Well, what is the direction from BASA?
Are we still using the Yellow/Red Cards?
Or is it Zero Tolerance?
I do not believe yet that someone was actually come out and said what the actual ruling is.
It might have happened when I was sick last year and out of umpiring, and if so, would someone be able to let me know.
As a referee, I would just like to say that we know we are not going to get everybody in the stadium agreeing with everyone of our calls. We each are at a difference position in relation to the play. The majority of spectators, players and coaches are ok. It's just that small minority which make you question is it all worth it.
The more that clubs and teammates place on the person to stop abusing, the better it will be. If you can do it, it stops us having to do it.
We want a game that's good to ref. If we have fun, we'll want to come out and ref the next week - thus, the players can do what they love.
When I was sick, people asked me whether I still wanted to be involved in basketball. I can no longer play social (due to the fact that I take a lot of charges and my injury prevents that form happening any more). But, I still have that drive and desire to ref. When the sport of basketball, which I love so much, was taken away from me, it makes me want to get back to that same level that I was at (Under 18 Nationals).
I love the game! And with the amount of abuse that some referees get, and they still manage to come out the next week, it's their of the game that keeps them coming out.