Years ago

Juniors Draw Uneven

having bit of look at some high level division - some clubs appear very lucky to be playing bottom ranked teams twice - which be tob their advantage in making finals
Surely time for one complete round in summer and not have this lottery of if get lucky and play botttom teams twice you get a leg up. mid range seem to alwaysd higher rank team and miss out - fact or fiction - its seems to work out strangely sometimes.

Topic #24971 | Report this topic

Jack Toft  
Years ago

That's the problem with summer season when there are only four rounds where the hospitality is returned, but you can't really help that.

Reply #308268 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The biggest issue is not that. I know that scheduling is difficult and BSA need to maximise the games played at some stadiums they pay rent for regardless of the number of games played there.

People should be more concerned with why some teams have home games at non-home stadiums. From Round 11 (exclude North Div 1 who are playing home games at Mars):

U14GDiv 2: Sturt vs Mavs @ Marion
U14GDiv 3: Eagles vs Flames @ St Clair
U14GDiv 3: Eagles vs West @ St Clair
U16GDiv 2: Flames vs South @ Marion LC
U16GDiv 3: Flames vs West @ Dome
U16GDiv 3: Flames vs North @ Port
U18GDiv 2: North vs West @ Port (WTF?)
U18GDiv 2: North vs Flames @ Port
U12B 2: Mavs vs North @ Marion LC
U12B 3: Eagles vs Magic @ Port
U12B 3: Woodville vs Flames @ Port
U14B 2: Flames vs Panthers @ Marion LC
U14B 3: Tigers vs Sturt @ St Clair
U14B 3: Tigers vs North @ St Clair
U16B 2: Norwood vs South @ Wayville
U16B 2: Centrals vs Eagles @ Wayville (WTF?)
U16B 2: Sturt vs Mavs @ Marion
U16B 3: Norwood v Sturt @ Dome
U16B 3: South v North @ Dome
U16B 3: Eagles v Tigers @ Port
U16B 3: Flames v Eagles @ Port
U16B 3: Sturt v West @ Wayville
U16B 3: Cougars v Mavs @ Hillcrest
U16B 3: Cougars v Magic @ Port (WTF?)
U18B 2: Sturt vs Mavs @ Marion
U18B 3: Sturt vs West @ Marion
U18B 3: Flames v West @ Port (WTF?)
U18B 3: North v Tigers @ Port
U18B 3: Cougars v South @ Marion LC

Now I know Sturt probably play their overflow games at Marion LC, but there are four games there where the "home team" was playing away at the "away team's" stadium.

Reply #308271 | Report this post

Years ago

not every club has even amount of teams and home courts - ie norwood may have 30 home teams looking for a game saturday morning - but the 3 courts at marden can only take 15 games.

if your team has to qualify for finals by beating the bottom teams twice - wont matter you are only making up the numbers.

bsa have no idea who will be top or bottom when the draw is done - players come and go, new age group etc

Reply #308278 | Report this post

Years ago

So BSA can't do a draw which is even?

Well neither can the AFL or NBL or WNBL

Professional sporting leagues which have uneven draws.

How about the fact the AFL is the most biased, uneven, unfair competition of the lot?

And you guys complain about junior basketball competitions being uneven.

Reply #308295 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, those Sturt overflow games were at Marion Stadium, not Marion LC I believe.

As for uneven games, it doesn't really worry me personally, I'd rather play the 4 extra games and take my luck than miss out and not play after 1 round.

Reply #308309 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The summer draw will always be "uneven" due to the number of games. You can't play each other twice.

IMO, home teams deserve a game at their home stadium, but it doesn't always happen due to stadium availability and number of teams. Marion LC was always setup as the overflow stadium and the Hillcrest situation has made things difficult.

The Cougars appear to get the pointy edge of the wedge due to Mars availability and I am still working out where Mavs home ground is.

Of all the games above, these four stand out as being "un-usual" in their programme where the away team is playing at their home stadium. Why not just call them the other way?

U18G 2: North vs West @ Port
U16B 2: Centrals vs Eagles @ Wayville
U16B 3: Cougars v Magic @ Port
U18B 3: Flames v West @ Port

Reply #308321 | Report this post

Years ago

Certainly for other than Div 1 but perhaps for DIv 1 as well in the summer season why not wait until every team has played each other once in their competition and then schedule the remaining games based on where they finished. Try to get the top teams to play each other twice, the middle teams twice and the lower teams play themseleves twice. Surely this would have a benefit for each team by playing teams more equal on ability twice which will help all teams develop. Personally I think summer finals are a waste of time and perhaps schedule more minor round games so that all teams can have equal number of games in the lead up to the winter season which is really what counts. If you want a "winner" make it the team which finishes top!

