Years ago

Norwood Slection Policy for Juniors

The new Norwood selection policy came out yesterday and now all the kids understand why they are playing in lower grades (last years district kids) and this years new (to district) are playing in higher grades.

The new rule is play Norwood League play in a higher division and get preference over existing loyal, years of training and playing at district level. Did they tell the kids No..Good one Norwood. At least all the kids & parents looking at each other at practice going "Why is my son/daughter playing here? understand. And kids looking at each other going "Why is he playing three teams higher than me ?" with less skill or talent.

Have other clubs done this ?

Topic #24320 | Report this topic

Calisto 15  
Years ago

Where can we see this policy?

Reply #296580 | Report this post

Years ago

Emailed by the club 3.11pm yesterday. Player Placement review policy. Point 5 page 1.

Reply #296581 | Report this post

Years ago

Norwood has massive numbers.

I'd suggest the kids in lower divisions are there to bring $$$ through the door and fund their programs. Tthe coaching in the lower divisions leaves alot to be desired compared with the higher divs, what access do the lower divisions have to their Coaching Director???? He can't get around to 500 kids at the club. Why would a Div 3/4/5 player pay as much as much as a div 1 player when so much focus goes into the div 1 player thats what I'd like to know??

Reply #296586 | Report this post

Calisto 15  
Years ago


What happens if 100 people fill out the review register form? Their CD and president will be very bust men.

And if you are a Norwood parent, better get into the Norwood league. If you dont, they might as well move to another club.

Better still, just move to another clbu and save the hassles.

Reply #296591 | Report this post

Years ago

The "Norwood League" doesn't have numbers but Norwood need it to keep BSA happy so they continue to help pay for their Coaching Director. So Norwood are willing to promote those families who play in it.

Again Adelaide is too small for each club to have their own Competition

BSA need to run Domestics Comps, maybe 4 in total and have clubs nominate and play in them.

Reply #296593 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous there are large domestic comps running at Turra Murra, Parafield Gardens, STARplex etc. etc.

Reply #296597 | Report this post

Michael Rogers  
Years ago

Dear Michelle,

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me directly.

Kind Regards,

Michael Rogers MSc, CSCS
Junior Development and Coaching Director
Norwood Basketball Club
0422 000 000
[email protected]

Reply #296598 | Report this post

Years ago

You are doing a great job Ro-jo. Any chance you could "pimp-up" the Flames uniforms for 2011?

Reply #296601 | Report this post

Years ago

best players make the best teams facts in district basketball - length of service etc etc help but they are not the selection policy.

relax and just enjoy playing

Reply #296603 | Report this post

Years ago

"BSA need to run Domestics Comps, maybe 4 in total and have clubs nominate and play in them."

best thing i have heard in a long time

Reply #296604 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry to disagree but from an outsiders point of view the ideology that adelaide is too small for each club to have a domestic comp is a serious limitation on the sport.

Growing the game by building domestic competitions should be a key strategy for adelaide. You don't need the mega style competitions of Kilsyth and KNox (9000+ players in each) but 8-10 comps each having 1800-2600 players would be a fantastic outcome.

every capital city bar adelaide has major domestic comps - including Perth with groups like rockingham, willeton, kalamunda, lakeside, east perth, perry lakes, Stirling, Wanneroo etc.

Reply #296608 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I always thought the parents who sucked up to the JDO's and Coaching Directors did better than those who didn't. Is this not the case at Norwood?

Reply #296612 | Report this post

Years ago

I have just read the policy (it's on Norwood's website under policies) and it seems Michelle can't read too well. That's not what it says it all. The Norwood league is mentioned, but not in that context.

Michelle, you are obviously a disgruntled parent because your child is in a low div. Take the Coaching Director's advice and give him a call.

Reply #296614 | Report this post

Years ago

you cannot contact the Coaching Director now as you will appear to be a whining parent and to swallow that much pride would give you reflux.

Why not just let little Johnny enjoy his sport and for you to stop assessing other players.

If you do have this desire to be critical, then maybe coach yourself and when the time comes for the end of the phase, you can promote little Johnny yourself

Just remember, while your finger points at others, the other three are pointing back at yourself

And yes I do work for my club

Reply #296619 | Report this post

Years ago

Is that the parent who went running around the court after WINNING their Grand Final because the kid got it in the face twice,own fault,but instead of rejoicing blamed two refs,opposition player,opposition coach and scorebench?Therefore sucking that exact moment of glory we all strive for and rarely get -the kid had to drag parent away.If not my apologies TO THE KID.....!!

Reply #296656 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah saw that - that parent was an absolute disgrace snd should have been banned for life!!

Reply #296660 | Report this post

Calisto 15  
Years ago

So how does part 5 not read that if you play in the Norwood league you will get preferential treatment?

It basically says that Norwood will not be truely following the age old belief that he best kid will get the opportunity, because you will get preferential consideration if you attend camps and the Norwood league.

