Years ago

BSA junior scheduling question

BSA has recently enjoyed the upgrade of Morphett Vale but why aren't they using it?

On Friday night, only 4 games were down at MV.
2 on court 2 and 2 on court 3.


I am led to believe Court 1 has not been used for a district game since the upgrade

All games were down to have solo refs and it was close the door at 8.15pm.( Thankfully anyway the coffee machine didn't work)

On the same night, BSA scehduled 3 games in total for Marion LC?

The equation is 7 courts for 7 games in total? What the......

Ref's get $11 per game , do 2 games and go home.If they come from the city to go down south and drive, they spend $5 on petrol, $5 on Macca's on the way home and make $12 for the night !!

Does BSA know what is happening to their stadiums?

A UIC I spoke to recently,indicated that he can't get ref's for MLC due to poor scheduling and another at MV indicated the same.

Surely Southern must be concerned that they only get 4 games on a Friday at their new refurbished venue and sales in the bar and canteen must be down

*The move of U20/21 to Tuesday's ain't working ( Less teams and the Div 1 boys is a two horse race)
*Move of U12/14 Div2 on Friday night ain't working
*Saturday mornings stadiums are now empty
*Summer Promotion /Relegation was a disgrace with no finals or cross overs or reward

thoughts ??

Topic #23101 | Report this topic

Years ago

think you should apply for a job at BSA

no seriously everything you have said is correct, under 20's is a mess, the sooner it goes back to friday nights the better

Reply #279041 | Report this post

Years ago

When they re-opened the Stadium they used court 1

Reply #279047 | Report this post

The Banker  
Years ago

what is wrong with the Div 2 Under 12 & 14 comps being on a friday night???

What isnt working about it?

Reply #279050 | Report this post

ornate wobbegong  
Years ago

U20s was always a mess regardless from the timing.
Several U20s played in various senior teams during the week and often didn't train, or did't train as an U20s team. That's what causes the mess.

The timing on Tuesday prevents most U20s from playing Senior div 2. This is a good thing: it gives more people a game.

Reply #279058 | Report this post

Years ago

If you have an issue with the junior competition go to the BSA website and apply for a position on the competitions committee.

Perfect timing as they're looking for 4 new candidates.

Reply #279063 | Report this post

Years ago

Just to expend a little on the above. I believe the reason 20's was moved to tuesdays was to take away the power clubs have over where and how much players play. Eg i know at my former club many fringe aba players who were 19 or below were told by the club play juniors or you wont play seniors. This then followed the order from their aba coach play reserves or you won't play aba. Basically forcing the players into 3 games a week as well as what was probably 3 - 4 trainings a week.

This was burning players out and they were leaving the sport. By BSA placing 20's on a tuesday night, they were eliminating at least one game from these players schedule.

For this reason I doubt we will see 20's back ona friday night any time soon.

Also to do with the original topic. Not sure whats going on with scheduling however if this is the case its absolute disgrace. How about kick MLC and just use MV would almost double to games at MV. if nothing else this will keep money with in the league rather then money going to MLC for the hire of the courts and the canteen money going directly to the council instead of into the STBA.

Reply #279066 | Report this post

Out in the Sticks  
Years ago

Main reson Nutter is all the comments on "MV is sooooooo far" etc, like it isnt Aldinga or Sellicks, its 20 mins up the road from Marion and Pas. I agree, utilise the 4 courts and from what i have heard about MLC it is crap. But what can you do, the powers that be at BSA dont listen. And its true about getting refs- why travel for a couple of nothing games. I think Southern may need to approach BSA and see if perhaps the scheduling can be fairer and not so dare i say Wayville biased.

Reply #279075 | Report this post

Years ago

I think places like marion rec centre should not used not up to standed where M Vale has new courts not been used does not make a lot of sense to me ??????

Reply #279080 | Report this post

Years ago

application has gone in .Hope that the powers at BSA dont interfere with the decisions

Reply #279081 | Report this post

Years ago

Save me from the morphett vale refs. No way i would prefer mvale over marion lc. I like u12 / 14 div 2 fridays. Yes the pro-rel was half baked - but i support the concept, lets do it properly. Lets hope no magic people get on comp committee, they will be div 1 before we blink !

Reply #279082 | Report this post

Years ago

Wonder if things will change when the rest of the stadiums are marked with the new lines? As much as MV is a great stadium to play at I think it is giving Southern a big advantage at the moment. And yes I understand people not wanting to drive all the way to MV but you know what... toughen up, you know what your signing up for when you enter the comp, get over it. Reality is unless your really unlucky (which my team unfortunately is this season) you only get sent down there once maybe twice anyway so whats the big deal?

