go mavs
Years ago

new concepts for state champs

like the proposal / format for 2011.

some strong country regional associations.

doubt if some of the smaller ones will attend

at least 4 country regional groups that will go close - I certainly hope they make them go in state

Topic #24423 | Report this topic

Years ago

I just read the announcement and it talks about seedings and gives 2 options: 1 is for a 7-12 team competition and has two pools listed to a maximum of 16 teams. How does that work!!

Similarly for a 13-16 team competition it has 4 pools with a maximum of 8 in each pool. (Which is a maximum of 32 teams.

If the competition has 16 teams is it seeded as a two pool or 4 pool comp??

Reply #297977 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow, this could kill the likes of Mavs and Centrals for State Champs.

Will they have any players?

Reply #297980 | Report this post

Years ago

no it wont

Reply #297981 | Report this post

Years ago

Mav's major problem is the onset of blindness caused by self abuse

Reply #297984 | Report this post

Years ago

It is ridiculous. Country associations can merge?
Perhaps North/Norwood should merge too as a region, and West and Woodville, and Sturt and Forestville.

Either country associations compete in their own right (as Mt Gambier did last year well) as the metro clubs have to, or don't at all.

And these merged groups WILL cost teams spots at Classics - whether it be a metro club or a standalone country association, which is completely unfair.

So much for the SA Junior *CLUB* Championships...

Reply #297986 | Report this post

looks good  
Years ago

read the fine print - regional combo teams can not play in classics or u14 club.

i think it will be good.

mavericks will be intersting - will they play for eastern hills / murray bridge etc or mavericks ?

the pirie/ pt augusta / whyalla / port lincoln region looks awesome along with mt gambier millicent and naracoorte will be strong and yorke valle, syp, barossa, light looks good as well.

riverland and broken hill may be strong or flop

doubt if we will see keith, bordertown, mallee group.

if a regional team finishes higher the next club team will get the offer for classics.

say u16 state -

1) mavericks
2) eastern hill murray bridge
3) pt pirie, whyalla, pt augsta
4) forestville

so mavericks and forestville get the first 2 spots in theclassics - unless the country team is just from 1 association - ie pirie not an amalgamated team

i think it will make things interesting

Reply #297989 | Report this post

Years ago

How would mavs and Estern/Bridge both make it when they would have the saeme kids?

Reply #297991 | Report this post

Years ago

Not real sure about this!
I suppose the good thing is, the opportunity to play against different people instead of the same old faces, but does this mean we can play our team in their country carnival?
Why do we need to make the carnival bigger, don't they struggle to run it as it is now, or is this a money grabbing opportunity by BSA.
On that note isn't it the SA country association who refused to come in under the basketball SA umbrella, if i remember they didn't want BSA getting hold of all that money that the country has, even though back then i think the majority of the board was made up of country people.
Maybe this is BSA way of extending the hand of friendship to seduce them back under the one umbrella idea!
I honestly don't know, and maybe incorrect with some of the facts, but some food for thought!
Plus our clubs pay big fees to BSA to have the pleasure to play each week in the local comp and to compete in its premier event {State Champs} each year, Do they?

Reply #297992 | Report this post

Years ago

BSA pandering to Country once again. I love how Country and Church have positions within the BSA management committees yet contribute nothing. Both just continue to destroy basketball Adelaide because they can and BSA can't do anything to control their operations or competitions. Either BSA is the all encompassing peak body or it's not. If not then get these people off the council and commission and let BSA get on with the job of developing basketball, instrading of begging an pleading for country and church to fall into line when they already have voting rights and power without needing to contribute or follow BSA's control.

Reply #297996 | Report this post

Years ago

Does Country and Church pay affilation fees yet or is that still unresolved by BSA CEO and Commission after three years of trying?

What a joke......A money grab at its best and the comp will be weaker.

Can Forestville,Sturt and Norwood enter domestic teams in Country Carnival in Jan/Feb 2011 as Lower Light, Hills and Murray Bridge enter in the prime carnival of BSA comp

What a joke

Reply #297997 | Report this post

Years ago

Country, rains too much or not enough, kids all go to boarding schools and mum and dad drive 4 wheelers that get only city dirt and then they cry poor

Reply #297999 | Report this post

Years ago

It wasnt that long ago that Sturt, Forestville, Norwood or even North had about 70% of their team rosters made up of country kids. These country kids certainly didnt come from one region, so distrct teams for years have had kids represent them from all over the state, a rather larger Regional area. I think its a good concept, big thumbs up to BSA.

Reply #298007 | Report this post

Years ago

As this tournament is meant to be the State Champs and of course country teams must be involved. But there should be a selection process for country teams just like there is for teams in the District teams. But because Country live in heir own world outside the structure of BSA there isn't and theres no responsibility placed on country associations to play state champs like with district clubs.

There is no structure from top to bottom just each doing their own and a little junior tournament for those that want to play to win a trophy in may.

