Years ago
What I would expect for $5 million a year
The average NBA player salary is around $5 million a year. If I was an owner, coach, shareholder or fan there are a couple of things I would expect from my players if I were paying them this much:
1. 70%+ on free throws
It still baffles me that some guys who earn so much do not improve their free throw % each year. It makes you wonder what some of these guys work on during their offseason.
2. Ability to use both hands
I also cannot believe that some guys are still deliberatley forced to a weaker hand - there shouldn't be any difference at that level.
3. Be able to run/remember a play
TR you'll love this one - Did anyone see the end of the first half tonight (Bobcats vs Bucks) where Larry Brown drew up a beautiful play to get Jax open only to see Derrick Brown totally stuff and stand in the passing lane instead of setting a screen like he was supposed to. They eventually got a wide open Jax the ball and he made the shot - just after the srien had gone!
Any other things you'd like to see more of from NBA players to justify their pay packets?