Years ago
Was at Pasadena for the U16 boys game - seemed like Sturt had its way over South. 14 boys & girls both 70+ points, 16 boys Sturt won by a lot, maybe 60. Didn't seem to be a 16 1 girls game. Didn't see 18s or 12s but heard the 12s were both lopsided Sturts way.
Years ago
SportingPulse shows that Norwood 18 Girls and Boys both won by 100 points. WTF?
hanging round
Years ago
Must be the new Jordan? (100 point turnaround)
Are Norwood that good, or are Centrals complying with all the previous "whinges" that as a district club they should have ateam in Div 1 in all grades?
Sometimes better to forsake than sacrifice
Years ago
Brewer - best player or not, they lost by 100. They'd have to be without their best 10 players for that to make sense. That is a HUGE loss.
Anon - unlucky? To lose by 100? That is sarcasm, right? I'm sure you're not serious.
Most teams will never lose a game by 100 no matter what the circumstances. For it to happen in the same age group in boys and girls on the same night - I'd bet that's never happened before.
Years ago
Hangin Round - I agree. A result like that is a good argument for pro/rel at Division 1 level. Why should a team clearly that outclassed have the right to play at the highest level? Doesn't make sense.
Deimos 35
Years ago
Centrals should be congratulated on having so many div 1 and 2 sides , Norwood also is an improving junior club, both should be congratulated.
Years ago
pallas35 - How is this a Centrals bash? These are facts - or are you saying SportingPulse is incorrect? Either they lost by 100 or they didn't.
Years ago
how many of those centrals kids at SASI? or was that the one that didnt play?
Years ago
Is Basketball SA really going to go one club per division with results like this.
Years ago
Sounds like Norwood - Centrals night was just as pointless as Sturt - South night.
District basketball is exactly that. District. Basketball must be one of the only sports not to be zoned. You represent that district. To live outside that district, or it not be the closet club if you are a country kid is a complete joke.
BSA are trying hard to establish associations approximately 15 mins apart. BSA need to pull their finger out and start enforcing zones like other sports. If you don't like the zone you're in, then apply for a transfer.
It is extremely disappointing that some clubs recruit players from outside their area. It is disappointing to recently hear a certain coaching director at a club brag about recruiting a player who lives 150 km from their stadium and who I thought played at a different club. Obviously they have a lack of faith in the juniors in their area.
In football, if you live in St Peters, you play for Norwood FC at League level. Should be the same deal in basketball.
Years ago
Yeah but if I live in the hills for footy I can still play for a local side eg goodwood saints - no zoning there
Triton 44
Years ago
More imprtantly, in Footy, no matter where you kive you can go and play for Sacred Hearts. And then you will actually improve and pehaps make AFL.
District footy clubs do no recruiting or developing, which is why basketball cannot zone. Because tey have no feeder leagues.
Years ago
Sturt Div 1 won by an averge margin of 65 point Friday.
Surely Soth shold be demoted into div 2 until they are more competitive.
And how many south players were lining up for sturt?
South won't be competitive until Sturt stop pinching players for their club and from their area.
Years ago
Wonder why South kids have been leaving in droves?
They would have had players at Forestville, Southern, West, Woodville and Eastern as well.
Maybe look at their backyard and you will see why they are leaving.
Jack Toft
Years ago
It's good to have inter-club rivalry, but kicking a club when they're down doesn't really help
Hum De Dum
Years ago
Can't think of any South players lining up for a Sturt team on Friday night? Feel free to correct me.
Jack - the fact they're down is their own doing. Someone has to call them on it - it sure as hell won't be BSA, who will continue to just hand unworthy clubs & teams div 1 spots.
Jack and anon
I think you will find that there was more 'Sturt Juniors' playing for South in the U18 Girls than there was South kids playing for Sturt in every other team put together.
If you keep your head in the sand long enough, things will just go away.
You're right Jack - you're method of potting the top clubs is much better...
i am a player at south and sturt coaches have approached me asking me to move i think that is down right wrong!
Years ago
i was at a game recently and asked a player to move........
they were in my seat.......
sturt and forestville have killed off basketball in SA by their obsession to win mickey mouse state champs and pretty soon they will just have each other to play against in a sport that is going nowhere fast. If your you're any good at all, find a sport that is competitive week in week out and take it up
Rhea 96
Years ago
So you are suggesting that trying to improve and give players an opportunity to succeed and move inot higher levels of basketball is bad for basketball.
One might suggest that the incompetence of clubs like the one you obviously are involved in has decreased the standard so badly that they have created the great divide.
