Anon, this topic came up through the people who sit 2 rows in front of us. We regularly chat about basketball as a whole and because they are very good friends with the whole family of Ninnis, they made that comment to us at arvo tea.
Smythe did the sit around job also but Ninnis from what we noticed sat with his hands on his knees fairly often. If you look at the first half of yesterdays match, whenever we looked like the game turned, the group took timeout. Sadly Ninnis didnt do that. He waited til we had gone from 7 up to 7 down (melbourne game at SNAHC)and as an example. Mind you in all fairness to Ninnis, he got paid peanuts and was expected to perform miracles.
On terms of money, we know this ISNT speculation on what he earnt. While I agree its not right to go through what the club offered, I have a feeling this was taken out of context from what I was saying.
Hopeful, considering everything else is dragged through the mud (hence why this forum has a bad rep) I dont see why Ninnis cant be when you look at Mal the previous owner. He copped a battering but that is fair enough. He wanted brilliance from quite literally under paid players.
Clarke has drive and purpose from what we all saw from the Perth game, the question is, will it continue?
Skip, it probably could have been posted in the thread but I dont live on the net bud. No offense.