Years ago
Breakers release Forman from contract
From Boti's column today:
New Zealand has released for-mer 36ers forward Oscar Forman with two years left on his NBL contract.Took a backwards step with the 2009/10 season (7.7 PPG, 2.7 RPG) and faced growing competition at SF from Tom Abercrombie. The Breakers had Tony Ronaldson retire from the PF spot but will presumably work hard again to capitalise on the window of opportunity presented by CJ Bruton and Kirk Penney in the team - an import PF, or someone else?
Without trying to be clever, at 28 it's probably time for the 205cm "Big 0" to start playing as a fourman and turning his lethal threepoint shot into a bonus, not his bread-and-butter.
Forman is now a free agent and rated 7 points under the NBL points scheme.