And I would also suggest that if you look at those clubs it has largely been in part due to parents getting on committees and looking after their own kids rather than their club.
I love it when sturt people come on here and tell me what's wrong with my club.
If sturt or forestville or any club want to development players off the street or already within their club and get success from that then I congratulate them for that.
But when they actively recruit from other clubs, sell a sales pitch to anyone and everyone who'll listen that to succeed in basketball you must play for that club and recruit young kids/families from down south, up north or west of Marion Stadium then I'm sorry Rhea but I won't buy a single word of your spiel.
No club is perfect, certainly mine isn't. And talking to Sturt families, if they took away the success there's plenty wrong there too. But the fact is that kids across the board will not improve without a close even competition. That isn't going to happen with the current structure in place.
In relation to facilities I'm sorry but talk to parents new to the sport. Like I have. Stadiums do have a huge impact on the ability to recruit new families and people to your club. Which in turn leads to success. It won't do it alone but it certainly has impact.
Years ago
Success is not the result, success is the sign of improvement along the journey. It's time some people out there stopped looking at the W & L's and focused on skill development. A team may win by 60 but if they haven't followed directions from the coach, played a team game, executed their skills to the best of their ability, be assured that the day they come up against a similar team, they will get caught out. Measure skill, fitness, and mental levels throughout the season and see if you've improved, that's all you can control.
Rhea 96
Years ago
If you were a new family to the sport, how would you know what other facilities are like at other clubs.
Are you saying that a player walking into a North training for the first time at Modbury High is going to go play for Norwood because Mars is a better facility than Hillcrest?
Cause that doesn't make sence. New parrents are unaware of who has what facilities.
And if Sturt are actually getting off their backsides and recruiting new kids into the sport, and South aren't. Then why aren't South doing the same? Does your club expect kids just to walk in the door?
And you can winge about poaching as much as you like but the simple truth is, there are more Sturt kids playing for South at Div 1 level than there are South kids playing for Sturt at Div 1 level. So really, South are the bigger recruiters!
Sturt won state champs when they didn't have a stadium on two seperate occassions - when the old stadium burnt down, and when Pasadena had the floor issues.
Centrals have the best facilities in the state by streets, yet are well down in results.
New families to the sport wouldn't know which clubs have good or bad stadiums, as they wouldn't have the knowledge to compare.
The stadium argument is a classic cop-out.
The better clubs are the ones that put resources into junior development. Sturt and Forestville were the first to appoint full time JDO's. Now Norwood and Southern have followed suit, watch as they improve as the fruits of their labour become rewarded.
Clubs like North on the other hand have gone from an absolute powerhouse with Dean Kinsman, to one of the weaker clubs - and since Dean left how often has the JDO position even been filled? And this happened well before their ct 2 issues.
I'd suggest your "actively recruit from other clubs" is actually your excuse for losing players to other clubs without having to actually look in your own backyard. As it is easier to lay blame on others than admit and accept improvement is necessary.
As for "ruining" the competition - well done to the clubs pushing the boundaries to improve their clubs. An even competition is not a better one if it involves decreasing the quality at the top end. It involves the bottom end increasing the quality of their product. And I congratulate Norwood and Southern on employing their own full-time JDOs to take up that challenge, I have no doubt in future years they too will be reaping the rewards.
As for SOME of the other clubs, I guarantee all you will get from them are whinges and excuses, as that is far easier than actually putting in the plan, time and resources to improve their lot. Far easier to try and drag the top lot down.
Rhea because one group of Division 3 sturt girls chose to take an opportunity to play Division 1 at South how does that make South recruiters.
If you knew anything about what you were talking about I'd listen.
A new parent who plays miniball at Marion and Pasadena would of course choose sturt over South simply because of the facility.
And just because a family from Glenelg goes to Sturt that doesn't mean South haven't tried. That means that Sturt had a better sales pitch.
Which I for one don't fall for but it's hard to explain that to families when all they want to do is what is best for their child, and Sturt convince them they have to play at Sturt to make SASI or play State.
Rhea 96
Years ago
So if a kid moves from South to Sturt it is recruiting, but if they move from Sturt to South it is not? Can't argue with ignorance. But keep believeing that and see where you end up. And don't look at all the kids moving to Forestville and Southern because that might disprove your argument.
How exactly are South even getting in contact with these miniball and other new kids to the sport?
How many teams play miniball at Pasadena anyway? Marion is full and those kids just keep walking out the door. Sturt have City South and Aussie hoops to get their kids from.
