DJ Rod
Years ago
Crocs/Fire Supporters Tour coming
Hey guys
I am coming to Adelaide for the first time tomorrow as part of the Fire/Crocs Supporters Tour. There is 55-60 of us coming.
We'll be there from 12pm tomorrow, doing a wine tour before the game (might be scary!) then watching the Fire @ 5:30, then Crocs @ 7:30. Hopefully I'll be going out on the turps - any hints on places to go, post game functions etc?
We then leave Sunday lunchtime.
It would be great to meet a few of you, especially Isaac, Skip, Bizzy, Ben Fitz etc so please come up and say g'day - I always wear my M Pennisi Warm Up Top on away tour games ;)
Can we meet somewhere? Can I get a tour of the Dome? facilities etc? Anyway - can't wait to experience one of the best home crowds in Australia!