bretts the man
Years ago

S.O.S. - Sixers future

After another extremely disapointing season that promised so much pre season and with members of my group questioning whether they will be season ticket holders for another season where our group of 4-6 have been season ticket holders since moved to Findon.
We have a team that promises but continues to capitulate under any sort of pressure along with a coach that had credentials who simply picked the wrong team and got it wrong a 2nd time when imports were replaced.
He also although put a lot of work obviously in team has no real defence especially under the boards and has no attacking flair or creativity and make too many turnovers trying too hard to stick to script.
Then SOS have their own problems as a group that dont have deep pockets and have lost 1 in extremely bad publicity for them and have replaced another as manager and cant see him wanting to continue really without knowing.
Then we have another two who have sons in team that although I think are both keepers maybe coach might not see them in structure plans .
Then we have a stadium in average shape without any real ownership.
I absolutely admire SOS for saving our club but you can see how many season ticket holders dropped off this year so with this one a disaster that promised more surely along with other problems that I have highlighted some they must consider their investment.
Obviously anyone including coach that have contracts will have to get another season and all they and we can hope that they make hard and right selections that will not only get us up the ladder but encourage season ticket holders to dig deep again

Topic #25041 | Report this topic

Years ago

I can see potential lets get rid of the 2 Imports and get a decent 5 Man, Ballinger to PF, Limit Hills time and you will find 36ers will be around the mark, more time to Daly and creek

Reply #309323 | Report this post

Years ago

I am not a huge fan of +/-, but it does tell a part of the story, and Hill has been the absolute standout for Adelaide in that department, by far enough to put it beyond doubt. I dont think he should be played less.

Reply #309327 | Report this post

Years ago

Dad and I have been season ticket holders since the move to Findon as well (South, Row G, center aisle). My gf wants to get our third seat back so she can attend games with us next year.

For the first time ever, I'm not sure I'd advise her that it would be money well spent - which to be honest, is rather saddening.

I love the Sixers more than any sporting team on earth - singlets are hung on my wall at home, other memorabilia all through the house. Hell, I still have an unopened West End 6 pack from the championship years with the players on the side!

So it kills me to see where things are at. And as above, thank you SOS for everything you have done. An amazing job by dedicated and passionate Sixer fans behind the scenes that is well appreciated.

Here's hoping I'm sat center aisle again next year full of hope and motivation and cheering my butt off. At this stage, it seems a LONG way off.

Reply #309335 | Report this post

Years ago

calm down...., everyone gets so crazy about the sixers place on the ladder and thinks the sky is falling down, it is not like they are getting flogged everyweek and they have had some great wins including beating the current champions twice!! plus there has been some great entertainment at home games with some good tight finishes and good individual performamces and highlights!. obviously there is room for improvment but we are not as far off as everyone would have you believe!! on any game night i genuinely feel we have a chance of winning no matter who we are playing and that is great!! just hang in there and support the team like fans are supposed to... otherwise you are not a fan you are just a fickle follower who likes jumping on winning bandwagons!!

Reply #309345 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh please curious. You've just had two guys say they have been season tickets holders for ages. They've put up with crap teams for a number of years.
I don't think you could possibly describe them as fickle.

Reply #309346 | Report this post

Years ago

Can Nathan Tinkler pruchase the dome and team?

Seriously we need someone like him that can come in and purchase the dome and team so our budget can compete with the NZ's of the comp.

Reply #309348 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Curious I am curious whether you actually read the post.
No way did I say I was giving up and just indicated that some of my group are struggling for motivation after what has been a massive let down season.
But curious the post wasnt about us it was about SOS having lots of negatives at the moment and how with already down in season ticket holders this year and 4th or 5th year in a row poor peformance in how get over all the negatives to keep putting money into team.
I am curious how you could not see that in post

Reply #309351 | Report this post

Years ago

Bretts the man, your spot on unless the club gets more bums on seats and more major sponsors we most likely wont have a team in Adelaide after next (2011/2012)season. Unfortunately the SOS group can't keep putting tens of thousands of dollars each into a club year after year regardless of how passionate they are and at some stage they will say enough is enough.

