Years ago

Referee Evaluators - what are they good for?

What good do these people do?
They get paid to sit and watch and evaluate the refs, where does their feedback / evaluation of the refs performance go? Why isn't it made public?
If a player has a bad game, there stats are made public through the box scores. If a ref has a bad game who knows / does anything about it??

In a sport trying to make it self more professional and catch up to some of the larger sports. Why do these guys get a free ride?
Sitting there smashing down the cokes and the pies, barely putting down the snacks to write down the odd note on the clipboard. There only job for the night seems to be to give the refs a pat on the back at the end of the game regardless of how they have performed.

Why not get the two coaches to evalute the refs performance and get some decent feedback. Which could be used to teach and train. Then the money that is being wasted on the evalutors could maybe go into a refresher or in some casess a re - training course.

Topic #23333 | Report this topic

Years ago

I highly doubt that your cynical rant is a realistic description of what the referee evaluators do at matches. They serve an extremely important role in referee development - one that you seem to have discounted to merely 'smashing down cokes and pies'.

And if you really want to have a go at evaluators, then don't make the ridiculous claim that we would be in any better of a position if the coaches(!) evaluated the refs instead!!

Reply #282162 | Report this post

Years ago

The boxscore isn't quite your analysis of a players' performance (just some data). It's the discussion in the changerooms or at player-coach meetings, you know - those things that aren't usually made public...

Reply #282163 | Report this post

Years ago

probably agree since same old same old - referees who continually make wrong calls bad positions appear uninterested - cheap cop out didnt see not my zone and still dont seem to make adjustments-
in all job spec reviews are important learning tools aspects to nuture and growth - evaluate and then improve

Reply #282164 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that stats don't always tell the whole picture but they are public and the original poster has a point that not much in an overt way flows through to the games given the same officials make the same poor decisions or non decisions weekly. I know its the devil's own job to get good officials but so is getting quality players and unless the standard of officials rises the sport's decreasing numbers will expand.
What about a bonus system for umps where ratings by both coaches dictate that bonus payment and that they need to score the umps over a certain number for an additional payment to kick in.Not a perfect system I agree but a start.

Reply #282166 | Report this post

Years ago

Coaches evaluating referees...

Whilst i agree referees need to be told when they have performed badly (not often enough), or well, im not sure that coaches evaluations is the best idea. Considering coaches have their teams and clubs best interest at heart, im not sure how impartial a coaches view may be. Not to mention many coaches out there whilst they have a good understanding of the game (often better than referees), again im not sure that they would have enough knowledge in regards to rule applications and interpretations.

At ABL level John Beames is a prime example of a referee evaluator that is doing his job correctly. If a referee performs badly he will tell them, in no uncertain words that they have performed badly. I think some of our evaluators need to take this approach with referees to ensure that they are developing.

Oh and maybe we should post a referee box score.. LOL!

Reply #282167 | Report this post

Years ago

ANON. As Astor stated - I don't know where your rant came from, but you obviously have no idea what the evaluators role is.
Your suggestion that coaches evaluate the referees lacks credibility due to the fact that one coach will think they did a great job (the winner) and the other coach will think they did a lousy job (the loser). This idea has been tried before, in several states, and invariably becomes one sided, particularly given the fact that some coaches do not have a full understanding of the rules.
You mentioned about making a few notes on a clipboard.
This is actually factual given that the evaluators no longer are required to complete a Bunn Sheet (call by call record). This IMO has made it easier for the evaluator to concentrate on the game (rather than miss calls while writing).
The most important part of the evaluators job is the after game conference. If you believe that evaluators only praise the referees then you are mistaken in the extreme. Whether a referee accepts or rejects the comments in the conference are another matter (and some referees don't). However, if a referee continues to ignore advice and constructive criticism then they should be penalised (dropped from roster). Certainly there is room for improvement amongst the current crop of referees but IMO the evaluators a doing a good job and are trying to upgrade that standard.

Reply #282168 | Report this post

Ref Evaluators are generally quite approachable, and willing to discuss issues that have arisen during the game with coaches.

It's not that hard to elicit a general idication from an ref eval after a game. It's not stats, but similar.

I'm curious as to ANON's involvement in basketball if they aren't aware of what the Ref Evals actually do.

Reply #282169 | Report this post

Years ago

For what started out as a slur on Ref Coaches I like this discusion.....

What about this:

For ABA only....

- End of the game the Ref Coach should provide the two head coaches with there top three areas for the officials to work on and an indication as to if the officials performed below the level, at the level or above the level of the game?

