"The problem is not helped by some of the crowd not understanding what is going on from time to time." I think they all sit behind me, they start fretting at 15 seconds that we havent shot yet..EVERY PLAY gah lol.
I didnt see the first quarter of the game, so can only comment on the last 3. Howard looked to be really moving about alot more, asking for the ball and pushing HIS offence. He had a turnover where he was stuck on the side line and was surrounded, followed by what appeared to be a talk down by Marty. Howard was then benched (it appeared he didnt accept marty's comments to well). When he came back on he returned to sitting waiting for the ball on the three point line, and became ineffective once again.
Now unless someone who heard the discussion Im talking about and correct me as to its content I took this to be entirely why Howard, Gilchrist, De'Vries, Shannon arent playing to their abilities. Instead of letting the player run to their strenghts Marty is enforcing them to stand where in position so that some of the less able thinkers are able to actually understand what is going on.
He need to learn very quickly this isnt the AIS, its not about development of young players, its about championships. Adults dont need to be babysat like he appears to.