Years ago
Eltham Dandenong Tournament
Go Melbourne Tigers!
Years ago
Go Melbourne Tigers!
Years ago
Who won and was the Melb 2 team their 14 side from last year?
in the under 12 girl department, Melbourne 1 won over Waverley comfortably. They are playing alot better than they have been during gradings.
in the under 16 boys, Melbourne 2 beat Sturt 1, Melbourne 3 went down to Altona 1 and Melbourne 4 easily won over Cranbourne 1. The good point guard from the 14 2s in Melbourne is in the 4s! How can this be?
Defence wins Games
Years ago
Sturt 18-1 boys win 45 to 44 against Dandenong 1. Sturt 18-2 boys win 29 to 28 against Knox 3. In both games Sturt came from behind to win in the last half minute of the game .
nice work on you guys. defence really does win games
Years ago
U20 men - Waverley gave Melb 2 a lesson
U18 men - Melb 1 just beat Waverly 1 by 5
Congrats to the state boys - nice to have your coaches on your side I guess
i think waverley 1 beat melb 1 under 18s in the first grading game by 1 point
Years ago
i think waverley 1 beat melb 1 under 18s in the first grading game by 1 point
yes they did - great games both times
ooo nice wat do u think of the under 16s tigers boys? teams 1-4?
Years ago
Tigers boys have lots of depth at 16 level esp their bottom age guards. Initeresting to see how many make state team/squad given depth and dominance at 14 level last year. 1s very impressive and so are the 2s.
Dandenong 16 boys also look good as do Knox & Bulleen
18 Melb boys also look good but their 12s and 14s are not as strong.
Sturt 16 looked good against Sandringham however neither them or West will put up much challenge at the classics this year. Looks like this will be a Victorian white wash again.
16s will be a knox vs Bulleen final with Bulleen getting over the line as they are strong in the guard position and no one is stopping McKenzie and Petracca
18 Boys will see Waverley, Melbourne and Diamond Valley all contest for a spot with Knox rounding out the finals.
DV vs Melbourne final
14's will be a tough one with Bulleen staking a claim
12's .... anyone's guess, it is 12s !!!!!
Years ago
I agree with thoughts on finals.
It would help if the website included ladders for each pools so teams knew if they had a game or not. Number of teams still dont know if they have games in a few hours! Hard to have a life and play basketball!!!
Years ago
Finals thoughts are true. Melbourne 1 in 16s and 18s are both in the Grand Finals.
Yes, Melbourne does contain very talented bottom age guards and the one the smallest point guard from 14 2s last year is on the 4th team. He and the other guard from 14 1s are both in the same team. Why are they in the 4ths if they are good guards?
Years ago
You'll probably find that the 4ths are completely a bottom age side, and they're keeping together as a 2 year plan.
I doubt that because most of Melbourne 1 and 2 from U 14s last year are mostly widespread among U/16s 1st, 2nd and 3rd team
Mr Mysterious
Years ago
Congratulations to Bulleen having a comfortable win over Melbourne in U/16s Grand Final and to Melbourne for winning by 3 points over DV
westgate bridge
Years ago
is there an agreed uniform colour change required when sandringham play melbourne boys - ie red / orange clash
westgate bridge
Years ago
reffing was crap today - but it was stinking hot and you could see a lot of refs were spent by their first game today - just let games roll on
lygon street bistro
Years ago
excellent tourney - don't know why more interstate teams go.
should be free admission to wnbl game though - go to have a wnbl game at the same time - but it has never been full when people have to pay - put an extra $1 on admission for tourney and give complementary admission with a player / coach / spectator pass.
st kilda rd tram
Years ago
vic teams in u16 / a8 girls will dominate classics - sa have no height to match the talls that the vic teams field
Rhea 30
Years ago
They do have the height they just choose not to develope or play them, the greater majority just play footy.
Years ago
any u/18 boys prospects out there ?
What do you mean, which teams did well?
mr magoriums hooporium
Years ago
there are some decent u18 players for sure - boys and girls
Years ago
More than a dozen U18 boys out there but state coaches are likely to choose from their own rep teams
team has been selected prior to trials
total waste of time
DV and Melb will be majority - watch and see
Years ago
Imnoballer - Your comments could be applied to all states selections on state teams
Considering DV just played Melbourne in the final (DV undermanned at that), wouldn't it be quite logical to assume as 2 of the strongest teams, they would be well represented? Just like in the 16's I would expect Bulleen and Melbourne to be?