Reply #309355 | Report this post

Years ago

Curious they have barely been competitve, this is a team of guards, its not a well balanced attack. And many of my friends have said more than ever they are very hard to get behind and support this year, so many unlikeable characters including the coach. I really miss the KB, MEE CAT and Farley days, stars....not Hill DJ Holmes Ballinger etc

Reply #309357 | Report this post

Years ago

honestly, yes, i agree, i miss watching farley, maher, mee. etc. too and i also dont really feel a connection due to the sixers not having any 'likeable' type players, but i am saying hang in there!! as for the above comments, i wasnt saying they are not fans i am saying CONTINUE to do what you are doing and stick with the team because thats what fans do!!

Reply #309358 | Report this post

Years ago

After 18 years, I reckon I've got a handle on how to stick with my team.

I'm also allowed to be disappointed.

Reply #309362 | Report this post

Charon 83  
Years ago

The issue for the SOS is that going back to the Cat, Farley, Mee days involves them losing hundreds of thousands of dollars each.

The amount of money spent to run those teams even with sponsorship and sellouts sent Basketball in this State bankrupt.

Reply #309364 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Yep. I'm at a debarcle about renewing for next season. Seems the moment I bought season tickets about 5 seasons ago, the team can't make the finals.

Do I ditch the tickets because I'm tired of a losing team, or do I hang on considering I have premo seating and don't want to lose it?

Honestly, the opportunity to cement the team next season is my deciding factor. I was pleasantly surprised with the options for the Sixers, but the big issue now is when guys come out of the injury circle and you look at the team, we're stacked with shorts and need to really refine the talent.

We'll see what happens.

Reply #309368 | Report this post

Years ago

i know someone who, after being as die hard of a supporter as you can get for over 20 years, is refusing to renew her season tickets for next season. I wonder what that says about the performance and lack of progress of the team over the past 5 years?

Reply #309378 | Report this post

Years ago

If the sixers fold because of lack of support from season ticket holders and sponsors then NO ONE will have to worry about whether to renew or not. That choice will be gone from everyone forever and I can see it now, all these people complaining now will start wingeing that there is no team in Adelaide.

Reply #309386 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Now is the time for all good men (and women) to stand up and be counted.

We never know the worth of water 'til the well is dry and this is just crazy talk about not renewing tickets. if anything, now IS the time to renew your season ticket and get behind the club.

Running an NBL club is bloody hard, and bloody expensive. Every loss of ticket sale directly affects the club's future. If you don't like how the Sixers have gone this year, rather than cancel your tickets, show some support. Things go in cycles and the Sixers will soon be on the up side.

The SOS have done a great job over the last few years to ensure we still can enjoy the Sixers and at great personal risk.

It is true the Sixers took a gamble with its team and coach this year, and that calculated gamble has yet to yield results. One could argue our team is short, our imports are not performing, our leadership group is in the wilderness and our coach is out of his depth. Let the post season review by the SOS work out the path forward. No doubt, Rightly or wrongly, some heads will roll.

In the meantime, while we are down, that is the time to support the club, not be a fair weather supporter.

Reply #309387 | Report this post

Years ago

Personally I find it pretty hard to believe the 36ers won't be around in the future. The club leads the league in attendance basically every year but still keep trotting out okay-poor teams.

Every other team in the league bar the Kings must be doing something right as they all have lower attendances than the Sixers (ironically the Kings have the highest this season but that state has about five times the population of SA).

The problem for a number of years now has been the recruiting. From picking the coach down to signing the players. I'm a bit surprised anyone expected anything out of this team. It's a cheap roster that most expected to finish second to bottom ahead of only the Kings, as we are.

Bottom line is if you keep dishing up crap every year (bottom last season, thank the lord above for the Kings) not only will you not add to those large attendances (NBL wise) but you'll start to piss off those who religiously go to the games year in year out as we've seen above. I don't know who thought up Clarke's whole "it's a three year plan" brain fart but season ticket holders have every right to say no thanks, might see you in Year Three then.