Reply #298009 | Report this post

Years ago

007 those kids played for the club in a competition. That's the difference between having country players playing state champs for district clubs and have country regions who never play as teams.

Reply #298010 | Report this post

Years ago

In central region nothing will change. The mavericks are all players from Murray Bridge, Eastern Hills and Great Southern.

They will stay with eastern.

It does though act as an attraction for other regions, North and South.

eg. Mount Gambier, Port Augusta, Whyalla. Pirie etc.

This is not such a bad thing, you will find.

Reply #298011 | Report this post

Years ago

growing up I always lived in adelaide and competed in state champs every year for the club i played for. I was luck enough to be in a team that was successful more often than not, despite this I still resented the country teams that entered as they were composite sides and not club teams. In my adult life I have now moved to a country region, my kids are yet at an age to become involved in basketball and I therefore am not involved yet. However I can see the argument from a different perspective. I believe that the title of the tornament is the State Championships and not the Club Championships (they are basically the summer and winter seasons in my opinion). With the population of South Australia being small and with the majority living in Adelaide the strength of the country clubs is going be very limited (unlike VIC, NSW and QLD). If it were limited to only country clubs being able to enter they could not compete and most likely never will. Country kids have limited opportunities compared to those in the cities and the sacrifice made by those parents who have children who make it (not specific to basketball) is huge in getting them to Adelaide most weeks which can be a 10 hour round trip is remarkable. I can not see how allowing a composite regional team would negatively impact on those adelaide clubs (one which i still hold dear to my heart). In fact I think i could only benefit them with more competition and importantly against unknown opposition. I appreciate that the composite teams would not be eligible for club championships but surely it is easy enough to have the next club team to qualify. I say allow the regional teams after all it is the STATE championships and there is more to our state than Adelaide. Further, I would think that the country kids would get a huge thrill from competing and learn heaps and who knows the next superstar might be discovered!!!

(my apologies for going on and on!!!)

Reply #298013 | Report this post

Years ago

the question re metro clubs playing in country is a no go.

the sa country championships is that for each association.

the state champs are exactly what it is called.

so rep teams awill be strong - S.E. Iron triangle, yorke / barossa will all be state level.

see broken hill are with riverland - mildura used to play as well - this can only be good for a stronger comp.

any club recruiter would be printing their flyers now - in fact why cant a club set up a recruiting stall ? with identities walking the talk for their club.

i like it all

Reply #298018 | Report this post

Years ago

you could break it down further and have awards for regions - ie highest country rep team, highest metro team.

Reply #298020 | Report this post

Years ago

Great concept, better competition for all kids right across the state

Reply #298022 | Report this post

Years ago

The clubs through Basketnall Adelaide should join together and agree not to participate in any organisation which is dominated by country and church. They should agree to not pay fees and withdraw from the competition after the summer season resumes until BSA goes bankrupt again. And then as a group take back the competition and its profits. And not waste time and money on organisations who dont pay their own way, but rather use their coting position to get ehat they want.

Reply #298023 | Report this post

Years ago

what will they call the regional tams and what colours ?

ie we know gambier, millicent and naracoorte will be limestone coast - teal coloured uniform from memory

what will the other regional rep teams colours and names be ?

Reply #298039 | Report this post

Years ago

Port Pirie-Port Augusta-Whyalla, this area will be tough! I remember a 14 boys team at Easter a couple of years back made their district peers look like div 2 teams.

Reply #298041 | Report this post

Years ago

Yorke Valley/Barossa/Adelaide Plains/Light will be wearing Red White and Blue

Reply #298043 | Report this post

Years ago

if there is a clash of colours - who changes ?

Reply #298045 | Report this post

Years ago

SA Country should just put the Magpies and Sharks in as merged country teams.

What a joke!

Reply #298064 | Report this post

Years ago


I can see where you are coming from. However, what about for a kid that plays for their country association AND in the district comp. Do you think district clubs with these players in them are going to allow kids to play in their div 1 side all year, develop the kids only to have them play against them at the state champs

Do they turn their back on their home country team, their dnsp squad and possibly hurt their chances in the SA Country HP system OR do they turn their back on their club potentially destroying their chance to play in the district comp week-in-week-out damaging their development.

Pretty tough, unfair choice for a kid to make.

Reply #298078 | Report this post

Years ago

No choice, they play for their district club, with no consequences from SAC.A well coached, disciplined district team will beat any country team [combined or not]just thrown together for one weekend.

Reply #298086 | Report this post

Years ago

My son plays for a district team in winter and country association in summer - San he choose who he plays for in the state champs??

Reply #298089 | Report this post

Years ago

i am sure BSA would have been through all of this discussion when setting it up.

i feel it is a good move and if the district clubs recruiting officers were any good they would be scouting like mad come state champs.

any player that has an inkling of being able to play basketball from the country will probably be here.

like to see the stronger regional rep teams go in state not reserves though

Reply #298091 | Report this post

Years ago

pirie panthers do you know what colour the uniforms are and what they will call the regional rep teams ?

Reply #298092 | Report this post

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