I think you need to put in perspective the season as a whole. Firstly, the SOS' huge positive was that they saved the team. But, to be honest that's about it. They tried to put a team together on the cheap and as the saying goes, you pay peanuts you get monkeys. Last place - can't argue! The game nights were no different to previous years, except with a poorer on-court announcer (as has been discussed on here). Apart from that, I agree with alot of you, I go to watch the team perform and the rest is just minor details that add to the spectacle. I agree that Scott Ninnis should have been sacked, however, I also think that the SOS will have to pay him out a fair portion of his contract for next season (despite them not wanting to) and in hindsight, will probably end up working out cheaper to have kept him, and brought in a very experienced assistant coach and give Scott the one more year. The crowds, well the support has always been there but I firmly believe that it's hard for the fans to develop any type of consistent support when every season for I don't know how long, we change over at least 5 - 6 players. This doesn't happen in any other sport. I haven't seen a 36ers team in the last 7 years play with heart, passion and the 'never say die' attitude that we as fans deserve and I hope this changes before more fans leave the sport. Off the court, the SOS definitely have their hearts in the right place but they've got a lot of learning to do and only hope their ego's don't get in the way of that.