Reply #309389 | Report this post

Charon 83  
Years ago

Agree totally Jack,

anon, other teams have people or organisation with higher sponsorship humbers or owners with deeper pockets, ie McPeak.

Reply #309392 | Report this post

Years ago

The Kings attendances are doctored - the stadium isn't as full as they say it is and I put my life on the fact they are giving a heap of tickets away at discount prices.

It seems everyone is pining for the days of Brooks, Mee, maher, etc.

Guess what? They're not coming back.

Deal with reality. The quicker everyone does, the better everyone will feel.

The whining that goes on on this forum is pathetic crap.

You haven't got a good team. You're lucky you've won/been in as many games as you have. And the coaching staff has nothing to do with it.

You need the cattle and you haven't got it. Enjoy it and hope they improve with some minor roster adjustments.

Reply #309393 | Report this post

Years ago

And the 36ers don't give away tickets too? They all do it to inflate their crowd numbers.

Reply #309395 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon 309395, the 36ers don't give away tickets, they have this year offered reduced price tickets to groups such as the scouts, even the life members haven't just been handed season tickets like in seasons past, if they wish to attend a game they ring the dome and a ticket is issued for that game only.

All members of the SOS pay for their tickets at the same price as the general public and if the SOS attend any functions such as the gala auction they buy tickets to that as well. Cutting back on free tickets was one area SOS identified as an issue when they first took over the club.

We in Adelaide need to support our team like the people in Cairns did two years ago. Cairns had never finished higher than 5th place in it's ten year history yet when the club was going to fold the entire city got behind them and they were able to continue and their population is a 6th of ours

Reply #309435 | Report this post

Years ago

If u want an NBL team in this state its simple.... Renew your membership!

Its hard watching the sixers at the bottom end of the ladder but they are not going UP without our support.

Just think how much more rewarding our next championship will be after standing by our team during the tough times!

Whats the bet the people who dont renew their membership next year will be the first ones on the Band Wagon when things turn around.

People talk about we need someone with big dollars to come in and build the club. That might work in the short term, but in the long term its the supporter base who keep NBL teams going.

Obviously if u visit basketball forums u must love the game, I dont understand how u can even think about not going because your team "might not win"

I say HTFU!

Reply #309441 | Report this post

Years ago

bretts and others, I don't really get the whole focus on SOS when so much of the problem with the performance of the team is on court and even just something as obvious as ability on the road. Why the drama about the future of the club itself?

You get paid the same amount to play on the road as at home, right? Technically, with per diem payments, you'd get paid more. You've got the same coach too. Any perceived issues about lack of a centre, rebounders, whatever, they're the same at home as they are on the road. For a reasonable swag of the team, the disparity between home and road is significant.

Those +/- numbers (prior to last two games) that Jack Toft calculated had every player except the first two imports in the positive at home. On the road, hugely different story - everyone bar Hill in the negative, some horribly so.

That's one of the biggest issues this club has had recently and it's not new this year. It's not new this coach either. It happened with a giant centre in the team. It happened when, from memory, we were a strong rebounding team.

Reply #309444 | Report this post

Years ago

The Sixers suck right now because of a complette failure of talent identification and succession planning by successive coaches over the last 5 years.

The last era of 'keepers' blooded by the Sixers were Holmes and Forman (2002) and Darren Ng (2003). Maybe we can lay claim to Hill (2005), but given the mess up that saw him go to the Dragons, there was not much of an attempt at retention there. As for talent identification for people from out of the state or returning from college, what, there is maybe Bruce?
Even then, none of those players are superstars.

In the same period, young South Aussies in Ingles, Newley and Schench were let to get away.

Essentially, in the last six years the Sixers have failed to unearth any solid young players who have gone on to make good careers for themselves either here or overseas. I believe that is the main reason we are presently towards the bottom of the ladder. Last year's team was the final insult, being full of uninspiring journeymen and aging recycled imports who were beyond redemption.