Easy to be cynical, but at some point common sense would suggest the best teams generally have the best players?
The best teams don't generally have the best players. The chemistry of the team is what makes them good. The coach has to know his/her players well and those players need to learn to work as a team and know each others strengths and weaknesses. The best players don't form the best team, teamwork does
Years ago
Sometimes you might have the best players who also play the best as a team.
It is all subjective and usually it is the people who miss ou that bitch the most.
Years ago
Very true Really although you may see a lot of players in teams they don't deserve to be in while others are put into lower teams because of this
No, you might see players YOU think dont deserve to be there. But other people might agree with their being there.
Again, that is being subjective.
When you are dealing with a team, different coaches have different systen and opinions, and as such they think different players might better assist them in being successful.
Years ago
Coaches do need to pick teams and get the right players and right team
The only sad thing for those kids in clubs who have a very strong age group is that if they dont make the top team they have little chance of being invited to elite camps or State etc.
In those States where attendance at clinics or to State trials is by invitation only, the politics of making sure all clubs get to send players disadvantages many kids who happen to be loyal to a stonger club
Any wonder there is so much movement between teams as club loyalty can be detrimental to opportunity!!!
Years ago
I can speak about that, i stayed at a strong club, and they continued to recruit top end players and not giving me any chance and not giving me access to the top players. However, i changed clubs and it's paid dividends. Players who aren't given the opportunity should continue to leave to other clubs just to get the opportunity, club recruitment has gone to ridiculous levels to win championships, not to develop players.
Years ago
Anonymous #381 how was DV undermanned
they had 10 players against Waverley in the Semi Final
And the Coaches are from DV and Melb
What about players from Keilor, Werribee, Waverley, Dandenong and Knox
Imnoballer should read Imnobrainsurgeon !!!! Pick the team and tell the coach as it will save all coaches time, coaches are from DV, Melb and Sandy
Have you got any Knox kids in the team Imnorocketscientist !!!!
Imnoballer - if you actually SAW the GF you would have noticed that 2 players from DV didn't play at ALL in the final - these two players played for Vic Metro 2 years ago in 16s and would be classified as being in their best 3 guys.
That is how they were undermanned!
As for DV and Melbourne being the majority.......well they are the two teams that made the GF!
the sandy coach is the only one who is 100% got no conspiracy behind his voice in selections as he didn't even nominate any of his players.
do melbourne teams think they are going to rule classics? especially in the under 18 boys?
Anon - they were both on the bench (and both in uniform). App one got injured in the semi, the other I don't know when he got hurt.
Neither hit the court.
Years ago
hey anonymous reply #469
put your name in the next reply and I'll give you rocketscientist where the sun dont shine
That is the place where your brain gets squashed from sitting on it all day
you must be a DV player or parent cos you seem upset they lost
and just making the finals doesnt make them all worthy of state positions
otherwise big red wouldnt have been cut
Oh good, another thread hijacked by a disgruntled parent hiding behind an anonymous username. How original.
Back on topic, tournament was pretty good from what I saw. Most of the better teams were around and the standard of the competition was good. Plenty of refs confused about the new rules - in particular the time out in the last 2 minutes.
More and more stadiums getting Air Con is a God send - especially for this weekend. Wouldnt it be better to play the finals in an air conditioned stadium rather than Eltham High though, which is a sauna?
Years ago
all finals should have been played at Dandenong other than that quite a good tournament.
You have come out with the stupid discussion saying team is picked. You know something the coaches do not know, I know it is not picked because the following kids are still in training for the team.
Diamond Valley
Years ago
I do know you left out the Keilor All Australian who is a relative walk up starter
I do know a few from ECC are already out
I do know a few names from Melbourne are in
I do know a few from DV are in
I do know from past experience that at trials they only watch those that have been pre-determined as state capable, and if your not on the list your out
Prove me wrong!
