Years ago
After Round 7, All-NBL teams?
I saw AustraliaBasket.com had posted their All-NBL teams at this point and thought people might like to post theirs or dispute the writer's selections. Here's what Duncan Matheson has run with:
All-NBL First TeamMaybe Braswell in for Williams (TPG just way too high)?
Gary Ervin
Ayinde Ubaka
Alex Loughton
Shawn Redhage
Julian Khazzouh
All-NBL Second Team
CJ Bruton
Damian Martin
Oscar Forman
Glen Saville
Adam Ballinger
All-NBL Third Team
Corey Williams
Kevin Lisch
Thomas Abercrombie
Mark Worthington
Luke Schenscher
Honourable Mentions:
Kirk Penney (too few games)
Adam Gibson
Michael Cedar
Ian Crosswhite
Larry Davidson
For those interested, here are ProWess' rankings on Pro-Stats Efficiency.