So if 2 kids are close in ability, and 1 of them in the Norwood League, they will get preferential treatment.

Reply #296679 | Report this post

Years ago

Calisto, Michael's put up his contact details - contact him directly and ask.

Reply #296681 | Report this post

Years ago

Amazing, a thread on Norwood.

Sturt and Forestville must be worried by all the attention to the "next big thing".

BSA ruinning Domestic Comps???

What the........

That is what they are trying to offload to the clubs adomestic comp.
Have a look at the schedule for the next Phase in Div 3 Promo/Relo....4 games before Xmas and 1 after? What business would run a model where you play 4 games before hand and 1 in the New Year and have in their long term plans to run a Domestic Comp.
Answer, no business worth running

BSA dont want to run it that is why they are paying for Norwood's JDM.

Please , BSA can't run what they have now, how can anyone think they will run a Domestic Comp

Reply #296682 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Do we actually have confirmation that the salary of the Norwood JDO is paid for by BSA? Or is it just speculation?

If true, then BSA have really set themselves up for a huge fall because I know 9 other clubs lining up with their hands out

Reply #296684 | Report this post

Years ago

Part fact, part contribution from BSA
Yes get in line clubs

Reply #296686 | Report this post

Years ago


You just made you're own arguement. Not only is Adelaide the smallest mainland state Captial City but it also has 75% of the State's population.

WA as you mentioned does have Associations but Perth also has a much larger urban sprawl and BWA also has Country Associations within its Competition.

Adelaide is not big enough. SA is not big enough.

In a perfect world every club would have a 4-6 court stadium, their own domestic competition, their own full time staff for administration and junior programs but that is a long way off here in SA.

BSA need to get this started with regional domestic competitions. Four comps,

North (Centrals, North, Norwood & Torrens Valley),
West (Woodville, West & Western)
Central/South (Forestville & Sturt)
South (South & Southern)

*Eastern Mavs need to continue to build their relationship with Eastern Hills.

As an example.

Clubs in SA will not work together by choice. Some have tried (City South, Joint-National Championship Management) and failed. BSA has to take the lead, have clubs contribute (similar to BV's Eastern or NW competitions) build the competition's numbers and in 3 - 5 years expand the number of comptitions OR have clubs use their Domestic League numbers to then go and run their own.

Also remember BSA run stadiums in Adelaide. Not local assosications like in other states. Right no club manages their own stadium. They lease Council or Privately owned stadiums from Basketball SA or Private companies for trainings. BSA, SA Church and private companies/Councils run every competition in Adelaide (other than the two attempted domestic competitions which will both fail).

To get from where we are now to your model straight away is impossible.
HO our world is completely different to every other state in every single way. To suggest WA can do it so SA can as well is simply naive.

Reply #296689 | Report this post

Nor will  
Years ago

So BSA have created another issue have they
sounds like a moaning parent who kid just not spoilt enough - you chose to go to Norwood enjoy or nick off. No time for moaners or blamers. Dont like it leave. Clubs being proactive good work. BSA supporting good work

Reply #296693 | Report this post

Years ago

Hydra has a good point,but till then Norwood players come down the hill to Western Magic and then lets press basa to get us higher divs then bobs your uncle.

Reply #296696 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure that the Woodville, North, Centrals collaboration was "tried".
It worked - 4 Nationals is a good effort, with the same team from 2005 to 2010

Reply #296698 | Report this post

Years ago

It worked because 5-6 people made it work.

But talk to those people as I have and they all agree, they'd never do it again.

Reply #296699 | Report this post

Years ago

Ooh - not so sure
Never say never

Reply #296700 | Report this post

Years ago

Calisto 15/Michelle - that's not what it says at all, and you know it. Stop trying to stir the pot to suit your agenda. You obviously have some petty gripe with Norwood so here you are trying to hang crap on them.
Contact their CD like he suggested and sort it out. We all know you won't do it because you are more interested in stirring than getting answers.

Reply #296709 | Report this post

Years ago

Does it make reference to developed players from other clubs get preference

Reply #296718 | Report this post

Years ago

Hydra, I am simply saying that the state should be aiming for each of those clubs to run their own domestic competitions, if that is not the strategy - then you will continue to be as you are - a small player base, albeit generally well regarded in terms of talent.

You have lost significant ground to private providers and chuches basketball - go and grab it back - that has certainly happened in other places.

Adelaide backs up at over 1.1 million people.

Ballarat has about 90,000 and one association with about 3000 players. Bendigo similar. at those ratios adelaide should have at least 30-35 thousands basketballers - it is a strong basketball town.

(BTW, Geelong, with just under 200,000 population - has three "largish" basketball associatons and a small one within its boundaries - the bigs all numbering over 1500 players and one around 3000 - Corio Bay).

Mckinnon basketball in Melbourne does not control a single venue but runs successful association based competitions in the shadow of organisations like Hawthorn and Sandringham - who are huge.

