Moses Guthrie
Years ago

LeBron to Chicago

Quote from ESPN today:

Boston Celtics fans were chanting "New York Knicks" during Thursday's Game 6 every time that LeBron James went to the foul line. Maybe they should've been chanting "Chicago Bulls." Within minutes of the Cleveland Cavaliers' elimination at the hands of the Celtics, the speculation about LeBron James' next destination resumed in full force.

In the space of five minutes I heard from three NBA GMs via text, e-mail and phone. All three said that based on the information they have, they believe LeBron will leave the Cavs. More surprisingly, all of them said they believe the destination will be the Chicago Bulls. Two said they believe that John Calipari will be the Bulls' new head coach. One GM went a bit further in a phone call a few minutes later. "I think the Bulls are really going to go for it. Look for them to offer the Cavs Luol Deng in a sign-and-trade for LeBron. That will allow them to retain most of their cap space. Then they'll go after Dwyane Wade or Chris Bosh as well."

Damn near fell of my chair when I heard this. Just do it, LeBron, just do it. Unblvbl.

Topic #22975 | Report this topic

Years ago


Guy has a shocking attitude in a Cavs uniform, could accept in Chi-Town

Reply #277330 | Report this post

Years ago

As a lifetime lakers fan and someone who really loves old school basketball I really hope he stays in Cleveland. Sure NY offers a larger market for his various endorsements and New Jersey would be interesting, chicago as well would be an enticing proposition.

Chicago as mentioned above seems like the most likel option, but hasnt some other guy already done this? Come on lebron, no matter what you do at the Bulls you will always be playing 2nd fiddle to Michael..

I hope he can sit down with the cavs, and have a constructive discussion. Not one sided from the point of view of a superstar laying down the law and wanting to get every cent he can but as a great player wanting to ensure his team are contenders for the next 10 years. Then sign on and help bring a dynasty to Clevelend. IMO the money he sacrifices by staying at Cleveland will come back to him in future years by being marketted as a one team player who showed his loyalty.

Reply #277335 | Report this post

Years ago

lebron should stay in cleveland

Reply #277336 | Report this post

Years ago

Have his customary cry and leave the league!!!! pls pls pls

Thank god for the Celtics putting this tool in his place AGAIN!

Reply #277339 | Report this post

LA Boy  
Years ago

I think if he wants to become contender Chicago would probably be his best bet...Cleveland's only good because of him.

In Chicago he'll have Rose, him and maybe even another star. And discussion in the NBA especially guys like Lebron going into his prime, it's all about the $$$. Don't kid yourself thinking he'll accept for less etc.

Reply #277341 | Report this post

Years ago

Chicago would definitely have a shot, because they do have some talent to suround Lebron with and they are a big basketball market.

The thing that gives me pause though, is the type of personnel Chicago has. Lebron would have to share the rock with Derrick Rose and they are somewhat redundant, because they are both slashers with average jumpshots.

Then you take Noah - and I love the energy he plays with - but really, isn't a he slightly more talented, but less experienced Varejao?

The key will be getting that extra star to sign. Obviously if they can get Wade, that will be pretty impressive, but the planets would really have to align in the Bulls favour to bring both Lebron and Wade to town! I'm not sure I see that happening.

To me, the Bulls have some talent, but their issues are a lack of outside shooting and no post presence. Lebron doesn't really address either of those two issues. He might just about find himself on the Cavs mk 2 in Chicago if he's not careful!

p.s. - I reckon the Bulls have a better shot than the Knicks though! Lebron would have to be a masochist to go play for that team as it is!

Reply #277343 | Report this post

Years ago

stay in Cleveland

Reply #277345 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree statman thats why he should join D'antoni in New york & start his own dynasty.

Reply #277351 | Report this post

Years ago

Why can't he start his own dynasty in Cleveland? It's not like he has inherited any sort of recent success with the Cavs.

And why would D'Antoni be his coach?

Reply #277360 | Report this post

Years ago

if he cared about winning he'd sign with the magic/lakers/celtics for less than 5 million a year...

