Years ago

Have Woodville women got an import?

Have woodville women got an import and if so is that a good thing?

Topic #22380 | Report this topic

Years ago

yeah they do have an import. Buts its the GF of the Men import so it could be a big hit or a miss.

Dont think it will help Woodville at all though. With some girls not playing or leaving to go to other clubs it goin to be a long season again for woodville.

I think Lyn has to move on and let fresh set of eyes come in and coach the girls.

Reply #268564 | Report this post

Years ago

who are they

Reply #268588 | Report this post

Years ago

more importantly how much are they paying her?

Reply #268592 | Report this post

Years ago

brady brink
mackenzie onell
yeah think time for woodville to reconsider future of a talented group of young players cant fault dev but time to hasten progress and take next step - think that juniors are heart sole of all clubs and sturt are the leaders here
other have to learn from them - promote dev encourage identify drill drill drill

Reply #268593 | Report this post

Years ago

do ya know who the third one is

anyone got any info on the players

Reply #268596 | Report this post

Years ago

anon 593, Woodville have one or two talented junior girls and a couple more younger promising ones but to say they have a talented group is laying it on a bit thick. At ABL they are no certainty to beat centrals and will struggle to get off the bottom rung. Over the past 4 or 5 years they have lost the better players and I can't see how they will retain the ones they have now.
None of the junior teams have made the finals and the 21's which is virtually their ABL side, is third or fourth so you should be faulting their development.
Woodville shouldn't be paying for imports.Love or hate the successful clubs the best don't buy in place of developing.

Reply #268613 | Report this post

Years ago

brady came over to play for the men and makenzie who is his partner came with him. they are the only 2 imports. was never ever 3!! next subject

Reply #268628 | Report this post

Years ago

woodville were asking for donations of whitegoods on their website for "3 american imports".

until they get a consistent junior programme with depth - their womens teams will pfffft

Reply #268672 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Years ago

You people need to get a life! You come on here bag the Woodville & Centrals women for being crap. They both getting an unrestricted player each (I believe) and you still come on here and bag Woodville for trying to better its team. Good luck to both teams I say and if that's makes people nervous that both teams will do better and there maybe a closer comp in the womens. It can be only better for the state league or ABL whatever its being called this year.

Reply #268698 | Report this post

Years ago

Good post Phantom; Not involved with either club but at least they are trying and giving their regular players and supporters some hope.

Reply #268705 | Report this post

Years ago

Respectfully Phantom,
You better a team and club by developing and retaining players not by getting imports. Most of us would like to see a competitive Woodville and Centrals but neither club has an adequate development program or is able to retain any quality player it has. How long will the current couple of talented juniors remain with them?
Both clubs need to develop their coaches and both clubs need to have head coaches at the ABL level who can not only attract new blood but develop that new blood. Average players seem to go to these clubs to play ABL and most of the players at each club would not play in very many other ABL teams.
Decades of being bottom does not attract good players and decades without change does not signify strong management. Both Woodville and centrals are victims of their own making and they could buy a full team of imports, finish top and be bottom again the next season and for the next decade.
Playing juniors at ABL level is one thing but playing all your juniors because you can't field a team any other way is not development or my version of it anyway.

Reply #268707 | Report this post

The Phantom  
Years ago

Aon #707 I understand what you are saying. However the same can be said for South and West with juniors development not that great at the moment. However these clubs have done a good job recruiting from other clubs and bring in good players from overseas and so on.
So why bag just a few and not others?
I'm not with any club but I can see what they are trying to do. Not all clubs are willing to spend money on teams any more. A lot of clubs parents are more and more saying the money the juniors pay should go to juniors. I agree!
So whats the answer for coaches where clubs don't want to spend money? Play what you have if that's juniors so be it.
Do I agree with clubs not spend money on seniors no I don't. Having said that BSA has a cap on what teams can spend. Although they have no way to police it. Clubs sometimes use it as an excuse not to pay for some seniors. I don't believe all senior players should be paid but when it comes to some teams as Woodville and Centrals they should try and get better players for there buck so to speak. The comp needs all clubs to be competitive.

