The standard of basketball in Victoria is a lot higher than that of SA too - it comes from having a greater population and more people to choose from.
In my opinion the standard of refereeing in SA won't improve until we get rid of the abuse and inappropriate behavior from players, spectators and coaches, which hopefully the new officiating directions will help to do. Of the few referees that SA does have, a huge percentage give it away before they have enough experience to be a 'strong, well-trained' ref, due to the fact that they are abused week in, week out and don't enjoy it.
Lenovo, in what way are you offering this 'constructive criticism'? While I don't doubt that there are referees that act this way, perhaps this attitude is a defence mechanism to maintain composure and control during a difficult situation on the court? I know I myself sometimes have to use a similar thing in order to deal with players/coaches that don't respond to anything else. If you have some feedback for the referees, approach the evaluator/court supervisor and ask them to pass it on, or approach the referee after the game when the heat and emotion has died down from the situation. If they are anything like myself, they will really appreciate the feedback and the fact that you made the effort to pass it on.
I can't speak for anyone else obviously but I realise that many coaches and players have been around for a lot longer than us 'up and coming' referees. However, when on the court referees have to be in control of the game. If you are criticizing/critiquing a referee during a game (as opposed to asking for an explanation or interpretation) then you are in control - we can't be influenced during a game by the constructive criticisms that everyone is willing to throw out there. For example, if I were to act on something an opposition coach said and that changed the way I was refereeing I'm sure you would be pissed!
We do appreciate your concerns and we do appreciate your feedback. It just needs to be given to us after the game :)