Reply #277361 | Report this post

Years ago

If he cared about winning he stay at clevland trade mo Williams for a real point guard let z and shaqs contracts run out . Start hickson . Trade Jamison and get bosh in sign and trade with help of cap space Fromm shaq and z . Cavs have bosh Hickson Parker and good point guard with west and varejo and powe off bnch . Stay in Cleveland !!!! But if he is keen on winning go to lakers for pay cut in sign and trade for odom / arTest

Reply #277362 | Report this post

Years ago

Hahaha, It doesn't just work out like that Jacob. I wish it was that easy though. The fact is this.. Lebron would probably want to stay in Cleveland, however the franchise will struggle to upgrade its roster, unless James takes a pay cut, which is unlikely.
To get Bosh, theyd have to get rid of Jamison and Mo. To be honest, I can't see many teams wanting their expiring contracts. Teams might want Mo, but Jamison's ineffectivness in the playoffs suggests he is on the last legs of his career.
The only cap relieve they will get is Shaq..his 20 odd mil contract expires now.

Looking at the situation now, getting Antwan Jamison mid-season was perhaps a terrible move. The benefit of hindsight huh?

Reply #277364 | Report this post

Years ago

TC2 D'antoni currently coaches the Knicks & has a strong relationship with Lebron.

Reply #277365 | Report this post

Years ago

Lebron would probably average 50 points a game under D'Antoni
He would fit perfectly into his run and gun system

Reply #277368 | Report this post

Years ago

Beantown - you clearly haven't being watching any Bulls games lately, but Rose certainly does not have an average jump shot. Yes, he doesn't shoot the three, but his pull up J off the dribble barely misses as evidenced all season and against the Cavs.

Noah is three times better than Varejao - evidenced by his stats and how when Noah didn't play due to injury, the Bulls usually lost. The Bulls have a great set up for James to go into - a PG who will be a future hall of famer, a quality 4 man in gibson who had an awesome rookie season, a hustle 5 man who is the heart and soul of the team, hinrich deng and plenty of sign and trade bait on the bench or with deng.

Championships would be much more likely in Chi town than Cavs town, mark my word!! =)

Reply #277371 | Report this post

LA Boy  
Years ago

cavolo- I agree

Reply #277375 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with that summary too.

Reply #277379 | Report this post

Years ago

There's talk LeBron, Wade & Bosh to the Bulls. They all 4 year deals which they can opt out after 3. Then If they don't win the Free Agent circus starts again in 2013.

PG Rose
SG Wade
SF James
PF Bosh
C Noah

At least Noah doesn't need the ball.

Reply #277380 | Report this post

Years ago

If that happens I'll cry .

Reply #277383 | Report this post

Years ago

no room for hinrich in the 5?

Reply #277384 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair call Cavolo, I haven't seen much of Rose since last season's playoffs when he was great getting to the basket, but not reliable with his jumpshot. If he has improved that then that changes things a bit. It would still be fair to say that Rose's primary skill is his ability to get to the basket though right?

I guess the point I was really trying to make is that if you have Lebron, you just need a bunch of guys who can make open jumpshots or rebound! The Cavs have a pretty decent rebounder/ hustle guy in Varejao but they need some guys who can hit the side of a barn when the pressure is on.

So if Chicago gets Lebron, for me the real key is getting those shooters, as they already have the rebounding covered.

Reply #277385 | Report this post

Years ago

maybe lebron can't win a championship because he is too good? he is so good he sucks all the talent out of his team mates, and then he gives up. honestly i cant think of a better situation for james then the one he was just in. coaching change perhaps? d'antoni style? no matter where he goes the hype will be bigger than his ability to win important games.

Reply #277386 | Report this post

LA Boy  
Years ago

honestly if you have Rose and Lebron together, that thing is a massive threat whether Rose can hit outside shot or not. teams are having enough trouble standing infront of one of them guys as it is, imagine having them side by side. even if they add Wade where in theory it's going to clash but I'm pretty sure they can work things out.

when you have stars signing to a team as oppose to been traded to a team, most of the time they will secrafice to make things work.

if I was the Bulls and can sign Lebron James or Lebron signing with Bulls, the last thing I'd worry about is Rose isn't a shooter.

