

Bobby tables  
Years ago

Lol. Doing dance moves that look like they're from Step Up or some other movie ain't hip hop. I thought we were gonna see some b-boying not some pop song backup dancers.

Reply #310379 | Report this post

Years ago

This is the lamest capitulation in recent memory.

Reply #310383 | Report this post

Years ago

Massive comeback by Cairns, Loughton is a beast!

Reply #310384 | Report this post

Money man  
Years ago

This rabble will finish dead last!!

Reply #310385 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers outscored by 20 in last 1/4 after being ahead by 15 at 3/4 time. And they said last years team was bad.

Reply #310386 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers deserve wooden spoon after that performance!!

Reply #310388 | Report this post

Years ago

Hear the crowd, that is all I can say. No post play and no heart.

Reply #310389 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a fan of booing your team, but kept my ears open knewing it was coming. Absoluet crap last quarter.

I am wondering what was said at 3/4 time. This game is a lot like playing Nz last season. Up by 17 at 3/4 time, lose by 7.

I dont get it?

Reply #310391 | Report this post

Years ago

Unfortunately the players have lost all confidence in their coach..........

You have to give Marty another year and the club won't want to pay him out 2 yrs but tonights effort was a disgrace.

Reply #310392 | Report this post

Years ago

I think home pride flew out the window at 3/4 time Isaac. (first post)

Reply #310393 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh please like no one saw this coming! Up 15, my Mum said, they will lose this! She was dead right too, one of the worst 36er rosters ive ever seen put together. I do hope they finish last, no one associated with the selection and coaching of this team in 10/11 deserves to let off the hook whatsoever....'well we were in a lot of the games' sorry that quote wont cut it thise season.


Reply #310394 | Report this post

Years ago

I didnt boo but wow it was good to hear some fans just as upset as me. Trust me, IF the fans are booing it means they still care, accepting silence would be worse after that 'performance'.

Reply #310395 | Report this post

Years ago

I hope Marty Clarke and SOS heard the boo's tonight because they absolutely deserved it!

To be up by 15 going into the last quarter and Marty Clarke deciding he would "Experiment" for next season was an absolute joke!!!!

DJ plays all of the 3rd quarter and had 11 points 9 rebounds by that stage and then he decides he will play Jacob Holmes for almost the first 7 minutes of the 4th while have DJ on the bench. Prior to that Holmes had 0 points, 4 rebounds, 2 turnovers. Any other coach would have had him anchored to the bench but I guess any other coach is above us on the ladder. ONCE again Clarke didn't learn from the Tigers game where he did the same thing he went defensive and the Tigers came back and won. How stupid could one coach be that is getting $100k+ and has years of experience!!

WHY Play DJ 10 minutes in the 3rd and THEN decide not to play him when he is having a great game!!!! Is it because he was proving a point that all season he should have been getting more consistent minutes and Clarke would not let that be shown since he is too stubborn OR is it because Clarke wants to Experiment for next season. If it is Clarke experimenting please I hope no one attends because we are wasting our money and time for the sake of Clarke trying out stupid things that have not worked in the past!!!

That was an absolute embarrassment!! Cairns could not believe there luck that Clarke could be so incompetent as a coach so they could get a win that they should have NEVER been able to get!!

The reason why I am aiming this also at SOS is because they are letting Clarke get away with his absolute embarrassing coaching! Don't sit back and twiddle your fingers! Tell him how to coach since he doesn't have a clue how to do it!!

Outscored 27-7 in the last quarter!! Yes Clarke your defensive strategy worked brilliantly!!

I feel sorry for people that came for their first game tonight or anyone that had a walk up ticket. Unfortunately us Sixers ticket holders whom spend Hundreds of dollars have to put up with that pathetic excuse of coach and the funny thing is he will probably blame the players as of course he is never at fault!

This is the very lowest point to be a Sixers fan! Thank you very much Clarke!

Reply #310396 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh but Kingjames, its a 'Bush league' afterall haha Marty, you make Ninnis look incontrol!

Reply #310397 | Report this post

Years ago

Whats with Shannon? Is he a relation of Julius Hodge?
As a sports trainer, i made a comment to the guy beside me that there was nothing wrong. Id be surprised if there was cos he was back on court pretty quick after subbing out. When the chips are down, we always have one guy who fakes it. And thats a sad reflection on the game. Grow up or back to the states u go

Reply #310399 | Report this post

Years ago

We could have had Bevo if it wasn't from past owner putting up an insulting offer because of lack of cash

Reply #310400 | Report this post

Years ago

Instead we got his weird little helper from last season hahaha

Reply #310401 | Report this post

Years ago

I know it is wrong to single out players, but what about Balinger's last quarter? Really, his lack of defensive rebounding, general defence and his dumb turnovers are just not acceptable.
That overall was the worst effort of all time and I am wondering how I am going to front for the last game. Just how much can any fan take?!

Reply #310402 | Report this post

Years ago

Squid your spot on, Ballinger is very overated and a poor excuse for a captain. Solid role player, but as a 'star player' he is no winner.

