Years ago

What I would expect for $5 million a year

The average NBA player salary is around $5 million a year. If I was an owner, coach, shareholder or fan there are a couple of things I would expect from my players if I were paying them this much:

1. 70%+ on free throws

It still baffles me that some guys who earn so much do not improve their free throw % each year. It makes you wonder what some of these guys work on during their offseason.

2. Ability to use both hands

I also cannot believe that some guys are still deliberatley forced to a weaker hand - there shouldn't be any difference at that level.

3. Be able to run/remember a play

TR you'll love this one - Did anyone see the end of the first half tonight (Bobcats vs Bucks) where Larry Brown drew up a beautiful play to get Jax open only to see Derrick Brown totally stuff and stand in the passing lane instead of setting a screen like he was supposed to. They eventually got a wide open Jax the ball and he made the shot - just after the srien had gone!

Any other things you'd like to see more of from NBA players to justify their pay packets?

Topic #24199 | Report this topic

Camel 31  
Years ago

There was an article I read one time, whereby FT % has not improved for 50 years.
The best free throw shooter used an unusual two handed underam throw about 40 years ago.

Reply #294784 | Report this post

Ballinger Fan  
Years ago

was it Rick Barry who used to shoot the ball from between his legs?

i heard he used to do it at the All Star Games at half time with a paper bag over his head.

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Camel 31  
Years ago

It was Rick Barry.
50 years of practice has never helped FT % of around 68% and never topped 70%.
Other than Rick Barrys underarms.

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Years ago

No guns in the locker room?

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Years ago

Everybody knows guns don't kill people, wrappers do! It's America everybody needs a gun, so long as the guns are safely locked in a gun locker - thats why its called a locker room right? - just no rappers thanks.

... Jay-Z is an exception, but only if he brings Beyonce.

Reply #294795 | Report this post

Years ago

Oden, I saw that play and was disgusted... Whilst Larry Brown has some faults, he's a top tactian and X and O coach...

I understand his frustration in relation to a general lack of 'basketball IQ' in the league.

Reply #294801 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago

That Bobcats play was funny. After telling D. Brown what he though of him and pointing to where he was meant to go Jackson just looked at Augustin (who was trying to pass him the ball) and shrugged.

On the original topic: A few less court appearances for drugs, violence, guns etc

Reply #294809 | Report this post

Years ago

Oden I think you are spot on.
Its tough to say they should average a certain number in whatever category, but being able to execute fundamentals is something that should be expected.

Think you are on the money with FT%, dribbling and set plays. Especially if they are brought through the college system.

Do you think it varies, between say High Schoolers (those remaining), college (1,2,3 years etc) and Europeans entering the league. Personally I would think that the international players may be more drilled in fundamentals but may lack the highlight plays.

Great topic!

Reply #294921 | Report this post

Years ago

Be willing to take and be able to hit a mid-range jumpshot consistently.

Reply #295076 | Report this post

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