Years ago
Gordie should be Boomers Coach.
Gordie McLeod would be a great candidate for the Boomers coaching job IMO.
He is living in Australia so he has the time and the flexibility to attend regular national camps and monitor up and coming talent. Conversly, Brown is away in the US with the Spurs for half the year or more, and his primary role is with the Spurs. The Boomers job is not his primary focus and he cannot dedicate the time to ensuring its success.
Was listening to Gordie tonight in the time-out and he is someone who favours ball movement and team play. The Hawks are evidence of this--They certainly spread the scoring load with Saville, Davidson, Campbell, Forman, Coenraad all capable scorers.
I believe McLeods philosophy regarding ball movement and team play would get the best out of our national team. Brett Brown's stagnant offensive structures may have suited an NBA team, but not the Boomers. Too stagnant and not enough ball movement really hindered the Boomers offensive potential at this years WC's.
Year after year, Gordie has put forward a Hawks team that (on paper), is not overly special. Yet year after year, he seems to get the most out of his players.
Certainly helped in the development of Tyson Demos--Kid has improved alot. Seems to also be getting the best out of Forman and I have noticed Forman has really improved his defense this year --Stance, active hands, defensive rebounding etc.
What do you guys think? I reckon Gordie would be a great Boomers coach so I am all for it.
If Brett Brown is not suited to the Bommers program than that problem needs to be addressed NOW. Why persist with him a few more years..His coaching didn't suit the Boomers structure and the problem is amplified by the fact that the Boomers play the TB's in 2011 for a place in the Olympics. If the Boomers don't address the coaching problem now, then they might find themselves sitting at home watching the Olympics.