filthy mexican
Years ago
Women's ABL Player of the week
I have calculated womens player of the week (Rounds 1 - 5) using the following formula
(Pts+Reb+AST+BLK+STL-TO)x opposition team rank
in order to be player of the round your team must have won the game
The teams have been ranked as follows (i believe these rankings as the same as Botis preseason rankings... I may have some inverted though)
West 1.9
Norwood 1.8
Forestville 1.7
Sturt 1.6
North 1.5
Eastern 1.4
South 1.3
Southern 1.2
Woodville 1.1
Centrals 1
Round 1
K.Webber WABC
M.Newley FEBC
T.Holland WABC
Round 2
T.Madgen EMBC
J.Mahoney FEBC
M.Newley FEBC
Round 3
T.Madgen EMBC
J.Mahoney FEBC
A.Maycock SSBC
Round 4
S.Woosnam WABC
M.Newley FEBC
Round 5
M.Newley FEBC
M.Bowley SSBC
N.Martin WABC