Reply #268712 | Report this post

Years ago

Agreed both Souths and Wests need to address junior development but both have an alive and kicking senior program to aspire to. I'm dead against recruiting juniors and I believe strongly in zoning at junior level which would even the talent pool and end inter-club poaching or recruiting , call it what you like..

However, opponents would say this gives lower ranked clubs a leg up and they don't have the coaching strength to provide proper development.In some case this is true and initially would reward so called 'lazy clubs' but in the long term it would strengthen the comp considerably, success would follow and better coaches would have wider choices.

Any parent of a talented youngster would now only look at one of four clubs perhaps five at the moment which tells its own story.There are too many clubs. I'd like to see clubs combine but vested interests will prevent that happening.

At senior level it will always remain an open market for players and unfortunately for Woodville and Centrals, players who can play elsewhere in the main will, because everyone wants to be competitive and for teams that have a chance of success.In living memory both these clubs have been unsuccessful and both have resisted change. From the outside looking in both clubs seem to be boys clubs because change is a regular feature in the men's programs and both are not far from the mark.
Some one has obviously taken their eye off the ball in the women's section of these clubs or doesn't care. Willie J wanted the job at Woodville and supposedly had several talented players to bring on board but wasn't wanted. He's gone to Southern . Best advice I have for both these clubs is forget imports and grab the next Willie that comes along...no pun intended

Reply #268717 | Report this post

Years ago

lets get one thing straight an import for any team this year men or women would not be getting paid. The working holiday visa allows the players to work like you and me. Clubs are not allowed to pay the player one cent for basketball. Most of these imports pay their own flights as well. Clubs are not going to pay thousanda for an import when the club does not have that kind of money.

John morris is an exception to this thread.

Reply #268718 | Report this post

Years ago

John Morris, He was great value wasn't he? Where is he now? Was anyone silly enough to pay him again for his services?

Reply #268719 | Report this post

Years ago

the scene at woodville is a paradox.

lynne has been there for them for years and a loyal servant - when not many have wanted the job.

however she is the secretary as well - so not one to upset.

her position is interesting - very hard to dislodge - but again she has been there and worked very hard and deserves respect.

woodville need more depth and coaching strength - dont worry about zoning the players - zone the coaches.
for their womens programme to get strength - they need at least 2 teams in u10s, 3 in u12, 14, 16,18s and one in u21s.

Reply #268727 | Report this post

filthy mexican  
Years ago

There are at least 3 current abl coaches that have expressed inerest in coaching the woodville women

Reply #268729 | Report this post

Years ago

that's what i was saying - who's going to dislodge the boss ?

Reply #268737 | Report this post

Woody Fan  
Years ago

Woodville do not know how to look after coaches after letting the mens coach walk last year. Maybe the conflict of interest that it seems that many of committee have should be addressed then we can move forward and up.

Reply #268802 | Report this post

Years ago

Q - how many have left woodville?

Q - how many have gone to woodville?

Reply #268874 | Report this post

Years ago

Saw Mac play on Tuesday - a nice pick up for Woodville.

Strange shooting action, but effective.

Great hussle around the floor, and reads the game well.

Reply #269266 | Report this post

Years ago

i think a magic trick is needed - something out of the box - to regenerate woodvillwe - fact or fiction - magic does work and maybe thats what wodville need magic

Reply #269279 | Report this post

Years ago

Merging losers as a concept for success is a novel approach anon

Reply #269297 | Report this post

Years ago

fair come back - but a club with near 600 players have to have some positives -
maybe a take overcome or why not a super mega club of western clubs
progressive and agressive - traditional and model-

Reply #269304 | Report this post

snap pop  
Years ago

who is MAC

Reply #269665 | Report this post

Years ago

big mac Big M - the golden arc - its a burger dip stick

Reply #269848 | Report this post

Years ago

Mac can play! She's a gifted athlete and has played a lot of different sports. She's smart and talented...giver some time to adjust and get comfortable and she'll deliver.