So to the future - for the first time in ages I think this team has one. Thanks to some good recruiting this year, I see a core group of players that could stay together for 5 years that is a solid base to build upon. We also have a coach that has shown he can attract and develop talent. That alone says positive things for the Sixers' future.

There are still question marks over whether Clarke's gameplan will work in the long term, but I think they will. Clarke's recruiting direction and set ups remind me in many ways of Goorj (shudder to praise the man), such that I am quietly confident that there is a great future ahead. Three year plan, well yeah actually there might be one. It will take at least that to fix the mess created over the last six years as this great club crumbled towards obscurity, getting progressively worse each year. There are no quick fixes.

I think people need to get a little bit of long term perspective.

Reply #309454 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you can sum up the issues on the road as being a lack of leadership. At home its easy to get pumped up as you have 4000 screaming fans on your side, away however they are all out to get you and willing you to fail.

I think Ballinger is the standout player on the team, he can score at will and has improved his defense as well, but he is not a natural leader. Sure at home he has had some moments and led the team well but he doesnt seem to deliver in this area when your away and the chips are down. Holmes has the attitude to be that leader but unfortunately he hasnt got he game these days.

Imagine the Sixers now with a player like Catalini or Maher in there, willing to just put the team on their shoulders and lead them out of a crappy start in a road game, doing that little bit extra to inspire those around them. Whether it be with some agression - ala Cat or a typically clutch Brett Maher play - its not all about just being a hugely talented player - its having that little bit extra to give when its most needed.

Who can play this role? At the moment there is Holmes but he has his limitations, and Ballinger who IMO needs someone to take the leadershp spotlight off him and let him play. Maybe Mitch Creek could develop into this role or even Aaron Bruce? Maybe you can find it in an import? Its not a quick fix though, players need to grow into these roles and with the young guys you have now and the addition of some decent imports the next 2 years of the much maligned 3 year plan should really see the Sixers back up where the fans want them to be

Reply #309457 | Report this post

Years ago

Why would people want to spend their hard earned cash on season tickets if the team is coming last, not that entertaining and looking doubtful of being good in the near future? If the team/club is just teetering on this edge for so long, thn now isn't the time to spend more money on tickets just to be bored and disappointed, if anything, less sales should make the coach, players and office all work harder and get better at their jobs.

Reply #309476 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac is the performance off court any better?

No naming rights sponsor. No Marketing. A lot less sponsors then ever before. No rewards for season ticket holders other then a newsletter which goes to the general public 20mins later. No profile in the community.

Their issues are more then just on court.

Reply #309478 | Report this post

Years ago

Speaking of leadership, how is Schenscher considered around the league?

Just bringing him in could solve a number of our issues. i.e will give us a boomer level Aussie, a c so ballinger can play pf, will help with inside defense and rebounding (he is not a beast by anymeans but still would help and be a improvement on what we have now).

It may also be a coincidence (i dont think it is) but from memory he has never been in a losing program outside of a couple of games in the NBA for the Bulls and Blazers, his college team made it to the finals, all of his nbl teams have made it to the playoffs (title last year), Townsville are looking good to make it this year, so he would also bring in a winning attitude, and could help the 36ers to their first winning season since he left.

I for one think the first matter of Business for SOS to help the sixers future is to bring Schenscher home. Once we start winning the crowd will take care of itself, and he would help in the 3 year plan as he is still at an age where he could be our starting C and one of the better ones in the NBL for the next 3-5 years, so gives us a good piece to build around, possibly as captain.

Reply #309479 | Report this post

Years ago

Anon '478, not discounting any of that but it's not unique here and some can be traced to the on-court results. A number of clubs and even the league for a while lack a NR sponsor. Sponsorship is rough across the league (and in a few other sports too). They had TV advertising during their season ticket drive which was at least polished. Newsletters have never been consistent from the 36ers. Hard to create one that's members only when the natural inclination is to then spread that word to as many people as possible. Don't disagree with the value to members either would cannibalise merchandise sales.