For example the Ref Coach might hand a form to each coach which says:

From this game the officials will be coached on

1. Better management to avoid a Tech foul
2. More consistant calling required on hand checking
3. Discusion required relating to match up of Pero v Holmes......

In general my opinion is the officials were at the level of the players in this game

Any questions from the coach or anything to add which could help in improving the performance should be put in writing within 48 hours and prior to the Ref coach completing the report.

Reply #282174 | Report this post

Years ago

A referee evaluator is essentially a referee coach - and provides an assessment of how each referee called the game at hand.

From my own personal experience there are good and bad - just like any coach I guess. But their job is to provide an assessment of their performance, including constructive criticism for them to work on.

However it is still up to the referee's to put in the effort to improve themselves.

Reply #282176 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry, but why should the Evaluators or coaches have to provide a report about the referee's to each other. If a coach has a real concern then the coaches can go up to the Evaluator and have a polite discussion.

Lets face facts that the current stock of referees coming through are well below par. BUT thats what we are stuck with for the next few season or unless past referees like Tristan G, John Clover, Daniel H(noddy), Daniel H (Smiley), Josh (porno) come back. And thats not gunna happen anytime soon.

I agree that from discussions that I have had with referee's that some of the Evaluators have gone soft, but that could be because they are worried that these young referee's put into these positions way before their time could quit leaving us in even more of a shitty position.

I come back to the age old saying "Either put up or shut up". Of which I am seriously considering doing lately.

Reply #282177 | Report this post

Years ago

I am told that evaluators do reports for each game they attend which is supplied to BSA and are stored in the little bag below the shredder as BSA think they are BS. When you have management which act like that what can you expect? I believe this lack of respect to umpiring is also one of the reasons BSA are looking for another referee development manager

Reply #282192 | Report this post

Years ago

ENONYMOUS. I'm not too sure about where the reports go, but your point regarding the Referee Manager is relevant. For too long BSA staff only pay lip service to refereeing matters. This can be highlighted in the real reason why Nathan quit his position as the referee manager. My information is that Nathan had some great ideas and direction for referees in SA, but BSA could not, or would not, be bothered implementing any of the stategies.

Reply #282195 | Report this post

Years ago

So why pay these ref evaluators if they are toothless and most of the current referees dont listen to them anyway??

Reply #282198 | Report this post

Phobos 28  
Years ago

Thats what everyone is saying.

Funnily enoughm they are all past refs who have lead to the current lack of professional culture in refereeing that has lead to the current issues in the sport.

Until BSA and te refs themselves accept that they need to improve rather than try and get people to stop having a go at their bad performance we wont get anywhere.

Reply #282201 | Report this post

Years ago

nathan was best thing to happen but no vision - need to get nathan and his type having more say to direct build guide - i suggest Durrant Filmer are the sort / types to be leading the pack - knowledge communicators

Reply #282214 | Report this post

Team Player  
Years ago

Perhaps some of these 'rookie refs" could make the effort to head out to an ABA training session and ump the scrimmage session. No pressure if the make a bad call, would be a great learning curve for them and im sure any ABA coach would appreciate it.
Something needs to be done to improve the standard
Listening to an evaluator go blah blah blah after a game isnt going to improve an umpires decision making.

Reply #282215 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree that listening to an evaluator going blah blah blah does not help at all, and this is where some of evaluators do fall down. They walk in and go wrong,right,wrong,right etc etc, the better evaluators look at game trends and assess why a referee may have missed a call or calls, or why they have called something a certain way. By identifying trends the referees then have a basis for what to work on, I.e positioning etc. Evaluators in the game are a vital resource for referees but I believe it all comes down to the way the assessment is done. And there will always be some referees who think their shi* don't stink.

Reply #282217 | Report this post

Years ago

some people are clueless

Reply #282221 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure why people make stuff up but I am quite sure Wieland quit because he only had so much time away from his real profesional career which is I.T

Perhaps, he is more suited to I.T than training/development type roll

Hope BSA find a good replacement because it is important they find someone with a vision for the future.

I noticed the AFL Umpires boss on "one week at a time" last night and he was very protective of the AFL umpires even stating that all ten 50 metre penalties in the Richmond game were correct.

Technicly maybe, but I think both basketball and footy need someone in this type of roll who has good experience as a previous head coach and umpiring experience also.

Stepping over a mark by a cm hardly is a good reason to give a bloke a 50m penalty imo

It shows no feel for the game

Reply #282257 | Report this post

better the devil  
Years ago

see how much vision Benn Macdonald has in the role

Reply #282263 | Report this post

(Team Player) tried refing training matches but you still get abused,and teams dont appreciate it. The only team that appreciated it were the lightining girls as well as the Country State teams that are happy topay refs for the their time. This would be the only two teams I'd go out to help.

