bretts the man
Years ago
S.O.S. - Sixers future
After another extremely disapointing season that promised so much pre season and with members of my group questioning whether they will be season ticket holders for another season where our group of 4-6 have been season ticket holders since moved to Findon.
We have a team that promises but continues to capitulate under any sort of pressure along with a coach that had credentials who simply picked the wrong team and got it wrong a 2nd time when imports were replaced.
He also although put a lot of work obviously in team has no real defence especially under the boards and has no attacking flair or creativity and make too many turnovers trying too hard to stick to script.
Then SOS have their own problems as a group that dont have deep pockets and have lost 1 in extremely bad publicity for them and have replaced another as manager and cant see him wanting to continue really without knowing.
Then we have another two who have sons in team that although I think are both keepers maybe coach might not see them in structure plans .
Then we have a stadium in average shape without any real ownership.
I absolutely admire SOS for saving our club but you can see how many season ticket holders dropped off this year so with this one a disaster that promised more surely along with other problems that I have highlighted some they must consider their investment.
Obviously anyone including coach that have contracts will have to get another season and all they and we can hope that they make hard and right selections that will not only get us up the ladder but encourage season ticket holders to dig deep again