Reply #309481 | Report this post

Years ago

But I still don't think any of that is the reason why people are reportedly reconsidering their season tickets. They are reconsidering season tickets because the team sucks on the road and is a bit flakey even at home.

Reply #309482 | Report this post

Years ago

and the season ticket prices are ridiculous

Reply #309489 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

I would have to say that the membership packs for this season were a little half-arsed.

Bought two Platinum seats, only got one carpark pass instead of two. Don't get the half-time stat sheets at most games, missed half the contents of my member pack as well.

Last time there was a decent pack was 2-3 seasons ago where you go an Entertainment book and a Sixers T-Shirt.

Reply #309490 | Report this post

Years ago

^^ $23 or so / game is just flat out ridiculous, is it? - given they have been $320 / season for 5 seasons in a row now, with no change!

Seriously, like someone else said - if you want the team to perform, renew / buy a season ticket. Why do you think sponsors come on board - it has little to do with performance, and lots to do with how many members / fans will see their name as a result of sponsoring.

Want to help the club attract a naming rights sponsor, get behind the team, FFS. Take some ownership, and stop wanting some magical owner with deep pockets to fly in and start throwing money around.

Reply #309496 | Report this post

Years ago

Big Marty - who owned the club when they gave you all of that in the members pack... hang on, wasn't it some guy that ran the club at massive losses and sent it broke?

Did you read the members brochure? Pretty clearly states 1 car park per 2 seats in the Platinum section.

Reply #309498 | Report this post

Years ago

As a season ticket holder myself I am purchasing my tickets to watch what happens on court and to be honest I am thankful that the club isnt wasting money by giving members extras like t-shirts, bags etc that only a handful wear or use. I am happy for them to put those funds back into the club and keep them going, but better training facilities for the boys etc....whatever will help develop and attract players!!

As for a rich owner, he would still have to abide by the salary and points caps so I dont really see how that would work? Melbourne has deep pockets and they are hardly setting the league alight at present...probably because they now have to play to the salary cap?!

We need to look at how we can attract good Aussie Talent back to Adelaide instead of them going elsewhere ala Loughton to Cairns. Thats an area of improvement for the club. Having said that, Clarke is in the box seat to recruit really good young Aussie talent such as Creek, Greenwood etc but you cant have your cake and eat it too as those talents will take time to develop as they are eseentially boys playing with the men!

Is there any good young Aussie talent O/S in college or other leagues that we could potentially attract back to the club?

Reply #309503 | Report this post

Years ago

The problem for a number of years now has been the recruiting. From picking the coach down to signing the players.

And Boti basically just reiterated in today's paper what I said yesterday.

Reply #309508 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Posters lost their way a bit on this topic getting into what posters have a problem with and those that told everyone to be loyal.
Simply it is of concern to me and other posters that not everything going right for SOS with a lot of obstacles including a extremely disapointing year that promised much and how long can the depleted ranks of SOS continue to fund Sixers.
It is a worry and how do they get it back on track

Reply #309510 | Report this post

Years ago

I have supported the Sixers since 1985. I have been a season ticket holder since 1992.
The drama of 1986 hooked me. The heart of 1994 was inspiring & the defeat was gutting. The swagger of our 1998/99 team was intoxicating. 2002 was a ridiculous ride.
I love this sport. I love my team. But I am sick of re-living past glories. There needs to be a hope and excitement for the future. At the moment the only thing I am excited about is Mitch Creek and Tom Daly.
Yesterday I couldn't for the life of me remember the name of our import last year (John Gilchrist).
I have never been as apathetic about my chosen sport and my chosen team as I am today.
Four imports in one year is absurd. It diminishes any sense of engagement that I feel toward my team.
This year I bought a SACA membership, basically in readiness for AFL football being played at Adelaide Oval from 2014.
Once this happens it will be crunch time. SACA membership plus football membership will probably be around $700 a year.
If basketball cannot give me a sense of a legitimate, professional league and my team cannot get it's act together, I will pull the pin and get myself a membership with a football club.
The last 3 years have been rubbish. They have two years to at least start heading in the right direction.

