Years ago
Dome in the hands of Commonwealth Bank
BSA, the 36ers and the Lightning have issued a joint press release about the current status of the Dome. For those who hadn't heard the rumour, the Commonwealth Bank has taken the Dome off the hands of Eddy Groves for failing to make payments, or similar. Here's the release:
Basketball SA, Adelaide 36ers and Adelaide Lightning (tenants of The Dome) wish to inform members and fans that recently an agent was appointed to oversee the management of The Dome on behalf of the Commonwealth Bank.
Over the past week discussions have occurred between the agents and tenants of the Dome and we are all working together to ensure that a positive outcome is reached. The agents have advised that they wish to secure tenancy arrangements for Basketball SA, the 36ers and Lightning and that their aim is to avoid disruption and continue operations as normal.
The Dome is an important asset for South Australia and the sport of basketball. We are confident that all stakeholders involved in discussions about this matter understand its importance and will support it remaining a basketball and sporting facility.
We wish to highlight that whilst The Dome is an important basketball facility, this unfortunate matter bears no reflection on any of the tenants nor the sport of basketball, as the Dome is privately owned. Basketball SA has a growing membership of over 23,500 people with a further 10,000 other regular participants and the Adelaide 36ers have performed particularly strong this year under the stewardship of the new SOS board, whilst the Adelaide Link Lightning continue to be a force in the WNBL.
We shall keep members, fans and the public updated with this matter over the coming weeks. We appreciate your continued support of our organisations and the sport of basketball.
Mark Hubbard CEO Basketball SA
Ben Fitzsimons CEO Hood Sweeney Adelaide 36ers
Steve Breheny CEO Adelaide Link Lightning