Reply #310403 | Report this post

tropical booz  
Years ago

i do believe i called a 5 point buffer to the Taipans!! Hi Skull

Reply #310405 | Report this post

Money man  
Years ago

Cheap NBL team for sale, renovators delight

Reply #310407 | Report this post

Bobby Tables  
Years ago

All I will say is it's embarassing to be a Sixers fan right now.

Reply #310408 | Report this post

Years ago

That word embarrassing has been brought up a bot tonight since the final siren by fellow fans/mates of mine. Sad times.

Adelaide would not beat any single team in this league right now, not ONE!

Reply #310411 | Report this post

tropical booz  
Years ago

& Marty Clarke gets a Boomers assts role. Brett Brown & his fantasy world are confusing. What about Bevo or Gleeson? Is he scared they might have an opinion & disagree with him? How can you be promoted when you are doing a terrible job? Why is Brown so infatuated with point guards? How about a 'bigs' coach?

Reply #310413 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

Thank god Coopz showed commitment and determination to putting in all the hard work he did. I will now have the pleasure I going back in time to the Golden Years and watching a 36ers program I admired, respected and wanted to emulate when I was older.

Still how do you develop admiration or respect for a team that comprises 1 starter and 9 role players. Clearly there should be four players who need to start looking for work elsewhere and 5 players who need to accept they will be starting on the plastic seats next season.

So we keep Ballinger (starter), Hill, Creek, Herbert, Daly (Development Player) and Johnson. Bring in Al Green, Darryl Pearce, Bill Jones and Mark Davis for the four other starting spots.

Reply #310417 | Report this post

Years ago

As long as Jacob Holmes is not a 6er next seaosn ill see it as a good year. His ability to not make a shot and strecth the defender out to his triple threat is woeful. How can he still not have a consistant jump shot. Like a receptionsit that cant answer phones! Wasnt like he came in the league as a non shooter. The time is up J-Diddy.

Reply #310419 | Report this post

Years ago

I really hope there is a youtube vid with the coach speaking about tonights performance but doubt it big time. Cos id love to hear why the game changed. And yet I damn well know why.

Honesty gets you somewhere, lying to 5000 people gets you a pollies job anyday

Reply #310422 | Report this post

Bobby Tables  
Years ago

Ballinger - only re sign if we can get a legit big and relegate Balls to shooting his preferred jump shots. He's too soft and hasn't got the co-ordination to play in the lane.

Johnson - played his heart out tonight, he's got a lot of talent but needs to be in a system where he's a go-to post guy. Why the HELL he's out at the 3pt line when he's not setting screens floors me. Keep as a backup big next year, hopefully behind someone legit that he can learn from.

Hill - Really showed what he could do in the first quarter, then got subbed for way too long. Not sure what Clarke was thinking. Keep next season if we can fit him.

Shannon - Selfish shot selection, slowed the offense down way too much. Piss him off at the end of the year, he's not what we need going forward.

Bruce - I like what he brings to the PG spot but we need to have a system in place to take full advantage of his passing skills. With guys like Hill / Herbert / Carter he can initiate some great transition offense. 50/50 on whether to keep next season as we're pretty heavy at the guard spots.

Carter - showed good hustle, not his best night tonight but definitely a keeper for next season.

Creek and Dowdell didn't really do enough tonight for me to make a decision.

Reply #310424 | Report this post

Years ago

not sure if i am doing +/- right. first time Ballinger was on +7? then bench on and they were another +7, now winning by 14. Ballnger back on -1, then off. team is +2 while he's off. then for the rest of the game he is on the court and its -20? so when he's on -14. when he's off +9. is that right?? can anyone help check

the bench played better than our starters. how is that Clarke's fault.

Reply #310426 | Report this post

Years ago

Nearly spat scotch reading Ad's post.

He is correct.

Reply #310430 | Report this post

Years ago

"the bench played better than our starters. how is that Clarke's fault."

Well if that is the case then the BENCH players should have been on in the 4th then. So that IS Clarke's fault!!

Reply #310432 | Report this post

Years ago

Did someone quote their Mum? Really?

Reply #310433 | Report this post

Years ago

You know it, and she was spot on too. Mum knows best, and mum says the 6ers are shite.

Reply #310436 | Report this post

Years ago

The 36ers choked tonight and I don't like using the word "choke", but tonight its true. This was one of the worst and embarrassing performances we've ever seen from this team.

The home fans deserved to boo the 36ers tonight. That final quarter was a disgrace. This even started late in the 3rd quarter.

I'd like to see a 'Please Explain' from the Coach and SOS. The fans deserve it after what happened tonight.

Reply #310439 | Report this post

Money man  
Years ago

And Jacob Holmes comes from that great club sturt, obviously didn't teach him to shoot just self promote like they do with most their kids!!

Reply #310440 | Report this post

Years ago

kingjames then sack the starters and keep the bench. and watch them try there hardest even though all the money has been spent on the stars who cant keep a lead.

Reply #310443 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers deserved to be boo'd. Goshdamn that was a horrendous finish.

