Years ago
Youth League - Winter
For other than Div 1 we have just completed Phase 1 of the Pro/Rel Summer Season and it poses some interesting questions as to how Div 2 teams will be determined.
At the end of Phase 1 for Men we have 3 clubs with 2 teams now in Group A, 3 clubs with one team and the remaining two spots filled with "Non Group of 10" clubs.
Hypothetically the remaining 3 core clubs not in Group A at the end of the phasing system are entitled to a Div 2 spot irrespective of where they finish. If they take this up there will be 5 teams (3 second teams of Sturt North and Forestville and UniSA and TV) fighting for 2 spots. The By-Laws say past performance will be taken into account in allocating these spots but how can you use past performance when there is none. How will the remaining two spots be filled? It gets a bit more interesting when you have an uneven number of spots to fill!! The South Pools may have an advantage here as they do not have TV or UniSA teams in their pool!!
Also in the Summer By-Laws it says all games other than Div 1 will be untimed. However the announcement of the youth league said that all Div 1 and Div 2 games will be fully timed. Is this going to be changed for the Winter season when we have moved past the Pro/Rel summer system.