Years ago

How far off the top 4 are the 36ers?

Everyone has had their thoughts about what teams we should keep and not keep next season, but i was thinking how many changes do the 36ers need to make to be a top 4 side, if we retain say 7 of our current team say Ballinger, Hill, Ng or Holmes, Johnson, Carter, Creek, Bruce and say sign Schenscher and 2 new/improved imports or top aussies, would that be enough for us to make the playoffs next season?

Part of me says yes, and New Zealand have basically done that keeping basically there same team just new imports (well Brasswell for the whole season) after missing the playoffs last year, but then they do have Penney, who is mvp level, would Schenscher as our top Aussie recruit be enough? he is a former NBA player and one of the best C's in the league, but i wouldnt call him a mvp candidate right now. Would doing that like NZ did get us into the playoffs? The extra year together and given guys like Bruce and Creek came in late, and improvement in young guys, would be an advantage, but is it enough?

Part of me thinks we almost need to break it up completely, and keep only say Ballinger, Johnson, Creek who are signed and say Bruce and/or Carter and then go out and see who we can get with the left over money or points and only consider our other players at the end when we have recruited the best we can get.

What path would people take?

Topic #25001 | Report this topic

Years ago

Just one change needs to be made and that is the coach. We have a talented tean that under a decent coach will perform much better. Not only perform much better but develop better as well. I would even go as far as saying that our 2 imports could do a lot better under another coach. If only we had the chance to see that. If I was an NBL player, there is no way I would accept a position with the 36ers with this coach. It would ruin whatever skills and talents I would have already obtained.

Reply #308781 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, for me, the team needs a Centre. With some genuine height, you have defenders having to play genuine defense, and wouldbe help defenders not just hedging on the post play, but having to commit, freeing up the 3 ball.

More so right now this team needs a couple of veterans. There is no passion within the 12 from what i can see, and without the team actualy gelling and enjoying playing with eachother, this is the sort of result you will consistantly see in sport.

NOW if it is Marty who doesnt want a centre and doesnt want the veterans with some voice, THEN get rid of the bloke now, he isnt what a basketball team needs AT THE NBL level. I dont agree that the roster right now is talented enough EC, there is too many guards, yet they havent used there speed once all season to play run and gun ball, so all that makes the 6ers is freakin short hence being owned consistantly being owned on the rebounds. teams have made the 6ers a laughing stock, as we cant guard the opposition centre, and the centre consistantly has there best games against us.

Reply #308785 | Report this post

Years ago

Need to sign a Centre if we dont get Luke,we need to look at import centre,a player who can get rebounds for us,thats what we have been lacking this year,and beaten on the boards.I would retain ....Ballinger,Johnson,Creek,Bruce,Ng,Carter,Hill,Holmes
NOT SURE ,Herbert
Gone after this season-Howard and Shannon,Shannon started good but has failed in last 4 weeks,hes 34 and cannot keep up with stronger guards of this league,as for Howard,he hasnt performed well,a bit like tyndale.I think Bogut recommended Howard when he was playing his best that was two years ago.Bogut just picked a rabbit out of a hat and gave him to Clarke.Need Centre and Shooting guard.Sixers are no chances of making finals costly losses against teams below and just above them.

Reply #308788 | Report this post

Years ago

Winitinaminute, we didn't sign Howard because Bogut recommended him as far as I know. I believe that was just a comment Bogut made in the media afterward.

EC, while I believe we have finally picked up some good young talent this season, they need time to develop. Right now, player for player, we are well behind most teams at nearly every position.

Considering we have useless imports as well, I think Clarke is doing quite well to have won eight games.

Lets just look at Sydney shall we? Compare it to ours:

Balls v Khaz
Holmes v Dann
Hill v Gilder
Howard v Madgen
Shannon v Martin

Khazzouh is the best centre in the league by a country mile. Balls is doing ok at centre, but he is a power forward.

Holmes v Dann is a wash, because both are extremely limited players who would not start for any other team.

Gilder had a poor start but is now clearly having a bigger impact on games than Hill does. Fair enough too, since he is an import!

Madgen is so far superior to Howard its just embarassing.

Shannon barely beats out Martin, but neither are worth keeping as starters. At least the Kings have an excuse because Martin is not an import!

So, the 'worst' team in the league has three starters who would smash our starters and the other two are basically a wash. That tells me we need significant changes to our personnel.

I wish I could be more positive, but look at that comparison above and what other conclusion can you reach?

I hope Marty is able to have the final say on every player on the team next season. Then we can see if he is getting improvement out of the team. If we haven't improved by the end of next season, I will be right with you about changing the coach, but he needs to be given two years to show what he can do.

Reply #308794 | Report this post

Years ago

You can't seriously want to re-sign Bruce, his decision making has surely reminded everyone why he wasn't re-signed last time by 36ers or anyone else for that matter.

Reply #308796 | Report this post

Years ago

Quite simply from the game I saw live your imports suck - fix that and watch the rest fall into place

Reply #308802 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think our talent is enough to win a championship. Even after Winder's pre-season and reasonable expectations for DeVries, most people around the league had us picked for 5-7th. Those weren't championship expectations.

Reply #308804 | Report this post

Years ago

two more wins and we would be today playing for a shot on the top 4.

