Years ago

The Heats 'superfriends' need to pick one.

The heat have 3 stars. Good for them. Here is the problem as i see it.

Years ago the Jazz played a Houston team with Hakeem, Sir Charles and Drexler.

Scores were tight in game 7 and down the stretch Houston went to Hakeem in the block. He missed. Jazz went to Malone, he missed.
Houston went to Charles next, he missed, jazz went to Malone, this time he hit.
Houston went to Drexler, he missed, Malone scored again for the jazz.

Jazz win.

The lesson? If Houston went to Hakeem each time, he gets a flow on and scores just like Malone did. But because they had other superstars who wanted a go, they missed three in a row.

I see the same problem happening for the heat.

There will be no confusion for the Lakers (Kobe) or the Celts (Pierce) but unless the Heat decide who is the one they turn to, i can see their three stars putting up shots at different times and never really getting a flow on.

The superfriends need to pick one.

Topic #23708 | Report this topic

Years ago

There is no way you can compare Hakeem, Drexler & Barkley to Lebron, Wade & Bosh. Both Barkley and Drexler were winding up their careers & Hakeem was past his prime, if anything those 3 could be compared to the big 3 at Boston.

Reply #287754 | Report this post

Years ago

Try not to get confused anon. Not comparing the skills, just comparing the situation.

In the press of finals, wade, bosh or lebron may miss the odd shot, but if given consecutive shots, they can get into a flow and end up hitting more than they miss.

I just wonder if they will be able to get any flow on if the ball is shared between the three instead of the one.

Clutch time for LA, Kobe has the ball EVERY TIME.
Clutch time for the Celts, Pierce has the ball EVERY TIME.

It gives those players a chance to try different things, to see what the defence will do, to make plays and get scores.

Blazers go to Roy, thunder to Durant, jazz to Williams etc.

Heat need to pick one.

Reply #287759 | Report this post

Dr Bullshits  
Years ago

Wade or Lebron in the clutch, Wouldnt think bosh would have too much to do with a final shot. Good to have two options as they cant just triple team like they do kobe.

Reply #287845 | Report this post

Years ago

Point is valid, BUT the heat have acknowledged this and still decided to pursue a title down this avenue. No rules say a stacked lineup can't win. I'd be surprised how many of their games are that close anyways. 3 stars in their prime... Goodluck guarding that for 48min!

Reply #287866 | Report this post

Juror 12  
Years ago

It wont ever be an issue - all three guys will be on the bench in the final minutes because they will be up by 20.

Reply #287867 | Report this post

Years ago

agreed, i think this issue raised is a bit of a non issue. all these guys are in their prime and for all 3 to be off in the same game is highly unlikely. the thing with having one 'go to guy' is that the defending team knows who to defend its just a matter of how to defend. with the heat, as mentioned before, they cant just triple team one player because there are two other guys that are just as much of a threat. they will be very hard to defend

Reply #287868 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

It'd be Wade or Bosh. Reckon Wade should be the man though for the final shot; it's still his team: he's the franchise.

Reply #287874 | Report this post

The Messiah  
Years ago

It would be down to Wade or LeBron, my guess is it's Wade's team and he has proven more times than LeBron that he is Mr Clutch!!!

Reply #287882 | Report this post

Years ago

lebron is the best player on the planet - he's still going to be the best player on the planet on the heat..

Reply #287896 | Report this post

Years ago

If they need an inside shot then Lebron...if they need an outside shot then Wade. Bosh can inbound the ball.

Reply #287901 | Report this post

Years ago

it will be wade or lebron. bosh will be there to clean up the boards if they miss. But both wade and lebron are unselfish players that if there is someone else open ie miller or house im pretty sure they will hit them for the open shot.

Reply #287904 | Report this post

Melvin Corpuscle  
Years ago

Remember the Reggie-cide game ? where Prince blocked Reggie Millers layup right near the buzzer and Detroit ended up winning ? Well, if Reggie had pulled up and jacked a three, it wouldn't have been blocked - so I'm gonna say, that from now on whenever someone has an open court, they should NEVER go for the layup - always pull up for the three.

See, thats exactly how your logic worked - find one example (no matter how RARE it is) apply it to all future games, and we have a conclusion that is arse about.

Reply #287913 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha i like it! But with all due respect, prince with those long ass arms of his probs still wouldve blocked the 3 ball!

Reply #287930 | Report this post

shin splints  
Years ago

Fair Go Melvin - sure it is a very specific example, but it does raise an intersting issue about a clutch player having a rhythm down the stretch of a game.

For me, I would still give the ball to LBJ because he is probably a better creator and will find the open shooters. And he has made his share of big plays that have decided big games.

Reply #287947 | Report this post

Years ago

Its a non issue. Bosh will be ordering the drinks and getting the girls organised, Lebron will be deffering, as he doesnt want to be The Man, and Wade will get the big shots when they count.

But then Im a tainted Bulls fan, so I hope they all do knees in the preseason!

Reply #288172 | Report this post

Years ago

They only really have two options anyway,, there's no way bosh has an option to make the play haha.
He might get the dish off or crash boards, but the ball doesn't start in his hands.. EVER.

Reply #288177 | Report this post

The smartest option would be for Erik Spoelstra to run a play with multiple options as opposed to just giving it to one of the stars and forcing them to create. Or, he could get a high or wing pick and roll with Wade and Lebron, either of them with the rock in their hands, and let them create that way. Regardless of how opposing coaches/defenses decide to defend them, the only way the Heat will be stopped on a final possession is if they miss the shot. As mentioned, the Heat won't have many close games this season anyway.

Reply #288699 | Report this post

Years ago

i can't think of any nba team that still runs a pick'n'roll in the clutch... it's all isolation, wade is the player who will have the rock, bosh will be deep in a corner (we know he can hit the three from there) but i don't know if they play lebron as a spot up shooter...house is the player who will make a difference on this team, his 4th qtr shooting is insane (if he's given freedom to fire away)
oh!! the suns still run pick'n'roll, steve nash and ???

Reply #289112 | Report this post

Years ago

i don't think they will be in a lot of these situations, but if they had to do it... they go to who ever is hot, or who ever has the best match up, probably ever night it will be a good match up for DWade or LBJ, (Bosh can spot up) i think if they need 2 points give it to Wade, let bosh and LBJ get the rebounds and tips if needed, if they need a 3, put it LBJ's hands and spot up Wade, with Miller and who ever they have else, its about match up and situation...but how many of these situations will they be in? if they are in a lot i guess there not really "super" then.

Reply #290122 | Report this post

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