Years ago
Marty Clarke's comments in The Age.
What do people think of Clarkes comments to restrict imports to 1 per team, have squads of 15 and his concern for opportunity for guys like Creek, Greenwood and Drmic?
My thoughts are give it a shot, go with one import, sign Greenwood and Drmic to play with Creek at the 36ers, i dont think many fans will complain, especially if they live up to their potential.
I think most people would be happy with a team like
(id go either a import PF/C Abney style or a gun SG/SF like a Farley in his peak)
PG Bruce/Carter
SG Hill/Greenwood
SF Drmic/Creek
PF Ballinger/Dowdell
C IMPORT/Johnson
PG Bruce/Carter
SG IMPORT/Greenwood
SG Hill/Drmic
PF Ballinger/Creek
C Johnson/Dowdell
I think either of those teams would be very exciting and interesting to watch