bretts the man
Years ago

What's with Boti's attack on Flynn?

In paper today Boti had a huge dip and Flynns antics on side. Whilst unusual to see Ass. coaches off their seat during game like Flynn does now and again I dont see reason to attack his behaviour .
Least he seems to be trying to get some organization out there.
In a season where any club goes backwards in 2nd half of season then you have to look at coaches peformance and would imagine if SOS prepared to make hard calls that 2 of our coaches would not be here next year. But not reason behind Boti attack on Flynn maybe some one can shed some light on this issue.

Topic #22196 | Report this topic

Years ago

Flynn is an excellent Assistant Coach. He is passionate beyond belief. He should've been the Coaches right hand man, not Richard Hill who is the part owner/assistant coach and contract negotiator. Hill has his hands on everything and I think that is deducting from his main focus. Be one or the other I say. And there was very little need to attack Flynny, get a grip Boti.

Reply #266157 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Flynny is a soft target. Boti can't attack Hilly and there's no space left in Scotty's back to insert another knife!

Reply #266158 | Report this post

Years ago

Anyone who knows Liam will know that he loves basketball, especially all the on-court strategies. Obviously that passion comes out in his role courtside whether he's supposed to be directing traffic or not. IMO, if Ninnis has no problem with him filling that role during games (and you could assume he would've said something otherwise) then Liam could be an unfair target here when it comes to how he goes about it.

Surely, if his strategies have proven unsound (e.g., against Penney), then it should be his actual ability and strategy that are questioned rather than the way he goes about it?

Reply #266159 | Report this post

hanging round  
Years ago

Just a cheap shot and easy target now that Joyce and Goorg have slipped out of the spotlight.

Reply #266165 | Report this post

Years ago

A few players need to take a look at Flynn and get some of that passion/enthusiasm and show a bit of support for their teammates that are on court.

What happened to the bench being excited about baskets and scoring runs etc?

Reply #266166 | Report this post

Years ago

DJ, that's the thing, what Liam shows is exactly what the team needs on court.

I don't know Liam for toast, but just by watching you can see he oozes enthusiasm for the game and the team.

Since the internet come about, me buying a paper for basketball only has long gone.

Boti is a bit writer, and I care less about all the awards he gets..if your feed crackers and crackers only sooner or later your only going to know crackers...

two words to keep a journo in check...LOCK OUT

Reply #266169 | Report this post

Years ago

I guess my question is, why wouldn't Ninnis try and recruit an experienced NBL coach or assistant coach to help him? It's a massive risk in your first two seasons to go in with an "all-rookie" coaching staff!

Reply #266170 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Seemed he wanted to do his own thing.
(Like Gilchrist does)
Ninnis didn't want Steve Breheney EG.

Reply #266171 | Report this post

Years ago

Player23 Ninnis didn't appoint the assistant coaches. The club appointed them and forced them on Ninnis, or whomever got the gig.

Reply #266172 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you sure about that Anonymous? I know Hill and Ninnis are pretty tight so it wouldn't have surprised me if he did pick them both himself.

Reply #266174 | Report this post

Years ago

This coaching panel was there last season too yeah?

I'm sure Ninnis is comfortable with what he has...

Reply #266177 | Report this post

Years ago

I am almost 100% that Ninnis asked Hill to be his right hand man and Liam was given the job after interviewing for the second assistant role with other potential candidates. Among them were KB and Schueller (Don't know the full list).

But I know for a fact that Ninnis selected his coaching staff, neither were forced on him.

Reply #266179 | Report this post

Years ago

It seemed a bit out of character from Boti. Sure, he sometimes writes with a poison pen, but mostly it is said with tongue firmly in cheek. Who is to say that Flynn's assigned role in the team is to call those plays? In any event, I can't say I have noticed any grandstanding by Liam to justify the view he is only calling plays so that people notice him (which seems rather ludicrous to me).

Reply #266187 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

If Hill and Ninnis pretty tight does that mean no chance of Scotty being replaced.
Maybe then Flynn might be SOS target as well to show made a change at season end.
Does seem strange that Boti attacked Flynn on his actions not his coaching ability as Isaac said.
Yet he has not like a lot of posters have focussed on Scottys emotions etc have been at the Refs.