Imnoballer means Ihavenoidea. I am not associated with either Melb or DV but the 2 DV players mentioned didn't play at all during the weekend due to injuries sustained prior to tournament, even I was able to find this out (Imnoballer aka Ihavenoidea, DO some RESEARCH). Similiarly Werribee was missing players as well. All other teams were at full strength. As an observer of the grand final, standard wasn't great but both teams had played 3 tough games during the day in fairly hot conditions. The top teams will be Melb, DV, Knox, Werribee, Dandenong, Keilor and Ballarat will also have a very talented squad.
Years ago
Just putting it out there - what teams in 18 boys do you believe will do well at Classics including interstate teams
What teams will be invited and who will miss out
Years ago
Anonymous #922 research this - I did know 2 were out injured and a 3rd was injured during semi but they did start semi with ten (I counted them on my fingers) but Waverley had 8 (1 out injured) all tournament
Waverley beat Knox and has beaten Melb, Dandenong and Ballarat with undermanned team
oh and as an observer of the final you must mean your sons (or should I say daughters) team wasnt good enough to make it - were did they finish
oh and as for the coaches comment how involved are you with state - 18 players are to be chosen - 10 players 8 emergencies - is that in the ball park or not , oh and 6 of them at least will be bottom age
Years ago
that was my last post as I couldnt be bothered arguing with the MORONS who hide behind the anonymous flag - honestly grow some balls
"Anonymous #381 how was DV undermanned they had 10 players against Waverley in the Semi Final"
"Anonymous #922 research this - I did know 2 were out injured and a 3rd was injured during semi"
Well, imno, why did you ask a question that you (allegedly) already knew the answer to? Oh that's right, you didn't...
Between that and your anti-state sook earlier in the thread, you wonder why people question your credentials?
As I was watching the grand final, I was wondering where Waverley was, Imnoballer maybe we were sitting next each other.
Imnoballer you have absolutely NO IDEA, after speaking to Andrew Gaze he knew that DV had starting point guard injured who hasn't played for 3-4 weeks as well starting 3 man, both players didn't play at all over the weekend, he knew that, you must be missing a finger or two and can't count.
Funny you have a go at anonymous#922 but I can't see where your name is in your posts.
How about your come out and say your name, then we will be able to see whether you have any credibility or not, I am guessing you won't so you just remain as anonymous as the rest of us, you clown.
Years ago
You are all clowns and I am anjoying your Victorian bitching, some humour on a Friday arvo!
Years ago
Just wondering Imnoballer who you think should be in the state team??
Dandenong 16 girls team have some talent, but apparently since the Nunawading girl joined last year the team has had issues off the court.
Funny thing is that kid caused problems at Nunawading and Knox.....repeat offenders!!!
The parents are looney bin material.
The team has been well coached the past few seasons will see what happens this year!!!
Agree, Dandenong have the talent.
It's not the kid from Nunawading it's her parents that cause the problems.
They should be banned from Basketball those parents.
It's sad!!
Our daughter plays in the age group and there's no chance we would ever look at Dandenong whilst that issue is there.
They have been very good the past few seasons and will be good this year. Maybe not as good as last. They seem to get rattled with injuries.
Melbourne and Bulleen are the only Teams that will challenge in the 16 girls.
hanging round
Years ago
Gee, I bet that Sturt people are loving this topic. Usually they cop the "Tall Poppy Syndrome" bashers on Hoops SA, but now we have our 'Eastern Brothers' canning each other on a SA basketball forum.
I know-- Hoops SA welcomes everyone, but it's just interesting to read the comments from over the border.
Years ago
Hey, if Victoria have a hoops site many would comment there. I know I would.
In the Know
Years ago
Perhaps you guys could try and pinch it like you do everything else? :)
You lack any knowledge on selections or players.. You say the team is DV & Melb due to coaches biased. WBee, ( 1 ) DV ( 3 ) Melb ( 2 ) Knox ( 1 ), Keilor
( 3 ) have all made team. So much for your knowledge. Team is well represented by club from across state
Interested Bystander
Years ago
Is the team posted???
Based on above
Dante Exum
Justin Solemani
Dusan ???
Tom Rourke
Josh Oswald
Jack Purchase
Felix ???