Reply #310446 | Report this post

Years ago

players need to have faith in the coach and when that happens it shows on the floor. My word is - no one has that faith. Coach is good with kids not a professional program or league

Reply #310461 | Report this post

Years ago

2 wins to even match last seasons record.

Maybe it wasnt all Ninnis's fault..

Reply #310464 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone had faith at some point, enough to push out to an 18 point lead. The team was looking great in the first half, if not to the third quarter. It's not like they changed coach at half-time or the last break.

When we go on those runs, it seems to be because of quality team play, everyone moving and contributing. Go to an individual game and things seize up.

2/16 from long distance. We don't have the firepower now to punish teams from long range. Once they realised that and clogged the paint, our fortunes changed.

Reply #310465 | Report this post

very old  
Years ago

The first quarter was a clear shock to cairns, they simply did not know what was wrong with their scouting report. That was the style of play that will win games. Plus the apparently new offensive pattern.

Unfortunately ferne did his homework and that pattern got covered better in the second half - although I did not really see it again until the 4th.

The group seemed to either have no idea how to attack a zone, or were totally focused on running a system that they just could not get right.

I always understood that there were 3 ways to attack a zone,

1) get down there before they set up, which is why fearne was screeming his lungs out at his group to get back in defence in transition. - I actually saw Hill pass up a driving lane in transition to set up their "breaker" - yet in the first Q he just ate the same situation up !

2) Pass and cut until a open 3 presents itself - requires at least 3 players moving at any one time, without Ng I don't see that working, and we did not seem to take it anyway, you need to have a shooter that can hit in the "seams" ie at the point or 45's against the even numbered front that cairns showed, not getting players to sit in the corner where the passing lane is restricted and there will usually be easy coverage from a drive and dump from the far side.

3) drive the seams and dump or dish out - which I did not see us doing.

And the No 1 rule that my all time favourite coach had ( 11 seasons , 10 GF and 9 premierships - all in the one club in U14s and U16's back when you could play zone - never, Never, NEVER put the ball on the floor if you receive the ball inside from a pass, just power up , hook it, or dish/dump. Yet I continually saw players try to get one bounce in to get through to the ring, do they not know that EVERYONE is dropping into the paint to crowd it up ??

Ahhh well, on the bright side, it looks like I'll be able to upgrade/relocate my season tickets seating again next season - due to the number of ex-season ticket holders

Reply #310466 | Report this post

Years ago

Miami led by 24 yesterday, then still lost, happens to the best of them!!

Reply #310476 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Anonymous, with Miami's record against the better teams, I wouldn't call the Heat "the best of them"..

Reply #310479 | Report this post

Years ago

very old, good point about not putting the ball on the floor in the paint.

Reply #310483 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty Clarke just doesn't cut it as an NBL coach. The players were only running the plays they were told to. It was obvious that they wanted to drive, but were forced to play the perimeter game and go fully defensive in the fourth. It's time for Clarke to go back to developing players. That is what he's good at.

Reply #310506 | Report this post

Years ago

all the knowledagble adelaide fans, what a joke.

Reply #310511 | Report this post

Team Player  
Years ago

What I find frustrating about watching the Sixers play is the huge amount of layups and open shots their defense gives up. Constantly they are getting beat off the dribble and the defense is not rotating quick enough to help. If your going to play full court D then teach to move your feet and channel the ball down the sidelines.

Reply #310526 | Report this post

Years ago

NRl betting scandal hit NBL ??

Reply #310539 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon #310511

all the knowledagble adelaide fans, what a joke

Why the insult to the Adelaide fans? You don't have to have too much knowledge to know that the team is crap at present. You don't have to have too much knowledge to know that the coach is not doing a good job. You don't have to have too much knowledge to know that as a fan you have every right to complain about the poor display week after week.

My daughter is not a season ticket holder and has not attended too many games in the last few years. She purchased a walk up ticket for $27 (the cheapest available) and couldn't believe what a waste of money it was. She is not encouraged to go again any time soon. So what does that tell you about maintaining attendances.

Reply #310552 | Report this post

Years ago

Skip what was with the crap music? Usually your music choices are pretty good and help provide a great atmosphere, however this game was a bit of a shocker.

Reply #310571 | Report this post

Years ago

Yep clearly this loss can be levelled at Skip. SMH

Reply #310578 | Report this post

Years ago

What you read and what you processed in your mind was completely different because i didn't say that, and i certainly didn't imply it.

I said the music wasn't as good as it usually is.

I'm sure skip can take the criticism, without taking it as blame for anything and everything.

Reply #310583 | Report this post

Years ago

People seem to blame Marty about restricting the players etc.

The team has gone from having 10 different zone plays back to 2 as some of the team doesn't have the basketball IQ to run that many. One is a play to get inside the lane and kick out, the other is to get Balls open for a baseline jumper. If the players don't run it, how is that Marty's fault?

Did anyone notice Jan on the bench having to explain a play to one of the vets? Shouldn't a vet know every play? It appears not everyone is buying into the system that is in place. It's obvious who is, as when certain players are on the court we play our best basketball. The +/- gives a fairly good indication.

Reply #310631 | Report this post

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