Years ago
Better high stakes hoops
My ideas for a better high stakes hoops if it ever happened again.
Play a round in a different city every time, this would mean that people wouldnt get bored of watching and crowds would rise. eg. 2 games at each city with rounds at sydney, brisbane and melbourne and semis at adelaide and placing rounds at perth (game for 1st and 2nd and 3rd and 4th). also tip offs at 6.30 and 8.30 so at a good time to watch games not during work hours.
4 teams 2 games in each city 3 rounds before finals. Less teams, less games = less boredom for people that like to watch a game or two but dont wanna watch basketball for 8 hours straight. Also teams have a max of 10 players per team.
Players get paid to dunk and dunk well, eg. there will be a dunk comp in the finals, and during the 3 regular rounds a panel will watch the games and choose 4 players who have excited the crowd the most with the best dunks. The 4 players selected automatically get a cash prize and the winner of the dunk comp obviously gets a further prize. This would make the players want to dunk more and do exciting dunks more because they get money if they do well, and at the same time it makes the game more exciting for the spectators.
because at different cities at regular times, i will estimate crowds to be 4000 x the average ticket (20) x rounds (5) = 400000 just off tickets.
100 000 for running 5 rounds, 300 000 for prizes.
20 000 for each player on the winning team and coach (11) is 220 000.
10 000 for each dunker in the dunk comp plus a further 10 000 for the winner = 270 000.
3000 for each second team player and coach = 293 000
7000 profit before any sponsor ship alone!
Thats just the tip of the block in ideas to make this thing better, feel free to add more ideas!