Reply #308808 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, what I don't get is that in the beginning there was no expectation on a champioship, which must mean that the club did not recruit with a championship in mind. If that is the case, then they have cheated their fans who were expecting a championship contending team. Do you think they had an expectation of contending or let the money do the talking regardless of result.

Reply #308956 | Report this post

Years ago

That doesn't necessarily follow. The club/coach picks their team, then pundits, bookies and armchair experts around the country deliver their general verdict based on all the other teams.

Teams aren't picked in a vacuum. When you pick your team it is around existing contracts, who you can literally convince to move to your city, who's available when you're picking for each position and what pieces fit the two caps. Meanwhile, every other team is doing the same thing so it's very possible (and indeed happens) that you can select your team as best you can and aiming to contend only to see that some other clubs either did it better or got lucky with imports or had a great run without injuries, etc.

Reply #308968 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Bruce/Balls/Big Red; that's the core team that can win games, since we did back in 2008 with that combo.

We've got Herbert and Carter who are great on defence, and personally I think they're great perimeter shooters for their value.

Bring Creek and Johnson off the bench and you have a core of 7 players with 3 spots to spare.

You can get a backup 4, and 6th man shooter and another young PG and you're laughing.

The past 3-4 years have told me that it's folly relying on imports anymore. Just go with Australian talent and leave it there.

Reply #309086 | Report this post

Years ago

Marty, I like him, but Carter's 3P% numbers have never been "great perimeter shooters for their value". 32.7% is his career best (2009). This year he's shooting at 27.4%.

Never really settled on this and usually thought I'd pick one if it were my choice, but I now think I would err on the side of keeping both Ng and Hill for next year.

Hill is a starter this year and played decent minutes last year. Ng has played reasonable minutes this year (including alongside cut imports) and was a starter at points last year unless I'm mistaken. While other starters and bench players playing more than garbage time have been creamed by the +/- aggregate in both seasons, both of these guys have done fairly well considering.

This season:
Brad Hill: +31
Darren Ng: 0

Last season:
Darren Ng: -2
Brad Hill: -4

That wouldn't preclude broad changes elsewhere in the roster though. I harp on about defense and leadership around Ballinger and neither of these guys really bring that strongly, so other changes would need to focus on that.

Not sure who's signed for next year already - would guess Ballinger, Johnson, Creek? Anyone know for sure?

Reply #309091 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Yeah, this is to confirm that only 3 players are signed for next year. Ballinger Johnson Creek.

Reply #309096 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac both need to stay as their parents are owners.

Do you really think if both Hill and Ng wanted to play that the coach could get rid of them? Or that the club would? Of course not.

Any team we want as fans starts with Ng and Hill in the team already.

Bruce or Carter but I don't think we can succeed with both. Import PG with either Bruce or Carter as back up.

Herbert hopefully can come back next season. Along with Ng that's the shooting guard position.

Import 3 man will Hill as backup



But that leaves out Creek.

The issue is both Ng and Hill have to be in the team and that will limit who else we sign in the SG and SF positions. Or we just go tiny again next season, and look how well that worked for us this season.

Reply #309098 | Report this post

Years ago

So Ballinger, Johnson, Creek and effectively Hill & Ng are locked in for next season.

Not promising.

Reply #309101 | Report this post

Years ago

As a non-sixer fan i think you have to completely restart fresh, everybody should be considered to be left off the team, and throw away that terrible coach of yours.

Reply #309102 | Report this post

Years ago

Clarke is a very good coach. Just wants to change the league by turning the 36ers into another version of the AIS.

If he realises he's the one that needs to change, both in dealing with vetrans as well as youth and also in the way he's training the team then he'll be good for the club.

If he can't do that, and he hasn't yet, then the Sixers aren't going anywhere.

Reply #309106 | Report this post

Years ago

If the coach wanted to go without Hill and Ng, I think he could. Richard and Chek aren't petty like that.

Reply #309107 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think either of them are petty.

But I doubt Clarke could go on without them, if they wanted to stay.

Reply #309108 | Report this post

Years ago

If he wanted to, I reckon he could. Club could not risk him going public with something like that. If one or two owners wanted to pull their share (if it came to that), the rest or others would fill that gap.

Both Hill and Ng have played outside of Adelaide before.

Like I've said, I'd be inclined to keep one or both even though on paper or forum, they have many critics.

Reply #309109 | Report this post

Years ago

Also you'd have to think the imports won't be back and at least a couple of Holmes, Dowdell, Carter, Bruce, Herbert & Daly will so looks likely to be pretty minimal changes for next season.

Reply #309110 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

While Ninnis spoke to the new owners - 'Does this mean I have to sign Brad and Darren ?'
'No.' They told him. 'It's your call.'

Not sure I could handle Coach asking my son if he knows where the halfway line is, show me.

Reply #309111 | Report this post

Years ago

Every chance Bruce may be a King and one King player may be a Sixer.

Reply #309114 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you referring to Magden as the king? if so id be reasonably happy to lose Bruce and get Magden, both are similar level players and similar age, Magden is a SA boy and had the better season.

Reply #309120 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

" Finals are a distraction. " Clarke told ABC TV News
just then, at Adelaide Airport.
" They're what you play for, but they're a distraction in terms of where we are at in our development."

Reply #309124 | Report this post

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