Years ago
Marty Clarke quote - pumping up the Sixers coaches
"All the people that were naysayers earlier in the year saying we were doing too much work, lifting too many weights - well it's starting to show now . . . Darren's shooting really well and his body is now able to play defense and play hard and still make shots. Eddie's obviously got himself back into shape which is allowing his shot to go as well.
and this
"There's lots of people out there who thought they probably knew better than us and I think we're going to start showing them."
Who are these quotes aimed at?
Is he targeting Sixes fan's again similar to last time when he said criticized the SA public?
Who agrees that the coaches have done a fantastic job with this squad, or who is going to wait to see if they can
a) Win on the road?
b) Win at least more games than last year?
c) Make the play offs
I think Clarke should have a look at how someone like Neil Craig with the Crows, get's the best out of the fan base by pumping them up.
Neil is aware the importance of his fans and the impact they have on the club.
Adelaide 36ers have a great tradition and rich history which will only continue if the supporters of the club are respected a little more IMO