Hawthorn, who number over 500 teams, so probably 4k+ players, do not control any venue at all and pay probably the hightest court rentals in Australia yet they continue to make their model work - they are now one of the largest associations in Australia, never mind melbourne, and few people ever hear of them. They do everything on ad-hoc court rental agreements - and they pay through the nose for the privelege. They do not control a single canteen or bar anywhere in their venues btw.

Wanna talk congested - which seems to be part of your argument? Try Ringwood, Nunawading, Knox & Blackburn - all within a bees dick of each other - they range from huge to tiny but all run successful domestic comps in venues literally minutes from each other. They do not need to co-operate to do it - its a little like the fast food theory, McDonalds builds next to Red Rooster and KFC because together thaty builds a bigger customer base for all - but they don't cooperate.

I did not say you could achieve it straight away, but not trying to achieve it is defeatist - and flys in the face of well managed basketball all over Australia. It's not naieve to suggest that Adelaide should have a bunch of strong domestic competitions.

You do not need co-operation between clubs to make domestic competitions work - you need a preparedness to grab each and every venue you can. and build domestic as the base for your elite.

Reply #296813 | Report this post

Years ago

hawthorn have dmac and lanard copeland coaching juniors. they are doing extremely well gettiing these profiles at junior level.

Reply #296816 | Report this post

Years ago


We agree. Of course we need Domestic Leagues, we need clubs running competitions, building numbers (in coaching, refereeing and playing) as well as generating revenue.

All I'm saying is right now we're as far away from that as is humanly possible.

BSA have for 4 years tried to encourge, then support and then force clubs to run their own domestic competitions.

The strongest club in Adelaide has tried but even they couldn't manage it with the second strongest club in Adelaide and now is trying with one of the private enterprises you suggest BSA need to get rid of. (Which I agree with you on by the way).

Adelaide needs to progress from Point A (where it is now) to Point E (where states like Victoria are). Right now everyone seems to want BSA and the clubs to get there in one step. 4 years we've been trying and it's only damaged the BSA competition we have already and further strengthened the Church, Council, Private competitions which dilute the sport.

In my opinion to get to Point E we need to go through Points B, C and D first. That's all.

Reply #296873 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry that was me

Reply #296875 | Report this post

Calisto 15  
Years ago


The big issue for STurt has been that BSA has actually worked against them and provided no assistance.

But could not agree with you more.

BSA need to have a test case where they assist a couple of clubs. By giving them multiple DOs and makig it financially viable in the short term.

The problem is that its not going to happen.

Reply #296890 | Report this post

Years ago


I'm curious what actions BSA have taken that have hurt Sturt?

Apart from charging court hire to use Pasadena, which they have to and should, I don't understand what if anything BSA had to do with City South or the Sturt only domestic comp that couldn't get off the ground.

And as has been mentioned in here by others, I thought BSA were providing some money to support the employment of Norwood's JCD who is also running their Norwood League?

I don't think the clubs can have it both ways. Let us run domestic comps but BSA have to support it or fund it? No the clubs get plenty off BSA as it is in my opinion. If they're ready to run their own Domestic competitions (which I don't think any of them are) then they should be doing it without being proped up by BSA.

Reply #296896 | Report this post

Years ago

If BSA is partially paying for Norwood's JDO to prop up their fledgling domestic comp and players from other clubs are moved from this competition to Norwood district comp then BSa has only themseleves for the continuing gap created between the haves and have nots.

I don't mind criticism when the playing field is level but not when outside intervention to the detrement of others is occurring

Reply #297039 | Report this post

Calisto 15  
Years ago


BSA were charging Sturt $14K per annum for Saturday (even is they didnt play 1 game)afternoon at Pasadena and promised Sturt 2 days per week for a DO. After telling Sturt that if they didn't accept the offer they would never be allowed to run saturday domestic again. This was 3 weeks before the end of term 4. Then told them that they would not be able to have the stadium for 10 of the first 20 weeks and proceeded to overcharge them for the weeks they didnt have the courts.

But the DO offer assistance not occur.

BSA paid Norwood to fund a JDO and when sturt asked for assistance the DO didn't provide 1 player into the competition.

Reply #297057 | Report this post

Years ago

I would have thought any if not all of this at BSA level would be in minutes and the likes, stop guessing and get the minutes/policies from BSA from your club rep and see for yourself...

i think it would be great to see JDO at all clubs, as that will help develop the game out of sight...

Reply #297062 | Report this post

Years ago

Well it looks like things are working well for Norwood. I have asked after several players who are quite good and find that a lot have left or are leaving. Other are only staying because North are struggling to keep players in their program.
If North could get their act together they could get a lot to jump ship. (a decent court would help)

Reply #309867 | Report this post

Years ago

YEp and I see Norwood are having a shootathon to fund their social basketball competition.

Reply #309878 | Report this post

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