Jack Toft
Years ago
Good Club Names
The social club I used to be involved in is looking at merging with another club. Both have large cats as their mascot. One is called Panthers, the other Pumas. As a former club president I have offered to help the clubs with a possible merge by facilitating discussions.
The Pumas are a much smaller club and are driving the merge so a lot of Panthers people are wanting to keep the Panther name, whereas some are opting for a neutral name. Tigers and Lions are already taken in the competition. Sabres and Bearcats not, but don't want to be seen to copy.
So, I ask all you poindexters out there the following questions:
1. Should we keep the larger club name and absorb the smaller club into the larger one? If so, how do we acknowledge the other club? eg should we remain the "Panorama Pathers", or become the "Pasadena-Panorama Panthers"
2. Why are their so many cat names with basketball clubs? What would be a good mascot name for a basketball club if we dropped the cats? eg the "Panorama Wolves"