Years ago
Mavs vs Flames: How long is a week?
Sorry but I can't help myself. Went to Mars last night to watch norwood under 18 boys kick the Mavs arse again like they did at state champs with their renowned run and gun style of crap they play. They beat the mavs by 26 just 5 days earlier and showed no humility or respect of an opposition in victory. In fact fact they probably don't know of the meaning of the humble word.
In a 37 point turnaround against a team that had 2 fully fit players, 2 out injured, 2 sick with flu and 4 playing injured norwood happened to lose the unloseable by 11. Karma is a great thing. The so called SA country state team has had a really fatigueing 4 month period and conducts itself with no fan fare and has great humilty and even a win over a so called team of superstars out east was taken iin a matter of fact fashion.
Just goes to show kids are what they are taught and even though a lot of people may think this group of mavs boys have under achieved this year those in the know, having seen what adversity they have endured, know they are the best team going around when fully fit and all things being equal.
Norwood, teach your kids how to be humble just like sturt and we teach our kids to be. Just maybe then they will become a top team.