Years ago
The We Want Wade Campaign
Miami and fans campaign to keep Dwyane Wade in Miami: including suggested tactics:
Chant "We Want Wade!"
Start a slow clap and/or a standing ovation. But keep it short. People might start to stare.
Send dessert to his table - very classy!
Walk by and say, "Hey, I'm (Your Name Here). I'm a big HEAT fan and I want you to stay in Miami," then keep walking so he can enjoy his meal, conversation or whatever he is doing.
Ask for an autograph, photo, date, money or one of his cars.
Beg. Just tell him you're a fan and we want him here. 'Nuff said.
Follow him. It's not just intrusive. It's creepy (and illegal).
Show him your D.Wade tattoo. Or get one for that matter.