Years ago
Forestville bias in ABA write ups?
I'm curious to know why Forestville features in all the special write ups on top of the weekly ABA reviews?
Years ago
I'm curious to know why Forestville features in all the special write ups on top of the weekly ABA reviews?
Forestville Junior James Woite (who I believe is studying journalism) has taken time out of his saturday nights to attend the games and do a write up for BSA free of charge.
Years ago
Has BSA invited all the other clubs to self promote this way? BSA has dropped the ball with posting round stats and summaries when incomplete and seem to be behind in previews more often than not, that it stands out a little when the web site reflects more of Mr Woite's work than the official responsible for ABA news.
The Banker
Years ago
Good to see our new BSA employee is doing his job!
The position was CABL Media Coordinator Appointment
David Tonks was the lucky man to get the job now this was done in April
What has he done since being employed???
I really haven't seen much advertisement through the paper or on the Internet
And as for James from Forestville, Good stuff mate keep it up I just wish there was more people like u who had some brains and help out your club!
The Banker
Years ago
Why should BSA need to ask if each club if they wants to advertise themself???
Clubs should wanna do this without being prompted
Seems the smart thing to do really
Years ago
Clubs could surely volunteer if they wanted to get similar material up there rather than wait and see if they're asked. Someone volunteers their time to do something presumably for nothing and gets ripped. Too often in SA basketball, more time gets spent complaining than actually doing. How often is there a "Why no Lightning threads?!!" topic rather than the poster, I don't know, actually contributing a decent Lightning thread themselves?
(Please note: only responding to this "Has BSA invited all the other clubs to self promote this way?", not the other points.)
Years ago
David Tonks (as in David Tonks from Eastern?) is CABL Media Coordinator? Is this a joke? I mean seriously, what does this guy know about media?
The guy struggles to handle his role at Eastern.
The Banker
Years ago
Yeah David tonks from Eastern is the new media manager
and your he knows nothing which is why nothing has been happening since he took over the role
So you guys can do better? why didn't you apply?
Or did you and didn't get the job?
And as for saturday nights, why don't you guys have a shot at the title, get on the mike..?
Im off to by some Kevlar, cos the snipers have itchy trigger fingers.
Filthy Mexican
Years ago
This is a crazy topic, Forestville provides their own write up for games, if there is some bias in it, while that is to be expected.
There is no bias towards any club in the official BSA writeups, so deal with it.
If you are interested in seeing a writeup about your club then write one and pass it onto BSA via your club secretary, if it is well written and concise I am sure it will be posted.
David Tonks cannot be at every game so he cannot be expected to have a post game writeup for every team. I have been on this forum for years and I can honestly say i have no idea what you people expect from the basketball community in this state!
The Banker
Years ago
Im already involved at ABL games so dont tell me to put my hand up when i already am helping
As for the position for media manager i dont expect Tonksy to be at every game but his job is to coordinate the media so he should be getting onto each club and getting a weekly from the home team so it can be published
He also needs to have a decent weekly preview & results in the Advertiser as well
And as for applying for the position i didnt apply because i already am giving 7 days a week to this sport in SA so i just dont have the time outside my 9-5 job and basketball commitments to do this job
The Journo
Years ago
I applied for the Central ABL Media Co-Ordinator role.
Years ago
I believe James approached BSA re these REVIEWS (not previews) as part of his studies / assessment
If you have read David Tonks' articles in The Courier newspaper over many years you would understand that he has a great understanding of the game and writes unbiased articles. The Courier has won many awards for their support of Basketball over the years. I think you will find the problem is getting information from other clubs as he can't be at all games, as mentioned Forrestville do a great job. Maybe other clubs should look at doing similar.
Years ago
Absolutely no slur on the writer of the articles intended just amazed they outshine and out-number the official write ups. I disagree with Isaac because most viewer would see the reviews as part of BSA's role and wouldn't think to write their own. Surely if BSA give permission for this they should notify the clubs telling them the same thing is open to them for the perception of equity.
I think the ABA site is very unreliable from live stats to posted results and I'm not sure whose fault that is but it's rare that all results are in on time if at all and no one seems to take responsibility for it. Are clubs fined for not getting results and stats in by a certain time or is it more casual than that?How can you post round leaders and reviews for a round when you don't have all the round's results?
Years ago
I didn't apply for the CABL Media Coordinator position as a/ I didn't see it advertised and b/ highly unlikely it would have paid enough.
Years ago
The Advertiser (30ish% of which is comprised of material driven by PR/publicity companies) doesn't notify any/all PR companies that they accept media releases. Instead, the PR companies work hard to push their clients above others. Nothing stopping clubs from offering free content and I don't know why they'd ever assume it wasn't worth a quick question to find out either.
Years ago
NO IDEA - try offering some substance in your criticism. Banker may have been blunt with his first assessment, but had put up a bit more info with another post soon after.
So because it doesnt pay u enough, you can get stuck into David Tonks?
Years ago
Can David explain why the stats for two teams are still not up?
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