And the answer is? ...
Years ago
Suggestions for referee improvements
While it would seem BASA have put their hope behind a new man at the top and a much improved development program I was wondering what other ideas are out there to help solve the current refereeing crisis.
I for one agree with a number of ideas previously posted here and brought up privately, being:
A complete ZERO tolerance on all Junior games. This must be enforced by clubs and stadium/uics/referees alike.
A major increase in ref payments at the Junior and Senior District Level. In comparison to VIC, NSW and Qld our refs get paid approx half what their conterparts do interstate.
Club involvement. As in VIC make clubs responsible for supplying the District program with referees, therefore becoming part of the solution not part of the problem. As has been posted on here recently; make every club nominate one person willing to referee (who isn't currently doing so) for every two junior teams they nominate.
A clear and fair structure to for referees to progress through. At the moment it just seems those in the good books go the furthest while those who aren't personally friends with the 'crew' get left by the way side. Personal opinion is the deciding factor right now, not a referee's actual abilities.
More on court training. We need more people out at stadiums on friday and saturdays helping referees develop their skills. This can not be the role of the UIC at the moment as at most venues I've been to on a Friday night recently the UIC is normally made to referee all night to cover the shortage.
Anyway thats just a few ideas previously spoken about. Instead of everyone complaining I just thought we could come up with some constructive ideas to actually make a difference. Yogee maybe you could take these ideas to Colin/Phil/Neil/BASA at your next meeting?