Reply #308324 | Report this post

but then if the top teams all play each other and the bottom teams play each other after one summer round when the draw is redone - the top teams all knock each other out and the bottom teams get easier games and would falsely represent how strong they stand.

rather play uneven amount of games,

one way you could do it would be the american way - with a "strength of schedule" influenced standing / ranking system.

if you play hard games - you get a higher strength of schedule and get a higher rank / standing rather than just win / loss ratio

Reply #308328 | Report this post

Years ago

MFP - if there is no finals i don't think it matters. I have looked at some of the tables as they stand and predicted what would happen and I think your concerns are not an issue.

Reply #308344 | Report this post

Years ago

Only way to make it fair is to have all grades play one full round over summer and two full rounds over winter.

No matter how many teams in the grade. Problem with that is then parents will come on here and complain how they pay x amount of fees per season and their child only plays 18 games while someone else plays 22 games.

Can't win

Reply #308349 | Report this post

pro / rel system that we have at present - top teams play each other all the time in top pool and lower teams play each other in lower pools.

so the answer here is - "pro / rel across the board"

Reply #308354 | Report this post

Years ago

pro/rel is crap and does not work in sa as the population is too small.

Reply #308364 | Report this post

Years ago

I am sick of playing my own club mates in this stupid north south pool system. We are wasting our time playing summer season as we do not play any of the strong south pools until winter.

I am questionning whether I want to keep playing the way it is now in U23's

Reply #308374 | Report this post

Years ago

i am betting the person that posted this is involved in division 1, possibly under 18 boys, before last friday there was 3 points between first and 6th, sturt, west and mavs on 25 forrestville on 24 norwood on 23 and tigers on 22.

big movers were the tigers who jumped norwood and forrestville by beating both teams in last two weeks, norwood has sturt this week so going to be tough for them. Forrestville look like they could sneak in as tigers face tough task in beating west at port adelaide in last round.

very close competition and finals wont be decided until last round.

the way i see it, if you havent beaten a top 4 team you dont deserve to be in the finals, better luck in winter

Reply #308379 | Report this post

Years ago

Clubs claim and BSA believes that part of the reason for low numbers is cost.

Part of that is travel.

Are you saying you'd be happy to play at Morphett Vale at 9:40pm?

North and South competitions are created because of complaints from parents, players and clubs.

Reply #308391 | Report this post

Years ago

In this situation it is impossible to please all teams,good luck to anyone finding a solution in this matter.

Reply #308401 | Report this post

Years ago

Summer full pro/rel.

Winter reigonal where number make it possible.

Reply #308410 | Report this post

Years ago

I would rather being paying a little bit for the occassional travel to see more variety of games than just what is happening now. I cannot recall anyone from BSA or my club asking if we wanted more or less travel.

Travel costs are minor when compared with the other costs of playing basketball. It seems BSA and the clubs think this is a gravy train - the latest joke is the fees for the Norwood carnival and the insistence of the club to participate.

ANd as for the previous comment that Winter should be regional how does that work under full pro/rel which you said.

I think that if you want to satisfy people ask them, survey them rather than have a handful of club people guessing what everyone wants.

Reply #308418 | Report this post

Years ago

Play promo/relo in Summer and you end up playing the same teams al lthe time.

BSA are a joke

Gravy train is a good descripton of an organisation who doesnt know where their next meal is coming from.

Reply #308555 | Report this post

dome rats  
Years ago

totally disagree -

play div 4 for 12 months - will play same 7-8 teams summer and winter. Never play div 3 or 5 teams

play pro rel in a pool and 16 teams in a divison in 3 pools continually changes and get even games as your pool is balanced on results - get to play div 3 and 5 teams as you are all in pools.

Reply #308560 | Report this post

Years ago

Dome Rats - I guess it depends on the break up but I am tired of playing the same teams every five week cycle with two going down then coming back up. In addition a lot of times we keep playing other teams from our clubs. What are we learning - it is a glorified training session where everyone knows what everyone elses plays are. We cheat on defence coz we know how they run plays.

If winter season is North South pools in U23 Div 2 then I know some people will be leaving

Reply #308572 | Report this post

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