Greg Page
James Penny
Drew McKenzie
If thats it....bit small for mine
I don't think Felix Von hofe or James Penney, got a call up. Bit harsh in my opinion....
There would be another tall along with that group
9:40 PM
Fri 18/Feb 40 MELBOURNE def. by WAVERLEY 55
U18s boys OOOOOOOPs and Felix calls them hacks. Ha
oh and where was Andrew G - not there again - great coach
Years ago
So which 18 boys Melbourne teams are coming to the Norwood Easter Classic?
Melbourne without one of there state boys , and as a spectator of the game the officiating was of a poor standard.
So anon in future try not too be such a sore winner
Years ago
I've seen the u18 waverly group play twice now and have not been impressed by there style...raw and dirty..
Years ago
Waverley play raw and dirty all the team, it's an american game style, but it works, it's the same coach who got them a BigV title last year, with a massively undertalented side that beat a stacked Ringwood squad.
Years ago
WOW waverley beat melbourne in a practice game?!?!?!
What a prestigious event.....
and Waverley have had to call up 2 players from 2nd team due to injuries to 2 starting five
so hard man on man defense is raw and dirty
yet swinging elbows head high from tigers is fine ?
also bad rotation by tigers stand-in coach didnt help
maybe his son needs less court time and more for JP
but hey they are the defending 16s champs
so maybe when they dropped their heads in the second half is the only reason they let Waverley win, no wait the refs had something to do with it to
and any reasons on the loss by DV to Blackburn - and Keilor loss to Werribee - are the state players being worked to hard...........
mr magoriums hooporium
Years ago
any updates on who might be coming over to adelaide for easter ?
First Egypt, now Libya !!! These State coaches have a lot to answer for. Hey maybe they had something to do with the floods, hell I know that Qld was going great until the State team was picked
Someone stop these rogues before it is too late for all mankind
Years ago
Seriously all the people who bag the state programs are the ones who do not get in...
Years ago
And all Jack purchase does is shoot 3's....couldn't see that making much of a difference to the game.
Waverly played better on the day.
As a coach aswell I thought that the stand in coach's rotations where fine. His son seemed to be the only legitimate "big man" in the team so hence the majority of playing time
Years ago
re: Eltham Dandenong Tournament
You lack any knowledge on selections or players.. You say the team is DV & Melb due to coaches biased. WBee, ( 1 ) DV ( 3 ) Melb ( 2 ) Knox ( 1 ), Keilor
( 3 ) have all made team. So much for your knowledge. Team is well represented by club from across state
Years ago
Just wanted to congratulate all players who have made Vic Metro 18's. To the three players who have made their first Vic Metro state team, well done.
Imnoballer has been strangly quiet, imagine my surprise.
As for Norwood tournament, Waverley are attending so they MUST be favourites, they are favourites for VC Championships, just ask Imnoballer.
Also interested in #309141 claim that Waverley had to call up players from the 2nd team, isn't this not allowed as Waverley2 are still trying to qualifying for Metro competitions, if Imnoballer could claifying that would be great.
Keilor losing to Werribee is not a great surprise, Werribee did win 16's two years ago and are the number 1 ranked team, I believe Keilor have a few injuries and DV have players out with injuries as well.
They are only practice matches so who knows what the coaches of all teams are doing as well, trying new defences, offensive sets, I wouldn't be reading too much into practice match form.
Years ago
Haha waverly are in now way whatsoever favorites for VC
Years ago
name the U/20 player
and I'll contact VJBL
can't name him/her because it's not true - shut your trap
I can name him, but will not do in a public forum
Years ago
if he is U/20
name him
and I will ask coach
I am looking at all D.O.B. records and cant see any problem.
Years ago
"I can name him, but will not do in a public forum"
earlier it was
"waverley cheat they play u20s players in u18s"
are you referring to more than one player?
Put up or shut up!
the DOB records were forged, why do you think theyve gotten away with it without people knowing, and the coach knows about it, and no it is only one player as far as i'm aware, sorry for the typo
Years ago
Perhaps that team should be coughing up their birth certificates?
Well i've got the proof that he is U20s, and the birth certificate which is probably forged anyway (as it is becoming a problem in melbourne, been mentioned on 3AW recently, forging birth certificates)
I am an official from Waverly let me guarantee you all that there are no forged birth certificates and all the kids in the team are of legit age.