Reply #309513 | Report this post

Years ago

wonder how ken cole would have run this club

Reply #309515 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

The article , in todays Advertiser, written by Boti Nagy , 'On a road to nowhere.' Covers this topic well,
very well.

Reply #309529 | Report this post

Years ago

bandwagon boti blows with the wind

Reply #309530 | Report this post

Years ago

A long time away... but still holding an interest. Just on the price of season tickets. Im in the UK at the moment and a season ticket to my football team (which technically is playing in the second division) costs equal to... $40 per game... and thats a 20 game ticket... so $800 for a season.

Just thought id mention it. :)

Reply #309531 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

' inundated with emails from Adelaide fans suffering through another lean basketball year , Boti Nagy sums up their feelings in 2011.'

Reply #309532 | Report this post

Years ago

"........wonder how ken cole would have run this club?"

Smoke Dreams anonymous - but potentially 3 more premierships if he hadnt been sacked

Reply #309540 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

7 more , he told us.

Anyways - Schenscher 27mins, Johnson 13.
Clarke's inflexibility.
Forman before Dowdell - ( I didn't even know that.)
I'm reading yesterday's Advertiser, agen this a.m.

Reply #309579 | Report this post

Years ago

Can't remember the points details, but I think Forman might've precluded some other signing because his points value is higher than Dowdell's. He would've turned down a bench role behind Ballinger and Holmes given he was training for a starting spot in Wollongong and looking at the same in Sydney.

If Schenscher had been the C and Ballinger the PF, there would've been no chance as Forman was expressly looking to shift from SF to PF this season and Luke and Balls would be locked in as starters and, with Johnson, left about 10 MPG as back-up PF.

Only chance would've been in place of Holmes, not Dowdell.

Ignoring that, I think almost everyone would, with the benefit of hindsight (or even at the beginning!), have taken Schenscher in place of an import and left out Holmes to shave points.

Import 10/Carter ?
Ng 7/Herbert 6
Hill 5/?
Ballinger 10/Dowdell 4
Schenscher 10/Johnson 6

12 points to cover Carter (whatever he is) and a back-up SF. Next year, having Creek valued at 1 point should ease some pressure at least on the points cap.

Reply #309584 | Report this post

Red 53  
Years ago


If you took out Hill or Herbert, added Creek as the backup, would you have enough points for Carter and an Import.

If you got G. Ervin from the Gong, and a good 3 man import, Daly is 11th, I would think you might be onto a good team. What is Jacobs points, and will they maybe decrease next year due to his current season?

Might need to ask for a re-rating for Holmes, Hg and or Johnson. Or maybe even a Carter for Daly change.

Ervin 10/Daly 1
Ng 7/Hill 5
Import 10/Creek 1
Ballanger 10/Holmes 8?
Schensher 10/Johnson 6

Salary Cap might be hard though.

Reply #309591 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac + Red, No Bruce in your team?

I believe having Schenscher with Johnson and a good import PG like Ervin will give us a top 2 finish.

Import /Carter
Herbert / Ng
Hill /Creek
Ballanger /Holmes
Schensher /Johnson

Everything should be done to lure Schenscher back and go with one import. Then Clarke can have his moving in the right direction even though he could have had it this season!

Reply #309595 | Report this post

Years ago

KJ, I don't know that there is room for Bruce. I think Carter and Bruce is a risky tandem, and out of the two I would keep Carter. Carter has his flaws (outside shot mostly) but he has played on a championship team and hustles. Bruce seems a bit flaky to me. If the only way to get Schenscher was to have Carter/Bruce, then maybe, but otherwise not sure.

Red, swapping Hill for a good import might be worth it, but what guarantee is there that the import would be good? I am quite convinced that the season +/- aggregate demonstrates that Hill does something right that many of us can't see/quantify. (Same applies, to some extent, to Ng.)