And if you think Sturt tells every U10/12 kid that 'come to Sturt to make SASI' Then you know nothing about getting kids involved in the sport. Parents aren't intereted in it, nor even know that it exists.
There will end up being four clubs in SA because the rest will die. Less kids will play and basketball will shrivel in size.
Part of the problems is as others have said, lazy clubs, no JDO's and less emphasis on juniors but the end result is super clubs and less choices in the longer term.
Sturt didn't set out to destroy other clubs or make the comp so one sided across the board but it has contributed to the end result as has norwood and forestville with an inept worthless competition in which no worthwhile competition is experienced and 50 to 100 pt thrashings are on the increase
SA will cease having competitive teams interstate and Nationally eventually because gifted kids will not continue to play in a basketball competition that is not a competitive one.Teams that stay together and dominate because they don't have competition wont develop to their potential.
It is in the interests of the SA basketball community to force clubs to reassess their positions, introduce zoning and forge a worthwhile truly competitive competition. Zones might reward weaker clubs short term but would strengthen basketball long term.
Welcome back zoning person. Good to see Sturt get a mention from you again, but where are your "thoughts" on country kids and Forestville's girls coaches?
Years ago
Forrestville eagle girls are taught by their coaches to use their talons !!!
My daughter always comes home with scratches arfter playing them...
Rhea 96
Years ago
How will Zoning increase participation or improve results of weaker clubs? Nobody has explained this.
Like all Government intervention in markets. Zoning will merely make less kids play because they are unhappy with their current service provider and are unable to source a more desirable provider who is going to match their requirements. Rather than move clubs, they will move sports.
Maybe clubs should imporve their service to members. And therefore wont require zoning.
Years ago
anon - so for example
sturt / forestville have 6 teams and 5 are in sasi - so for example 48 players - 5 sasi
south / woodville - say have 2 teams in an age group and 2 kids make sasi - 16 players - 2 sasi
sounds like fair ratios
As a parent of two kid who have moved from South to Sturt - my only regret is they didnt move earlier, and it was their descion to move.
It's amazing how kids improve in a structured positive training enviroment.
I remember reading this argument on the old sixers forum.
Has anything changed since then? Nope
Will it change? Nope
Seriously guys just stop the bitching and get on with playing the game.
Years ago
#224 - Sturt, Forestville and Norwood are not the clubs contributing to the problem. They are the only three doing anything about strengtening the competition. Happy people don't move clubs. Kids that are so-called "recruited" would not even consider a move unless the grass was greener on the other side. If the other clubs stopped whinging and worried about getting their own backyards in order, the problem is solved.
sturt forestville and norwood won everything -case closed.
Years ago
ok so who one the div 1 matches - surt played forestville so what were the results there
All the boys to Sturt and FVille won 12 girls by 8 14s by 12 16s by 8 and lost 18s by a bit
Years ago
Norwood won 12 boys, 16 boys and 18 boys. Southern won 14 boys.
Don't know about girls.
West v Centrals
Div 1 boys
U12 - Centrals
U14 - West
U16 - West
U18 - West
Div 2 boys
U12 - CEntrals
U14 - Centrals
U16 - West
U18 - West
Div 1 girls
U12 - West
U14 - Centrals
U16 - West
U18 - West
Div 2 Girls
U14 - ??
U16 - Centrals
Boys. Sturt easily in 12s, 14s. Good game in 16s but Sturt always in control and won by about 10. 18s Sturt demolished Forestville. Up 30 before the half and then cleared the bench.
Wait till they comeout on sportingpulse numbnuts
Centrals 18-1 Girls lead all night, then lost it in the end 41-47
Given the players coming to w
West from Magic the results of Centrals are not too bad
West are a lot stronger with a bit of blue and white in them
West have marginally improved across the board this year but they've been on a downward spiral as a club for a number of yrs. Western Magic seems to have helped WEst Adelaide marginally.
If I was a west junior I'd quit and become a magic player. Half the fees yet same opportunity to play division 1
How is this fair to anyone? Just a blatant biased attempt by BSA to push their agenda of removing 2 clubs from Adelaide one from the west and one from the south.
Years ago
excellent game between sturt u16 div2 boys - last second shot won the game
Sturt swept Norwood in the boys. Only close one was 18s. Some close ones in girls so not sure who got up in what games.
Years ago
18 boys was a great game, won by Sturt by 2.
Sturt and Norwood top 2 I reckon.