There are 2 Sudanese boys in the team one that played at Keilor last season in u18s not happy with coaching and development there is now top age and is his legit age, the other played in our u18.3 he has citizenship paper which the aus government has guessed his age as being one year older this is quite common with Sudanese and Serbian people coming from worn torn areas. We have however original birth certificate documentation which proves which is his real age which is top age u18s.
We would welcome any request for citing of birth certificates as this is the usual process when any kids registers with the club.
Disgruntled parents that are bitter over the selection process and where their children have been placed should not hold grudges and mind their own business and get the facts right before coming to public forums and trashing innocent hard working underage kids.
As for the u18s Waverley boys being favourites to win VC you have got to be joking right.. Not one kid in the top 18 selected by BV. Clearly they are just making up numbers and Diamond Valley, Melbourne Werribee, Dandenong and Keilor are the clear favourites..
Oh wait games have to be played dont they. LOL
Years ago
Well official at Waverley, how is that i have documentational proof that he is not of U18 age?
Years ago
Mate, this is becoming a joke, as if the waverley club would condone doing the wrong thing, I think i have exlained the situation suffciently, if you have a problem take it further with BV.
The Club would welcome it..
We have done the right thing as club as we always do by citing the correct documentation..
On another note you seriously need to mind your own business and get a life!!
Prisoner of Gravity
Years ago
BigD. If you really have hard evidence and the situation is genuinely bothering you, take this "real documented' proof to the relevant authorities and have them deal with it. If not then please SHUT UP.
Years ago
Unless you are the players parent or the immigration officer who let the family into the country, how do you have the Birth Certificate, did you steal it?
you may have a list of all players with their names, D.O.B. and contact numbers like I have, but that is not official documentation proof.
Serious problems (like age legitimacy) should be addressed to :
Rebekah Lacy
Competition Manager
[email protected]
not brought up here because of spite/aggrievences held by disgruntled players or parents.
Mr 44
Years ago
In reply to titan 15
you can bring up any player from lower divs but cannot put higher div players down to lower div
No one ever said Waverley are favourites (Top 5 or 6)
the reason they brought the players up was due to 1 player out for season (knee reco) and another out for uncertain amount of time for medical reasons
and to the people who have said practice matches dont mean much - why do the teams play like it is season proper - because they want to WIN
bring on the 11th March - VC round 1
Years ago
Mr 44, so now that these players have played for Waverley 1, then they are illegible to play for Waverley 2, is that correct.
I think you will find Imnoballer said they were favourites, or are Mr 44 and Imnoballer the same person.
Practice matches are practice matches, coaches are trying different offensive and defensive sets, yes the players are trying but we all know the season begins tonight, no remembers who beat who in a practice match, counts for nothing tonight.
Years ago
Titan 15 ? just where exactly did I say Waverley are favourites, you put that comment in yourself (reply #309557)
please let me know, cos if I did I will retract that statement for this one...............
Your team will win cos you would have to be the best ever, in YOUR opinion and thats all that counts
and the 2 boys are in the 1st team and cannot be dropped down, at least you have that right
oh ps I spoke with Mr 44 (close friend) he wants to come and watch your team play - care to let him know who they are ?
Years ago
The team I play in won't win,ar no stage have I said we would. We don't have as much talent as teams such as Waverley, oops or Melb, Knox, Dandy, DV, Werribee or Ballarat, They would all be a chance don't you think, I am asking your opinion.
That's all good though, I don't have an inflated opinion of my ability, not like some eh Imnoballer.
I am sure I will see you around the traps, your not hard to miss.
Seems pretty strange to me though that you and Mr 44 are such close friends, more like alter egos I think.
Both seem to have a great affinity to Waverley and Under 17 selection by nominating players to be looked at.
Those two players you spoke about on that thread are good players but nowhere near Australian selection.
Glad I got the bit right though about those 2 players now having to stay up in your Waveley VC team.
Good luck for the rest of the season, you must be thrilled with your first win last night beating Knox2 by 8 points.
As for my identity, that's easy, read the user name, it's Titan 15
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