Reply #279087 | Report this post

Years ago

Take the expressway you fools, M/vale only 5 minutes from darlington that way

Reply #279089 | Report this post

Years ago

Best way to kill basketball is to schedule games at MV. bad enough they schedule late games for U20 there but parents won't support a game that plays in so many outer suburban areas like starplex, Mt barker and MV. Too many other sports that play in central locations, wake up BSA

Reply #279092 | Report this post

Years ago

Get a grip you lot, if you lived in other cities like Melbourne or Sydney that are a substantial size, you would be travelling further distances and battling traffic as well, Adelaide is small and easy to get around, not to forget the country families that travel vast distances, you really don't know how good you have it. BSA doesn't need to wake up, you all need to stop whinging.

Reply #279104 | Report this post

6ers Fan  
Years ago

Since when is Morphett Vale 'Outer Suburban"? Get real. And Anon 9082 why save you from MV refs- and havent you received the memo- refs travel to DIFFERENT stadiums each week! Its funny, Southern teams expected to got to Hillcrest, MARS, Dome without complaining BUT get anyone to come 20 mins up the hill and its the end of the world. As was stated- you signed up to visit all stadiums when you play away so stop the whining.

Reply #279106 | Report this post

Years ago

We don't live in those cities for that reason, stupid travel time. Basketball is a fringe sport that needs to consolidate and present a package that's more attractive to parents. We live in Adelaide and travel time is an issue when coming to competing with other sports. MV is a joke, starplex and Mt Barker the same.If you want to remain fringe status keep scheduling to these spots and at 10 pm.

Reply #279108 | Report this post

Years ago

9108 and anyone else that doesnt like travelling 5 minutes to the game, go play football, SFL aldinga travels to edwardstown and morphettville park and vice versa, no one complains, amatuer leagues, depending on what division you are in you could be mitchell park having to travel to smithfield, no one complains, if you dont want to travel, join a social team and play at your local stadium, i live at morphett vale and have to travel to hillcrest and port adelaide, i dont care because i want to be involved in district basketball!! I used to also travel from Gawler down south as far away as kangarilla to play football, i did it because i wanted to play in the best amatuer league i could find.

stop whinging and get a life

Reply #279124 | Report this post

Years ago

This is why we struggle to make any meaning full change in basketball in this State.

Some people want to get bigger and better while other want to get smaller and suit a minotity only.

Reply #279126 | Report this post

Years ago

I am from a club the opposite side of town from M/V. My view:

1. Prefer to play at M/v than Marion LC (and probably Marion) as it is not an issue getting there with the expressway. Try crawling down Marion road on a Friday night!! Does an affiliate of BSA get any money spent at MLC on drinks etc??

2. U12 and U14 div 2's on a Friday - great idea. Every one I speak to are happy with this move!

3. I understand the issues with U20's and seniors but in my view should play one or the other or disband one of the competitions. Playing U20's midweek helps in recruiting younger coaches to coach younger teams and with U12/U14 2's on Friday allows them to coach and then have a social life on Friday without needing to stagger across town to coach first thing Staurday morning. My issue with the midweek U20's is the timing - lots of 6:00 oclock games which makes it difficlut to get to if working or at uni and also makes it difficult to coach younger teams.

Reply #279136 | Report this post

Years ago

all they need to do is switch under 20 div 1 games to wednesday night, that way they can play div 1 and reserves if they wish too

Reply #279160 | Report this post

Juno 99  
Years ago

But then they can't play div 4 seniors or train ABA.

Reply #279169 | Report this post

Years ago

9160 they chnaged it to tuesdays to stop exactly that.
If people really want to complain about travel times go have a look at the amature soccer league. Christies beach has to travel to Port Pirie for a saturday afternoon game. They literally have to make an overnight trip to play the game

Reply #279171 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not ask the basketball community what they want and if they want these outlying stadiums used

Reply #279178 | Report this post

Years ago

Because everyone would want to play all their games as close to their location as possible.

which is the whole reason for home and away. You get to play half your games at home, or as close to it. But as a result you play half your games at someone else's home.

Seriously I can't believe you guys are complaining about this.

Reply #279181 | Report this post

Years ago

typical adelaide, whinge whinge whinge,

and 9171 clubs can change their ABA trainings to thursday nights!! and what under 20 div 1 player wants to be playing div 4 mens, they should be playing division 3 at least and thats played monday nights, so change the div 1's to wednesday, fringe reserve players get to play div 3 on monday, fringe ABA get to play div 2 on tuesday and all of them plus any starting 5 ABA players get to player under 20's wednesday, Makes for better div 2 and 3 mens comps and a better div 1 under 20 comp

Reply #279185 | Report this post

Years ago

Why not have the ABA team play ABA and Div 2 and Div 3 - will make each comp better!!!!!! Why have two comps - U20 and seniors if the same players are playing. I think this splitting is a good idea and allows more players to stay in basketball!!