Norwood girl won 12s by 1 lost 14s by plenty 16s won by 2 and 18s won by 6. Great night in the girls for the flames
Jack Toft
Years ago
The Sturt girls aren't as strong as their brothers. If Norwood can repeat those results against the mighty Eagles, then "we have a ballgame"
Lions vs Tigers AKA Safari Cup
Div 1
U12 Boys - Lions
U14 Boys - Southern
U16 Boys - Southern
U18 Men - Southern
U12 Girls - SOuthern
U14 Girls - Lions
U16 Girls - Lions
U18 Girls - SOuthern
Div 2
U12 Boys - SOuthern
U14 Boys - SOuthern
U16 Boys - Lions
U18 Boys - Southern
U14 Girls - Lions
U16 Girls - Lions
Rumertoed Arthrwriters
Years ago
Sturt girls arent as strong as their brothers because the club has been too lazy to develope its own brood, the foreign recruitment far outweighs the locals. The boys arent quite as bad yet although there are rumblings in certain divisions that are sure to call for drastic measures, all is not as it seems in fantasy land.
Jack Toft
Years ago
"the foreign recruitment"
I think what is trying to be said is this. BSA have openly stated they want associations spaced roughly 15 mins apart in Adelaide.
Ideally kids would then play at the association associated with the 15 min travel circle, or their nearest association if they were country, or had tried their original associated first and it didn't work.
So, I will go out on a limb here and say "the foreign recruitment" means actively overlooking the players in that 15 min area and seeking out better players from another associations 15 min area.
I mean, why would a JDO stab a local kid in the back and seek out a player living 30 mins away playing at another club? Does that happen?
Surely, if you looked at the postcodes of players and the postcode of the stadiums they would match up pretty well, wouldn't they.
Years ago
So for example Jack,
If Centrals were to have pretty much entire teams from York Peninsula, that would be stabbing their local players in the back?
PS as per usual I dont expect a respone when you have a go at another club about something your club actively does more of itself.
Rumertoad, You are an idiot and the only one in fantasy land. Wait and see when it really counts who is number one.
I don't understand the issue with zones
Footy do it and it works fine. In fact it's a huge plus for their junior program because each SANFL club can develop a relationship with a school, local clubs etc.
I know basketball clubs can do that now but when a school gets approached by 4 clubs and then also BSA/36ers to do clinics and camps etc then the school admins just get confused. Trust me I know. Football and Netball are so much easier for our school to be involved in because its clear cut and friendly and free.
Basketball is not.
I also understand the arguement that zones encourge or benefit lazy clubs. I disagree. A lazy club will still not attract any families to their club. Even if a school or suburb is connected to that club.
To me there is so much negativity regarding clubs because they all fight each other. In the end most parents think every club is as bad as each other but they're forced to choose one if their child wants to play. Remove this club selling and just promote the game and I think you'll find a lot more children playing the game, and a lot more families having a positive involvement in the sport, rather than a forced one.
Jack Toft
Years ago
LOL Titan,
but wouldn't Yorke be closest to Centrals? just as Murray Bridge is closest to Mavs?
Years ago
What would be the difference in travelling 2 hours to play at Centrals at 2 1/2 hours to play at West?
Less than travelling 30 minutes to play for Forestville rather than Woodville.
Again, just plain hypercritical of you to accuse one club of something.
BSA have no plan of boundries to disrupt the market place. So families can choose to play wherre they recieve the best service.
Years ago
Titan, you just hit the nail on the head. Families can choose to play where they receive the best service. Which is exactly as it should be. It's only the weaker clubs that cry out for zoning, because it's the only way they will hold onto the better players. Zoning just makes the weaker clubs lazy, because it reduces the incentive for them to have to work hard to get better. Happy players don't change clubs. The weaker clubs need to get their own backyard in order so that players don't WANT to move. Not rocket science really, is it?
juno91 prove it?
Are you calling SANFL clubs lazy? Are you saying the SANFL is wrong?
Its easy to say that zoning encourages laziness in clubs but you have no proof.
What I think zoning does do is it stops basketball clubs from fighting each other for 5 kids who have expressed an interest in the sport and encourages them to go out and find local kids that may have otherwise gone to another sport.
Zoning if managed properly actually encourages clubs to work harder. The harder a club works with its local schools and locally run competitions the more families and players it can attract and keep in the sport.
If you claim your club works harder than another then don't worry, zoning will mean your club will continue to grow and develop while a weaker club won't attact anyone.
The current system simply isn't working. If not zones then what? And remember most clubs don't have the funds to employ full time staff, and it has nothing to do with ABA.