Basketball is now too opinion based. The whole game of Basketball is to shoot the ball in your opponents basket. You all keep wondering why refs go week in week out not wanting to give it their all. This is because were all sick of the abuse,from junior level to higher levels. You all rave on about how bad the refing is, but yet none of you what to step up to the plate.

Reply #282264 | Report this post

Years ago

Team player I really hope your not a current referee because your attitude is wrong in step up to the plate... SC has it right in saying that the current crop is well below par, and this is due to those senior referes quiting and the favourtism shown towards some referees. We need honesty from evaluators which I don't think is happening often enough. It comes back to the fact that the referee shortage meaning that there is no competition for referees to fight for their spot. 5 or more years ago for a referee to progress thru the ranks they had to prove themselves, from juniors to seniors, to div 2 then aba. As it stands at the moment if your available you get rostered regardless of if your good enough or deserve it, it has become a case of just getting games covered. Until referees need to fight for their games I highly doubt that the quality is going to improve.

Reply #282271 | Report this post

Years ago

Better the Devel - Is that a joke or serious?

Reply #282274 | Report this post

better the devil  
Years ago


Reply #282275 | Report this post

Years ago

I have been a coach, player and umpire at Senior Level. Throughout my whole time as a ref I was given told by only one evaluator (prominent young NBL ref) that I had a shit game. Now I know other evaluators have told me that I had great games when I actually had a shocker. And whilst I took the bad (shit) criticsm poorly at the time, I was a better ref after the tourney because of it. Personally I think everyone is afraid to say it like it is

Reply #282276 | Report this post

Gravity Man  
Years ago

There will be an increase in district player admission soon ,that will assist to pay evaluators when then they leave.Heard this from insider.Evaluators help few not all.Most District Games at Pasadena,why dont the evaluate the GOLDEN BOY from pasadena,he claim to be the stadiums best umpire they have ever had in last 10 years.

Reply #282277 | Report this post

Years ago

After reading this thread it has highlighted to me how people like to share any knowledge they have on a subject no matter how ill informed they are.
There are a lot of partial truths in most of these posts, but also a number of out and out falsehoods.
But while everyone is feeling very protective of each others feelings or not all of you need to take some responsibility into why things arent working currently. Thats from the BSA employees to the evaluators to the referee's of all levels, to the court supervisors, the players, the spectators .....everyone has to take some ownership to the poor state this competition is being reffed at.

Reply #282281 | Report this post

Years ago

Who will take ownership of the poor state of the competition itself?

Reply #282287 | Report this post

Years ago

Gravity Man...
"Most District Games at Pasadena,why dont the evaluate the GOLDEN BOY from pasadena,he claim to be the stadiums best umpire they have ever had in last 10 years."

Who's the GOLDEN BOY that you speak of?

Reply #282293 | Report this post

Ceres 77  
Years ago

Referee Coaches are valuable.

Trust that good things are happening.

Be positive, not negative.

If you don't like it, don't sit here and post anonymously - pick up the phone or e-mail someone who can actually do something about it.

Reply #282295 | Report this post

Years ago

What like nathan did,(the referee manager) - or was he no given the opportunity to?

Reply #282299 | Report this post

Over it  
Years ago

Ceres 77
This site is a forum for what people think.
Perhaps BSA need to actually make good things happen instead of just talk.

Talk is cheap my friend

Reply #282302 | Report this post

Years ago

Over it talk is cheap. which is why bitching on this forum will acheive nothing.

I agree that most of what's been said in here has been half truths or even just completely wrong.

Over it if you think BSA have it all wrong, how about you share with us what you think they should be doing that they currently aren't?

Reply #282352 | Report this post

Years ago

Simply evaluate referees and get them to be accountable for poor performances. Critical reflection on the game called - includes identififying areas for growth - this is the point never seems to be any accountablity that performance are not up to high standardws expected - refrees can even say to players end of game i umpired poorly yet not follow up occurs to rectify. so next time players grizzle because umpire feeling slack again.Perform you do get paid to perform unlike the players.
#352 your thoughts

Reply #282541 | Report this post

Years ago

we should be evaluating umpires at hillcrest there doin an aweful job up there. i mean u cant have a fiar game if rockets are playing. its so obvious if your not in a rockets uniform then there is no point in rockiny up to the game. opposion get tech fouled for laughing while the opposition gets a smile and no warning. i dont think its fair. but oh well.

Reply #285591 | Report this post

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