As for Herbert, like Carter he's played on a championship team and will play D. We need those things.

The other two points favouring Ng and Herbert are outside shooting. We've been pretty mediocre this year and I don't think the solution is to make us worse in that regard - look at the outside shooters the top teams have. Ng leads the team this year, and Herbert's 3P% from last season would have him as second-best in the team this year.

Schenscher is not a known outside shooter and Creek is not a shooter either.

Reply #309596 | Report this post

Red 53  
Years ago


Agree with Bruce and Carter. Can't have both. And Herbert or Hill as well, I prefer Herbert as he is a better defender, but Hill and Creek can come of the bench if need be.

With an Import, you would need a known. Injury aside, and any player can get injured, Devries would give you more than Hill.

But to win it you would need to get an Ebi Ere type, or even a Sanders. Again that comes down to Salary Cap and/or what the club can afford.


Reply #309599 | Report this post

Years ago

In terms of whether the Sixers will be around in the years ahead, I tend to think that if monies are available over a 2 year period, I think the club can last that long and get into a position where they could prosper both off and on the court.

I had the luxury of speaking with a colleague in Cairns about their woes last year and the previous years and while I am not at liberty to reveal any details, this friend gave me an overview of basic breakdowns. Their costings are practically the same as ours, however their travel costs are slightly higher. Their marketing is lower but attracts far more sponsors because they aim for capacity and to suit the clientele.

On season ticket holders, this is a hard one. Any team who is a cellar dweller or friend of a cellar dweller is likely to be running in the red on seats sold. A forum was held prior to the beginning of the season to identify market controls and what the SOS could do to invigorate dwindling numbers. By dwindling I refer to a house capacity of 7800, and yet only getting marginal 5000. While some initiatives have worked, others may not have been explored but then, Im not on the board so how the hell would I know.

The club itself doesnt utilise any volunteer committees which could be an oversight yet seem understaffed. With this, it might be possible to increase patronage by 5-10%. Its a guess, cos I go a long way back to the days when I was a commitee member with another NBL club that did eventually go bust but due to lack of sponsors.

The other thing that doesnt attract memberships is pricing at games on food and beverage. I think what the caterer needs to understand is...yes, while there are games we can inflate prices to maximise profit, but if there are no games, we dont make any money. If the Sixers close shop, will they run the pie cart again outside the casino to avoid losses? I think not!

On the court, I now no longer wish to comment because others have made their position and stance and thats fine. The coach coaches. the team manager, manages. The marketing guru, does his marketing ploy. There should be no influence from any other party involved.
Take a look at the success of Geelong Football Club. For the years they made the GF's in the 90's, Blight would play his team, but come GF day, the board overruled and forced him to allow this player and that player the right to play despite being either too old, or not the best suited player. When Thompson came in, he ran the players and thats all he did. Hence why he became more focused on the team, the team success and above all, the winning factor. How successful have Geelong been over the last 5 years? Very!

Lastly, I agree with a previous post from another respondant. If you want basketball in the state, you buy a membership. Not.....oh well i got this commitment and that commitment but cry foul cos we arent doing well! Thats crap attitude. If you are an ex member, question why you went to the games in the years gone by, and why now. I bet its all about winning. If a team that plays away wins 1 out of 10 with minimal support from travelling fans and yet doesnt get a packed house for home matches, how does this affect winning games when it comes to crucial times. Sure, player psychology is one, but that has nothing to with us. Thats the coach and his support staff.

The sixers will survive, but perhaps a change of venue needs to be looked at like the EC as numbers arent what they have been

Reply #309786 | Report this post

Years ago

The only alternative venue would be the Entertainment Centre but that is bigger, catering and parking costs similar and games would be at the whim of the availability of the venue. At least at the current venue, it doesnt appear that games have to be worked around other events.