Reply #271113 | Report this post

Years ago

Woodies are Paying too much at the expense of better options

Reply #271123 | Report this post

No pay deal  
Years ago

Imports must not be paid to play Basketball.

They can have a job if they have the correct Visa.

Reply #271138 | Report this post

Years ago

all imports come for love just like Dusty cause he didn't get paid did he?????????????

Reply #271162 | Report this post

There is a reason the Richmond football club are a disgrace every year. At the start of every season, they make these outlandish statements about the development of their list and that they are on their way up. Is anyone really surprised at the end of the season when this doesn't happen?

Woodville, West, Southern, South, Centrals and most other district clubs are in a similar situation where history will keep on repeating itself. Every once and a while a good group of juniors will come through and it is like the second coming. Now, before all you staunch club supporters come on here and tell me how great your club is because it had one Div 1 team win the summer season grand final, answer me how many Classics your club has attended and progressed to at least a top 8 finish? What are your club coaches doing to better themselves and thus better develop the next crop of talented SA basketballers? What has your club done, apart from putting coaches through level 0-2 coaching courses, done to develop their coaches?

It is NOT dumb luck that the stronger clubs have a stronger pool of dedicated coaches. I am amazed that people put success in this state down to poaching kids or just plain luck, really, how obvious can this be? Without a strong talent pool of junior coaches coaching towards the same goal, clubs will consistently have to recruit players at an ABA level.

Until clubs stop focusing their attention on senior programs and invest time, money and support structures into their junior programs, absolutely nothing will change. How do most clubs pay for their senior programs? Yep, through their juniors. Q: Why should an U12 kid have to pay for a reject from another club? A: Because most committees are lazy and have very little foresight into building long term success.

Most U12 games on a Friday night get more of a crowd than ABA games - this says it all.

On a side note, why do the Woodville Senior Men’s program go through more coaches than most of us have eaten hot dinners?

Reply #271175 | Report this post

Years ago

History, like most of the posts extolling the virtue of how well Sturt and Forestville are doing by attributing it to coaches and their insistence on Classic etc perhaps draw breath and reflect on reality.
In a hick town like Adelaide with so few people and even fewer basketball players there was always going to be a couple of clubs who would end up cornering the market in player numbers.
No should underestimate the Gliddon factor at Sturt and the leg up in so many ways Sturt has had because of that association. Sturt have become a self-fulfilling prophecy not only because of a few reasonable coaches but because of the depth of talent they attract through 'various means'.
Forestville by contrast have done it largely on their own albeit with significant input from country coaches who have introduced better players to the club.
Norwood would be the only other club capable of challenging for the dominant position in SA basketball by sheer weight of numbers.
Therefore basketball may eventually dwindle away, a victim of the obsessive clubs that see smaller ones as weak and lazy and feel they have no right to exist.
BSA needs to introduce zones in 2 to 3 years and allow all players registered to a club now continue with that club but set in motion rules that will see clear and precise boundaries for each club to work and develop,
At present its a closed shop and basketball is not a competition at district level because the sides are so far apart in ability. We are losing the war with Netball on the girls side of things and soccer, footy and even hockey are beginning to make inroads into boys basketball.
Unless an even playing field is created, district basketball will become even more farcical than it is now

Reply #271200 | Report this post

Years ago

bahaha - knew you couldn't go a whole month without whining about zoning...

Reply #271232 | Report this post

Years ago

Zoning is the only fair way to go

Reply #271249 | Report this post

Years ago

anon 232, afraid of playing by the rules are you

Reply #271278 | Report this post

Years ago

Because clubs have the ability to "work and develop" their area.

Reply #271284 | Report this post

anon #271284  
Years ago

Ans its funny that those clubs who actualy spend money on working and developing their area now are succeding.

Reply #271285 | Report this post

Years ago

having same coach year after year no recipe for success better to more them on or is that not acceptable
time bullet was bitten fools and admit wrong to not recognise success in different form

Reply #271861 | Report this post

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