Years ago
How far off the top 4 are the 36ers?
Everyone has had their thoughts about what teams we should keep and not keep next season, but i was thinking how many changes do the 36ers need to make to be a top 4 side, if we retain say 7 of our current team say Ballinger, Hill, Ng or Holmes, Johnson, Carter, Creek, Bruce and say sign Schenscher and 2 new/improved imports or top aussies, would that be enough for us to make the playoffs next season?
Part of me says yes, and New Zealand have basically done that keeping basically there same team just new imports (well Brasswell for the whole season) after missing the playoffs last year, but then they do have Penney, who is mvp level, would Schenscher as our top Aussie recruit be enough? he is a former NBA player and one of the best C's in the league, but i wouldnt call him a mvp candidate right now. Would doing that like NZ did get us into the playoffs? The extra year together and given guys like Bruce and Creek came in late, and improvement in young guys, would be an advantage, but is it enough?
Part of me thinks we almost need to break it up completely, and keep only say Ballinger, Johnson, Creek who are signed and say Bruce and/or Carter and then go out and see who we can get with the left over money or points and only consider our other players at the end when we have recruited the best we can get.
What path would people take?