Years ago

Mavs vs Flames: How long is a week?

Sorry but I can't help myself. Went to Mars last night to watch norwood under 18 boys kick the Mavs arse again like they did at state champs with their renowned run and gun style of crap they play. They beat the mavs by 26 just 5 days earlier and showed no humility or respect of an opposition in victory. In fact fact they probably don't know of the meaning of the humble word.

In a 37 point turnaround against a team that had 2 fully fit players, 2 out injured, 2 sick with flu and 4 playing injured norwood happened to lose the unloseable by 11. Karma is a great thing. The so called SA country state team has had a really fatigueing 4 month period and conducts itself with no fan fare and has great humilty and even a win over a so called team of superstars out east was taken iin a matter of fact fashion.

Just goes to show kids are what they are taught and even though a lot of people may think this group of mavs boys have under achieved this year those in the know, having seen what adversity they have endured, know they are the best team going around when fully fit and all things being equal.

Norwood, teach your kids how to be humble just like sturt and we teach our kids to be. Just maybe then they will become a top team.

Topic #23021 | Report this topic

Years ago

I don't exactly know what that massive rant meant, but why don't you follow that massive red ball of wool you rode in on back home.

Reply #277985 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I think someone's team had a win.

I know you're excited about it, but how about keeping you medication up so you're a little more lucid when telling us about it.

Reply #277989 | Report this post

Charon 78  
Years ago


Do you not see the hypocrity in you post? Not much humility shown there. Haven't seen Sturt or South come on here and bang on about their weekend. Nor how they struggled with State commitments and injuries over summer.

Mavs boys results are of there own doing. If you choose to be the servent to 2 masters you will of course get injured, sick etc. Are we gonna be hearing about all these reaason for their poor performance at classics? Or are some players just not going to attend because of football.

If a State team can't win their own states "club" championships, and in fact finish 4th, then maybe they are doing some things wrong. Especially when they have recruited all the best country kids out of other clubs.

But what really matters is the State Champs results. If guys can't take 1 weekend of football off, for the good of their team and team mates, how selfish is that?

My opionon is that you get what you deserve. So go have a party about winning a meaningless Friday night game. We will see how your karma goes at classics, if you actually attend without excuses.

Reply #277993 | Report this post

Years ago

Victorian - that is the biggest load of BS I have ever seen posted on Hoops. What a ridiculous load of crap.

Mavs couldn't perform at State Champs - they failed. End of story.

Reply #277998 | Report this post

Moses Guthrie  
Years ago

Oh, no. If Clem Scott hears about this post, there's going to be hell to pay. Clem, nothing to see here. Move along.

Reply #277999 | Report this post

Rev Grady Jackson  
Years ago

I hear you loud and clear Moses, hell will be paying.

Peace be with y'all

The Rev

Reply #278000 | Report this post

Years ago


Laughing at you not with you

and to answer your question how longs a week? well 7 days

Reply #278002 | Report this post

Years ago

I didn't see the game last night, so I can't comment on how sensational the Mavs must be :)

I was at the game last Sunday and didn't see Norwood displaying any of this lack of humility. Victorian, I have no idea what you are on about, but then again, I'm pretty sure you don't either.

Reply #278003 | Report this post

Clem Scott  
Years ago

Moses, Moses, I cannot just move along because there is nothing to see here, there is;
Another chimp, beating their chest, flinging their own excrement.

As for humility, ask the coaches son what he said to the Norwood country lad last Sunday, zing, or the brother of the NCAA player what he said.

"Humility is a pie best eaten while cleaning your own backyard"

Mavs - well done, better on the night
Refs - well done, consistant

Reply #278004 | Report this post

Years ago

Victorian you have sucked em in again son. Jack Toft, Charon 78, all the usual idiotic crew bit like usual - you are one of the best at getting a bite and sucking them in. Did norwood win state champs ? I thought sturt did. You did not mention southern. Why not ?

Reply #278005 | Report this post

Years ago

Got em Gene. They not real clever are they ? Happens every time. How the the Barossa districts go today ? How many did Jack kick ?

Reply #278006 | Report this post

Years ago

Tosser - yes champ, Sturt did win State Champs in 18 Boys, as you well know. Norwood came third, which was higher than the mighty SA Country Mavs. Going into the weekend, Mavs were probably favourites, so they definitely underachieved in a BIG WAY. But our hearts bleed for your pathetic excuses.

As for the 'idiotic crew' bit, it's no wonder that most of district basketball think that Mavs are a bit of a joke. You guys really are in a different world.

Now get back to chewing your straw and riding your tractors, and leave the rest of us to get on with basketball.

Reply #278007 | Report this post

Years ago

And you guys still lost on the weekend. And that will never change.

He who laughs last, laughs hardest.

Keep talking up your boys. I'm sure their bad behaviour at State champs isn't anything to do with the apple not falling far from the tree. Fairly obvious who you guys are.

Reply #278008 | Report this post

nix 83  
Years ago

What bad behaviour?

Not sure what the apple bit is about, are you an apple farmer?

Reply #278009 | Report this post

Years ago

If your behaviour on here is anything to go on. I'm not suprised by your teams behaviour.

Reply #278010 | Report this post

nix 83  
Years ago

Anon - I have no idea what you are on about. Are you referring to me?

If so, yes I am a Norwood parent, but not from that team. Please explain??

Reply #278011 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe next time you should watch the game from court side and not the bar

Reply #278013 | Report this post

sure sure  
Years ago

well norwood played 2 semi-fit players and a one had the flu. plus one did not play AT ALL! also what is this talk about bad behaviour is this aimed at norwood or the mavs.

Reply #278025 | Report this post

Years ago

I thought Hau Long was a chinaman?

Reply #278042 | Report this post

Hu's the President of China. I'm not sure, but Hau might be his deputy?

Reply #278061 | Report this post

Years ago

mavs are overrated never have they performed well when it matters, this has occured since under 12s and all the way till now. They have only won the under 12 winter grand final, with a team of that talent they are massive underachievers.

Maybe they should take a look at the sturt team and learn to play as a team.

Reply #278068 | Report this post

Years ago

Just asking the question what do teams/clubs see as more important the winter season or state champs?

Mavs obviously did not perform as well as they would have liked to over the state champs weekend however they and sturt are still undefeated in the winter season. So what do people think of Charon 78 comment "So go have a party about winning a meaningless Friday night game"?

I would think that the winter season is more important than state champs as we play over 20 rounds plus finals to become the best team in the state and state champs is played over 4 days. What do people think?

If a different team wins the winter grandfinal to the state champs who is infact the best team in the state?

Reply #278396 | Report this post

Ariel 91  
Years ago

At all higher levels, Olympics, Worlds, Junior Worlds are the top level and are tournaments, some clubs develop their kids for that. Other clubs do not.

Reply #278400 | Report this post

Years ago

Ariel 91 You pointed out that the sport is played in tournaments at the higher level, should we shorten the winter season and perhaps have more tournaments in SA? and perhaps make this more of a focus than friday night games?

Reply #278404 | Report this post

Years ago

Ariel 91, Olympics and Worlds are representative teams not a club tournament.You can't really compare them,I personally would rather win the Grand Final.My opinion -sure plenty out there disagree.

Reply #278405 | Report this post

country lover  
Years ago

reading all this rubbish one could believe that a fair few of you city folk do not like us country lads. could thatbe because most of the good kids that used to play for you now play for mavs or the fact that SA country is a lot more financially better off and 100times better run than Basketball SA, makes you think doesn't it.

all of you tossers need to wake up and smell the BS you speak.

Reply #280333 | Report this post

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