Years ago
How do you divide up the area evenly with Wayville, Pasadena and Marion all so close?
And clubs don't have any employees to go out and run clinics and help local schools. You said it yourself. So how do club work harder?
Basketball barley has local comps. SANFL has heaps of amatuer league clubs and schools that introduce kids to footy.
SANFL club get money from the $1B television right to have players out in local communitties. Basketball does not.
And yes SANFL clubs are lazy, they dont introduce players to football. They take the best kids produced by the local schools and amaetur league clubs. And some private High schools have produced more talented players than SANFL clubs.
Jack Toft
Years ago
Titan, you answered the question yourself.
"What would be the difference in travelling 2 hours to play at Centrals at 2 1/2 hours to play at West?" - err, about half an hour!
Look, people don't like change and the most against change are those who will suffer from their current position.
I know, due to your position in SA Basketball, you want to keep in the back blocks on this site and keep your cards to your chest, but please, unless you have a diagnosed mental illness involving multiple personality disorder, just pick a non de plume and stick with it. Most posters on this site, just pick a name and we stick with it. Trying to keep up with you by picking your various name changes is difficult, and it dilutes the message you are attempting to put across.
I know you will have a little sooky sook and have a personal attack at me. If I haven't responded to one of your hooks previously, it's not because I don't like paying you out, it's because I don't tend to read every single post. If you don't get a reply from me after you put up another whinge, it's not because winding you up like a clock doesn't make my day, it's because I'm off to the Sixers!
PS If you want a beer at half time, meet me in the southern bar.
Years ago
Im sure the person you are assuming I am is actually working oncourt today. Actually I know because I've been down there recently. Having a single name for a thread is just as easy as a single name for the site. I think you will find a number of us actually have similar thoughts on individual points you make.
Just a question. Why do you try and lie about being from Centrals?
And why is it you can't make an argument that actually works? I would suggest that you dont even agree with what you say, but rather just try to cut down tall poppies because you strugle with losing so much.
And to answer your question. When you are travelling 2 hours to play a sport at the elite level, why should you be forced to spend 5k per year in travel to get inferior service and miss out on opportunites that yo might otherwise gain? When you can travel and extra 30 minutes.
Its not in 3 clubs best interest to zone so zone will never occur. Basketball in SA is lop sided crap.
Rumertoed Arthrwriters
Years ago
Well summised JT, but I think the player postcodes would mostly match the stadiums at all clubs except one. Anonymous you are most astute, the quest to become number one far outweighs the need to cater for the locals at fantasy land. The developement of the few at the expense of the many ensures the balance of harmony never truly exists. Hence my original post.
Years ago
Why is it so lobsided ? What is the history of this ?
Years ago
Might want to go check the Centrals post codes with all those Yorks and country kids I agree. They would have more kids from outisde 15 minutes than inside.
Anonymouse, I think you are right... I think the reason for this is stated by Titan above:
"So families can choose to play wherre they recieve the best service." Families from across the Northern region are joining Centrals for this reason.
Years ago
But at what expence to the local kids from Gawler and Elizabeth?
Years ago
#739 - so when will this translate in terms of results? Their boys' program in particular is a basket case. Apart from their U12s, their div 1 teams are a disgrace. Makes a mockery of the guaranteed div 1 rule.
Juno it will take many years. Boys program is far from a basket case. Player development is paramount.
Jacob Templeton just back from JuCol, Andrew Bolton in 2nd yr at JuCol, Chris Clausen Captain of his Div 1 boys side and Dan Carlin might demonstrate pretty good development on the boys side.
Let me rephrase:
Juno it will take many years. Boys program is far from a basket case. Player development is paramount.
Jacob Templeton just back from JuCol, Andrew Bolton in 2nd yr at JuCol, Chris Clausen Captain of his NCAA Div 1 side and Dan Carlin might demonstrate pretty good development on the boys side.
Eagle Plucker
Years ago
if you read Jack's comments, you'll find that Yorke IS the closest to Centrals. It makes perfect sense that kids from the northern country region would play for Centrals. I see that they have a number of the coaches who are state country coaches.
It seems the issue here is jealousy from a few people that some of these country kids aren't at their club.
Eagle Plucker
Years ago
Juno, you'll be happy to know Centrals play Sturt in Div 1 this Friday....ouch!
In the boys, Sturt are top in all four ages, Centrals bottom in all but U12. In the girls, Sturt are around 4th across the board and Centrals 6th. The blowouts in the boys look like 100 points across the board.
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