The team regularly pulls between 4-5000 so sure there are plenty of seats (and missed $$$) but consistently improved performances will result in improved crowds. Everyone loves a winner, only diehards go for the team first, results seconds. If the 36ers performed a lot better the crowd numbers would take care of themselves.

Reply #309798 | Report this post

Your mumma  
Years ago

Dave, all Nbl teams have the sane travel costs. They pool all the costs then divide it equally amongst the teams.

Reply #309803 | Report this post

Years ago

Red 53 is close. Except the team needs 2 point guards.
Ervin would be great with another aussie taller back up point to cmplement him and match ups.
Carter and Bruce are air heads at the point and are back up 2s
Daly is too small and not good enough.
The rest are good selections.

Reply #309883 | Report this post

Years ago

Your Mumma, thanks for that info. I didnt know that. I guess when the league first started, some of the teams I supported actually travelled by road.

Reply #309999 | Report this post

Years ago

If he were to come cheap and possibly if we could get him re-rated to a 8 or 9 and we are running 2 imports would anyone keep Eddie Shannon?

a team of

Shannon 9/Carter ?6
Stud Import sg/sf ala Donte Smith 10/Ng 7
Hill 5/Herbert 6
Ballinger 10/Creek 1
Schenscher 10/Johnson ?6

Would fit in to 70 points and looks pretty good to me. Shannon would just have to make the passes and i reckon he would be quite good at setting someone like Shenscher up, Ervin is better but would also potentially cost alot more and i wouldnt even consider Shannon if he doesnt come cheap(ish) next year as he is not worth top/stud import money like a Ervin, if we are going to spend big on 1 import and its a PG Ervin would be my number 1 target or someone like Dante Draper if we could get him back from Europe.

If Shannon/cheap import isnt a 9 we could either let someone like Ng go for a 6 (Magden?)and use the extra point for a Ervin or fresh import (salary cap permitting)or get the best Aussie 9 point player we can get, Adam Gibson would be ideal but id say hew would cost too much, and be very hard to get from the Gold Coast and would mean running with 1 import possibly a cheap sg/sf but if we could bring in say Gibson (or similar/boomer level Aussie) and Schenscher id be happy to run with 1 average/good import, especially after the imports we have had recently.

Reply #310007 | Report this post

Years ago

might be an idea to know how to spell Madgen.
You have already lost one player over such a silly thing.

Reply #310014 | Report this post

Years ago

Jonno, so same as this year but basically upgrading Holmes to Schenscher and an import to a stud import. And you want this under the cap, right?

Reply #310052 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea, i spose its probably too much for the 1 mil but it worked points cap wise, we could go 1 import either a PG or a SG/SF ill say Gary Ervin for a stud import PG and retain Holmes (or Bruce if we want a import SG/SF instead of Holmes or Ng) instead of the 2nd import giving us

Herbert/Ng (would a cheap import shooter be affordable ala Mike Rose)
Ballinger/Holmes (would a cheap import ala Galen Young be affordable)

If we got the 2nd import it would be a cheap one for either Ng or Holmes as obviously cant have 3 imports


IMPORT say Donta Smith for a name/Herbert
Ballinger/Holmes (or Ng as back up SG, obviously sliding Herbert and Creek up a position, or would a cheap import ala Galen Young or Mike Rose be affordable?)

Having an import as good as Ervin (or Smith) and adding Schenscher would instantly make us better, if Herbert and Ng can stay healthy and play the full season that will help us with our 3 point shooting issue, and Schensch should improve our rebounding and give us someone to guard C's to free up Ballinger to play his natural game.

I reckon this line up would compare reasonably well with Townsvilles current line up so should have us atleast somewhere near the playoffs if all stay healthy and play at their career average levels, and Creek, Bruce, Hill and Johnson improve a bit which i reckon they would.

Reply #310074 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

One of the keys to set up of team is who has a contact next year as dont see SOS paying contracts out . Also no way would I keep Shannon just doesnt offer anything to the style of game I think Sixers are suited to and is a defensive liability along with most of current team

Reply #310097 | Report this post

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