Reply #266188 | Report this post

Years ago

And later in the article, Boti suggested that Blaze assistant Ron Radliffe is merely a cardboard cutout. Having it both ways much?

Reply #266189 | Report this post

Years ago

Bad call Boti.

Then again I suppose you have a trophy cabinet full of "runner up" bad calls

Reply #266193 | Report this post

Years ago

What is Flynns clain to fame anyway? Can somebody tell me?

Reply #266198 | Report this post

Years ago

Haha, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. If you've managed to see boti grand standing in the junior games he coaches, like most of us you would see Boti for the joke he really is.

The only difference is the caped crusader (as some of us like to call Boti) hasn't won anything in the last 20 years. Well other than a number of finals chokes.

Reply #266199 | Report this post

Years ago

Just read the article over lunch - +1 for bad call Boti.

One week we need more fire and passion in the club, the next it's "unseemly" - as consistant as an NBL ref.

Reply #266202 | Report this post

Years ago

What is Flynns clain to fame anyway? Can somebody tell me?
Pre-hoops, maybe this

Reply #266208 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Gold Isaac, Liam now has a new nickname.....

Reply #266213 | Report this post

Years ago

Read the article. Been to most 6ers home games and havent got a clue what Boti is on about. There is lots of action in games and lots of coaches/fans yelling. Boti what the hell are you on about???

I have met Liam around the 6ers and he strikes me as passionate individual. The 6ers SOS and coaching staff seem to be building a culture. A successful culture will last many years beyond any short term success. Keep up the passion boys!

Reply #266218 | Report this post

Years ago

He's saying that, when historically second assistant coaches haven't always been required, Liam could be seen to be grandstanding or creating for himself a greater role than he should. That perhaps his aspirations are too visible. I disagree - if he's getting paid, and his 1UP has no complaints, then he should try to be useful in every way possible, beyond cutting tape and drilling players at training.

As I said further up, a better criticism to make of any of the players and coaches this year would be about how they're performing as a combination. The comment about Liam being a little quiet (the same Liam who was only taken on road trips in the second half of the year, or so) when Penney was lighting it up was almost an afterthought rather than a reasoned analysis of where the coaching directions had failed (e.g., Darren Ng noted switching on screens as having been a possible problem in that game, etc).

Reply #266226 | Report this post

Years ago

dreamteam i an 100% tell you you are wrong. Hill was appointed before Ninnis was given the head coach job. Flynn was kept on from Smyth/Breheny days as he was cheap and eager.

Ninnis was not involved in the selection process, how could he have been when they were appointed before he was?

And I'm 100% on that!

Reply #266228 | Report this post

Years ago

Well I know Ninnis interviewed applicants for the second assistant role, so what was the guts of that process? I know that KB wasn't too happy about missing out!

Did Ninnis know Flynn was already hired?

Like I said, I have it from a very reliable source that Ninny asked Richard to be his assistant.

Is this pre or post SOS you are talking about?

Bevo was the first choice, so are you saying the assistants coaches were already hired before offering someone the head coaching position?

Would be interested to hear your replies, as I have been told this by people who are directly involved in this matter...

Reply #266235 | Report this post

Years ago

Bit of a cheap shot by Boti and IMO he's using the guy as an indirect way of criticising the SOS group without technically doing so. A bit like what he used to with Bauer all the time under the previous ownership.

Reply #266241 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think it's a cheap shot at SOS but I might be wrong. I think he took shots at Bauer because he thought he was lazy.

Reply #266251 | Report this post

Years ago

dreamteam Hill was appointed before the Head Coach was. One of the reasons Bevo played hard ball with the sixers and ultimately went elsewhere was because he wasn't given the option of hiring his own staff.

Reply #266260 | Report this post

Years ago

That's pretty smart Boti. Have a crack at the ones that put in hours of hard work, are passionate about basketball and care about this Club. Just like bauer did. One day he'll wake up and realize he's got no one to bag, and no personal vendetta and he'll have nothing to write about. He'll also then realize that his articles don't even appear in front of baseball anymore!

Reply #266295 | Report this post

Years ago

boti is spot on

Reply #266512 | Report this post

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