Years ago

Gordie should be Boomers Coach.

Gordie McLeod would be a great candidate for the Boomers coaching job IMO.
He is living in Australia so he has the time and the flexibility to attend regular national camps and monitor up and coming talent. Conversly, Brown is away in the US with the Spurs for half the year or more, and his primary role is with the Spurs. The Boomers job is not his primary focus and he cannot dedicate the time to ensuring its success.

Was listening to Gordie tonight in the time-out and he is someone who favours ball movement and team play. The Hawks are evidence of this--They certainly spread the scoring load with Saville, Davidson, Campbell, Forman, Coenraad all capable scorers.
I believe McLeods philosophy regarding ball movement and team play would get the best out of our national team. Brett Brown's stagnant offensive structures may have suited an NBA team, but not the Boomers. Too stagnant and not enough ball movement really hindered the Boomers offensive potential at this years WC's.

Year after year, Gordie has put forward a Hawks team that (on paper), is not overly special. Yet year after year, he seems to get the most out of his players.
Certainly helped in the development of Tyson Demos--Kid has improved alot. Seems to also be getting the best out of Forman and I have noticed Forman has really improved his defense this year --Stance, active hands, defensive rebounding etc.

What do you guys think? I reckon Gordie would be a great Boomers coach so I am all for it.
If Brett Brown is not suited to the Bommers program than that problem needs to be addressed NOW. Why persist with him a few more years..His coaching didn't suit the Boomers structure and the problem is amplified by the fact that the Boomers play the TB's in 2011 for a place in the Olympics. If the Boomers don't address the coaching problem now, then they might find themselves sitting at home watching the Olympics.

Topic #24390 | Report this topic

Handsome Lee  
Years ago

I agree

Reply #297499 | Report this post

Big Ads  
Years ago

I agree two (too)

Reply #297501 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree

Brett Brown - I'm sure he's a very skilled and talented coach but he's based in the US with Spurs as a specialist assistant coach in the NBA. This as a job, and a daily focus, is a completely different task altogether than what is needed of a head coach of national team. Different way of thinking and a type of Basketball.

A national team that has the capacity to be playing for a medal @ the London games in 2012. With AMAZING depth at the C, Ingles growing into the player we hoped by learning at Barac, this could be our best chance for a long time. With their own improvement and the right coaching Patty and Ingles would make our national team very impressive.

Can anyone name a national team with better depth at the C than AUS - Bogut, Maric & Andersen?

Gordie - Why? all the reasons MADCUB listed above, mostly they way the Hawks move the ball and I love his general demeanor and the way he communicates.

Reply #297517 | Report this post

Years ago

he did with Smythe didnt he??

Reply #297519 | Report this post

Young Gun  
Years ago

I'm a Rob Beveridge fan, but having said that, I'd take Gordie or Beveridge over Brett Brown any day.

Good on him for really persisting with his career & getting right up to an assistant's position in the NBA, but really, he largely has been a goose of a head coach in the NBL & now with the Boomers.

Reply #297534 | Report this post

Years ago

Young Gun, Im a huge Rob Beveridge fan too.
Either Gordie or Rob need serious consideration as they both have the ability to lead the national team

Reply #297536 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Gordie McLeod is the Scott Ninnis of Wollongong. Favourite son who was given time to develop both playing and coaching and ..... OK, maybe those stories ended differently. What could've been .....

Reply #297540 | Report this post

Years ago

+1 - i love the way he uses saville especially, in understanding his ability to make plays for others rather than just spot up for 3's as he did under BG

Reply #297554 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree. Would love to see Gordie as the coach. Will not happen until after the Olympics though.

Jr_Sr - the US, Argentina and Brazil all have better depth in the C position.

Reply #297555 | Report this post

Years ago

He has turnd Oscar into a star by playing him at the 4 spot finally.

Reply #297556 | Report this post

Years ago

Bret Brown was playing him at the 4 with the Boomers too ...

Reply #297568 | Report this post

Years ago

umm practically every basketball powerhouse has more depth at the C position then australia, Bogut is better then all but the US centre, but depth wise australia gets murdered by everyone.