Reply #279190 | Report this post

Years ago

Because there can be a huge leap for a first year under 20 playing against kids his own age to playing against men 3, 4 or 5+ years older, some kids have the skill level but not the physical level to compete in the seniors, some kids can be late developers, i came from under 18 div 4 to under 20 div 2 then into the div 1 team as a second year then onto reserve mens, had there not been an under 20 competition i would have played football or cricket against people my own age

Reply #279202 | Report this post

Years ago

9185 i dont think you quite understand, very few u/20's players will play div 3 mens and if they do its their decision and not the club making them play. They all play ABA or ressies (if they are good enough) BSA made 20's on a tuesday night to STOP clubs basically forcing their players into 3 matches a week plus how ever many trainings that entails. Like i said previously this wasnt necessarily a decision to improve the comp but to stop players burning out and leaving the sport.

Reply #279203 | Report this post

ornate wobbegong  
Years ago

Couldn't agree more. It was a move. It gives more players a game and at the same time keeps several from leaving due to burn out.

Reply #279208 | Report this post

ornate wobbegong  
Years ago

I meant:"good move"

Reply #279209 | Report this post

Years ago

Who wants to play basketball at 10 pm on a week night anywhere but in the boonies has to be the worst.

Reply #279217 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

You can't please everyone all of the time, but it is interesting to see how some are pleased more than others

Reply #279354 | Report this post

Years ago

Jack, do you think scheduling games at MV etc at 10pm during the week is good for the sport? Some MV games at that time don't even involve Southern.

Reply #279362 | Report this post

Years ago

anon they don't schedule 10pm games at M/V during the week.

In a perfect world everyone would play between 7 - 9 but Adelaide doesn't have the court space to do that, and for good reason, every stadium would go broke.

Southern, South, Forestville, Sturt, Flinders Uni none of them should have any issue with playing at M/V at any time.

I remember the days of 10pm games at M/V or for that matter Hillcrest, Athol Park and Port Adelaide. If you played for Tigers you still got 10pm games over 40mins travel from home mid week.

Div 3 - 5 is pooled North/South now isn't it?

BSA have made a lot of changes to satisfy people like you, and yet you still complain. There are bigger issues in the sport then this.

Reply #279366 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I firmly believe BSA try their best, but need to have a look at a few issues re scheduling. It probably gets down to money in a lot of cases, but each team should have the right to home games at their home stadium. For example, having some Mavs teams play their "home" games at Wayville or MV is a little crazy.

I question whether the north/south or east/west zone that BSA talked about will ever be implemented, or whether it will be left alone. The cynic in me thinks the north zone would be interesting with a number of clubs, but the south zone would see too many club teams play their fellow teams - OK if you like beige.

I believe there is still a big question mark over how the Pro/Rel system for Div 3-6 is managed. The devil is in the detail and without knowing too much of the detail, I think the way the Vics do it is by a game between the pro and rel team - sudden death style of game. Worth a go seeing as though no finals occur in summer.

The U16 Div 3-6 is an abnormality at the moment and consideration should be given to moving these Divs to Saturday morning if there is insufficient stadium space on Friday night. Thursday nights is not a real good option for some. U20s is probably OK during the week as some kids have Ps and can drive themselves, but U16s are generally year 8 - 9 with some yr 10s.

Reply #279391 | Report this post

Years ago

all you guys are pathetic, whinging about referees and Morphett vale, if Adelaide held a National tournement here everyone would be happy, and then everyone that hates MV will go yay for MV and go on praising MV. Without MV we would have only 1 4 court stadium in Adelaide radius, therefore most of adelaide will crack the shits if they had to drive to Starplex. Adelaide is very lucky to have Morphett vale

So my point is, theres always going to be whinging about playing at stadiums which are far away, its what happens when you play sport, you cant play in the same spot everytime, thats not fair on anyone else who has to travel. As part of the Panel and Develoment program for referees, they havta move around, so they dont get sent to the stadiums they want, so therefore we get good referees are different stadiums everyweek.

If you dont like it then quit and go play netball, where mostly your game is in the same spot every week

Reply #279557 | Report this post

Years ago

Techfoul, kids are taking your advice and swapping to netball. In addition the same kids are playing 20/1's,reserves etc which makes it look like more are involved. Getting them to play reserves or whatever at MV will kill the game. Petrol costs dough and kids don't want to spend it sightseeing rural South Australia.

Reply #279563 | Report this post

Years ago

but can i just add, what about the southern guys? people that actually live down here, we have 1 maybe 2 if you count Marion, basketball stadiums in the south, i beleive North have Mars, St Clair, Hilcrest, Starplex, give us guys that live down south a break and stop saying its so far to Morphett vale when we havta travel alot more then you north guys!

Reply #279619 | Report this post

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