Reply #277391 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess I see LeBron's game differently to you Beantown if he was playing alongside Rose. For one thing, I believe Rose would control the team from the point like Rondo does with the Celts, and the great players around him get fed the ball like LeBron would from Rose.

Imagine LeBron getting the ball while moving on the wing or cutting to the hoop from a killer Rose penetration move (which he can get whenever he wants!). It would be dunk city even more for LB as well as getting spot up J's from anywhere (let's hoep they drop more than they did against the Cavs!).

I personally don't want Wade in a Bulls uniform. Yes he can score, but I think he's too much of a black hole. I'd be iffy with Bosh too, however the line up that was proposed by Rasheed30 looks scary, but I just hope they could put in Team USA '08 performances (i.e. play pretty well as a team) as opposed to versions '04 etc.

Reply #277394 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd assume LeBron, Wade & Bosh will all be max contracts.

Can the Bulls fit three max contracts like they would have on Rasheed30's roster? I thought they could only fit two.

Reply #277412 | Report this post

Years ago

Lebron and Bosh worked well together in beijing.

Reply #277417 | Report this post

Years ago

I wouldn't mind mo williams go to bulls aswell so he can come off the bench and knock down shots from the land of deep. Also you could play him and rose together and they would work well together from Rose's penetration handing it off to Mo knocking in the triple. Maybe a sign and trade with Hinrich,Brad Miller and Deng for Lebron and Mo.

Reply #277418 | Report this post

Years ago

Mo williams is a joke

Reply #277420 | Report this post

Years ago

They should know a max contract for all 3 of them would have to be out of question. If they wanna all play together, the 1st sacrifice is a pay cut.

Reply #277422 | Report this post

Years ago

Mo a joke? Are you serious!!

Reply #277424 | Report this post

Years ago

lol all 3 wont land here in chicago. There is no way Cleveland will take back Dengs salary for Lebron. Deng is majorly overpaid for a borderline 3rd option on a decent NBA team.

If we can get Lebron, look for the Bulls to use remaining capspace to try and get Ray Allen, or re-sign Brad Miller and bring over Omer Asik. Another option is Raja Bell. We are desperately thin at SG, Hinrich is not the answer and shouldve been traded the moment we won the 2008 lottery.

Reply #277426 | Report this post

Years ago

Rasheed30, okay, so this is stricly a fantasy that exists only in your head then. I understand.

Reply #277469 | Report this post

Years ago

No, read it on ESPN or Fox Sports websites if I remember correctly, the last thing I could be bothered doing is starting a rumour that crazy. Don't see it happening and don't want it to happen.

Reply #277573 | Report this post

Years ago

Rasheed30, really? Wow. Yeah, don't see it happening at all. LeBron to Chicago, sure. Wade to Chicago, sure. Bosh to Chicago, sure. I can believe those things are possible. LeBron, Wade AND Bosh? No way. I'd eat my hat.

Reply #277578 | Report this post

Years ago

More chat on RealGM today about LeBron calling Derrick Rose after the series loss to the Celts. Story was reported by ESPN's Scoop Jackson, which adds some credibility.

Aparently the conversation centred around LeBron liking Rose's game and being keen to play with him.

Reply #277641 | Report this post

Years ago

if he leaves he will be going to NY... Nike won't be happy if he goes elsewhere, and at Knicks he will be able to pull of some Kobe moves and decide who else he is playing with seeing only Curry is on the roster for next season

Reply #277687 | Report this post

Years ago

Ricey - you realy think that Nike would not be happy if he landed in Chicago, the birthplace of Nike Air Jordan? Chicago is a huge basketball market. However the spectre and legacy of Jordan will always be there...

Reply #277696 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

36 reasons why LeBron should move to New York -
on the late show , last nite - arms linked together, chanting in time - an anthem.

Reply #277719 | Report this post

Years ago

why would they not want him in Chicago? because they want Wade there to promote the new Jordans... Lebrons best selling shoes have been when Nike have done a special release for his NY games...

Reply #277743 | Report this post

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