Years ago
The Heats 'superfriends' need to pick one.
The heat have 3 stars. Good for them. Here is the problem as i see it.
Years ago the Jazz played a Houston team with Hakeem, Sir Charles and Drexler.
Scores were tight in game 7 and down the stretch Houston went to Hakeem in the block. He missed. Jazz went to Malone, he missed.
Houston went to Charles next, he missed, jazz went to Malone, this time he hit.
Houston went to Drexler, he missed, Malone scored again for the jazz.
Jazz win.
The lesson? If Houston went to Hakeem each time, he gets a flow on and scores just like Malone did. But because they had other superstars who wanted a go, they missed three in a row.
I see the same problem happening for the heat.
There will be no confusion for the Lakers (Kobe) or the Celts (Pierce) but unless the Heat decide who is the one they turn to, i can see their three stars putting up shots at different times and never really getting a flow on.
The superfriends need to pick one.