Fair Go
Years ago
Refs - Why would anybody want to ref?
Why would anybody want to ref?
My son refs, and I really do not know why he bothers.
On Friday night, he reffed 3 games in a stadium atleast 15km away from where he lives.
He left home at 5.15pm to get to his first game. He got home at 11.15pm.
That is 6 hours away for a paltry $40.
That is equivalent to $6.67 per hour.
That is before one takes into account what is spent at the canteen, and transport costs.
Who in their right mind gets paid $6.67 per hour for all the abuse and disrespect from some of the parents, players and coaches.
There are a lot better things to do on your Friday nights.
instead of everybody bad mouthing the ref's, pay them a fair wage, and you might get more people wanting to ref, which in turn gives one a chance to use the "better" refs, and not use the "bad" refs.
Areas that need to be looked at, is to pay a fairer arte, also to pay for travelling time, and maybe for the time they are at the stadium, and not reffing.
What would you ref for?