Reply #297570 | Report this post

Years ago

Correct, Australia is one of the deepest countries in the world at centre - cant really think of a country with better, if someone can then name the players please.

McLeod was assistant to Goorjian, as was Beveridge, would love to see those two in charge. After we lose to NZ next year it might just happen.

Reply #297573 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

"Correct, Australia is one of the deepest countries in the world at centre - cant really think of a country with better, if someone can then name the players please"

Ummm, USA? Spain? There's two for starters.

Reply #297575 | Report this post

Years ago

brazil has nene, tiago splitter and anderson varejao. spain with the gasol brothers. argentina has scola, oberto and guiterrez. serbia got krstic, savanovic, velickovic. turkey got illyasova, erden, asik. russia mofgov, kaun. china got yao and yi jianlian. thats 6 countries with better centres, and thats australias strongest position. until australia get nba starting caliber players at 3 positions, def PG and C, with brett brown coaching, australia has little chance of a medal. decision making and defense needs a lot of work, and need players who can put the ball in the basket when urgently needed, without fault.

Reply #297602 | Report this post

Years ago

Massive stretch to compare Ninnis and McLeod...

Reply #297604 | Report this post

Years ago

The USA isnt deep at centre, they started Lamar Odom at the WCs!! They were beaten at centre in a number of games. Spain has two Gasols and Vazquez and little else - I think Bogut, Maric, Andersen and Jawai is right up there for depth with anyone.

Reply #297609 | Report this post

Years ago

Savanovic, Velickovic, Illyasova, centres?? You need to read up a bit more.

Reply #297610 | Report this post

Years ago

just because you see them play and they are Australian doesn't make them the best centers have 2 NBA players (1 barely plays) out of your list of 4. stay true to yourself buddy.

US centers: howard, bosh, jefferson, love, lopez, horford, chandler, bynum, perkins

i think US definitely have more depth than australia at the center position...

Reply #297613 | Report this post

Years ago

david andersen actually gets around 15 minutes a game, he hasn't played for the hornets yet because of visa issues

Reply #297615 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe I got a little excited, but I still stand by Aus having close to the best depth at C next to the US.

Bogut - named 2010 ALL-NBA 3rd team, behind Amare and Howard. I don't really consider Amare a genuine C but more of a power forward, so for me that makes Bogut the 2nd best C in the NBA.

Aleks Maric - named 2010 ALL-EUROLEAGUE first team, Euro is the next best league behind the NBA, so this is a big deal and unquestionably ranks him as a world class genuine C.

Andersen and Jawai are quality players that can perform against other world class C's

Spain have Bros. Gasol, but you'd think they'd start Pau @ PF and Marc @ C, as well as Pau being named as F in the ALL-NBA team, so that was my (poor?) justification there.

To Anon #297602
"brazil has nene, tiago splitter and anderson varejao. spain with the gasol brothers. argentina has scola, oberto and guiterrez. serbia got krstic, savanovic, velickovic. turkey got illyasova, erden, asik. russia mofgov, kaun. china got yao and yi jianlian. thats 6 countries with better centres.."

Brazil - Maric over Splitter in ALL-Euro team + Bogut trumps Verajao. Spain - see above. Serbia got Krstic - thats 1. Turkey is strong with Erden & Asik but I think AUS are stronger. Russia and China, I don't think so.

So thats 6 countries AUS have better C's than. - IMO

Most of the other players listed above (Bosh Scola etc) are not what I would call GENUINE C's, but more PF's that fill a role at C, whereas Bogut Maric Andersen are all what I would call genuine C's. - Jawai is a player that I see as a PF that can fill the C role.

This view in real terms is probably only relative to my initial statement in regards to OZ's depth at C, as the value of a genuine C in basketball is highly debatable and usually dependent on a teams style of play.

Reply #297618 | Report this post

Years ago

annn- regardless whatever issue it is, Anderson has yet to play. not to mention he's a journeyman

Reply #297620 | Report this post

Years ago

how is it relevant exactly that australia has depth at centre? even if - and its a big if - we had great depth we can only really give meaningful minutes to 2 anyway - or 1 really, as AB is obviously going to be on the court most of the time..

Reply #297636 | Report this post

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