Years ago

BAD Commentary - Heal & BT

Just Been watching a few sixers replays and really cant believe how bad BT & Heal call the game. They spend most of their time trying to pay each other out or give it to Andrew Gaze.

BT really has no idea about whats going on. Wouldn't a commentator with at least some Basketball knowledge be more appropriate.

Not to mention Heal and his Groves/sixers Bashing (although sometimes warranted)

How much stick did they give Gilchrist for not coming back on after his clash of knees! (NEWSFLASH HE HAD 5 FOULS) They went on and on about it. Basically calling him soft and saying he is letting the team down by not returning to court.

Did anyone else think it was strange that Heal (australias assistant coach) Didn't know that Patty Mills was at the AIS getting treatment?

And finally I Dont Care how your shoot around on court before the game went!

ahhhhhh feels good to vent

Love the maori TV commentary ;)

Topic #21823 | Report this topic

Years ago

Bring back Carfino :)

Reply #260871 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

They need to bring in the NBA style of commentary:

1) Lead Commentator who asks the questions and keeps things neat

2) An un-biased former player/coach whom can give insights to team tactics and player mindsets

3) A former player who despite appearances, plays the "token black guy" whom pulls jokes and tries to keep the game commentary entertaining.

Marv Albert, Reggie Miller and JVG... what a combo. What do you think Marv?

Marv: "A spectacular move Big Marty... YES!"

Reply #260872 | Report this post

Years ago

agreed, or a little Jeff Van Gundy action! Phil Smyth did ok calling games for the olympics, his voice isn't really suited tho

Reply #260874 | Report this post

Years ago

Professional media savvy sports journalist and an ex coach is unbeatable as a commentary option.
Marv Albert and Mike Fratello is my all time favourite combo. I could also listen to Hubey Brown talk basketball all day long...
Clynton Gribas we miss you.

Reply #260876 | Report this post

Years ago

Shane Heal is too one-sided in his views and comments. Although BT still sucks but has atleast tried to read up on the game and the leagues history to a degree.

Give me Gaze and Mr Magic any day of the week

Reply #260879 | Report this post

Years ago

I think Palmer does a good job in that "ex coach" role when commentating. Funny, knows the sport and doesn't seem to bring any over-the-top bias.

Heal is obviously there almost entirely for his profile. There's merit to that, but he's the same guy who's hardly been that positive about the league.

Reply #260881 | Report this post

Years ago

I've got no real problem with Taylor, but Heal is and always has been a tosser! Imagine excusing Hodge's actions as just "emotion" but then passing judgement on Ben Fitz's response. You don't think that THAT was just emotion?

The funny thing with Heal is that he's always come across to me as if he'd probably be a decent guy when no where near a basketball court, but he's a complete tool when he's around one.

Just not good enough not noticing that Gilchrist had fouled out either.

I agree re Palmer, he was always excellent to listen to.

Reply #260882 | Report this post

Years ago

BT said "wow-wee" the other week ... that was enough for me.

Something trival happened in the Sixers/Blaze game - something to do with a team being in the bonus and BT asked "Would the players know that out there" ... he seemed genuinely amazed that players are able to keep track of things like that.

Reply #260883 | Report this post

Mix Master Wipe  
Years ago

Funny stuff SVD ,fairly sure he finished it off with a 'ooo wee' also!

Reply #260885 | Report this post

Mr bEn  
Years ago

I think BT & Heal have been going great - much more tolerable than Carfino and/or Gaze in my opinion.

I think a few of you 6er fans just don't like it because your team has copped it from Heal once or twice.

Reply #260888 | Report this post

Years ago

We've turned the sound off the past two televised games. Miss the atmosphere a bit but it's better than putting up with abysmal commentary. We do the same with some AFL games because the standard of sports commentary generally is very poor. The directors are also woeful with their camera choices and replay timing. And did anybody notice that Foxtel on Wednesday night put up some kind of promo graphic so that it obscured the basket when a player was making a shot?

Reply #260889 | Report this post

Years ago

Not trying to defend BT & Heal for not picking up Gilchrist had fouled out but they did say their producer had torn his achilles in their pre-match playing around beforehand so he wouldn't have been on board.

Reply #260893 | Report this post

Years ago

IMO Foxtel should employ Phil Lynch for the job. Great basketball commentator, ex player, great knowledge and experienced. Also knows how to keep idiots like Heal under control. Heals comment re Hodge "I don't know the guy personally but I'm sure what he did was only emotions and that he would not have meant any malice". What a load of crap. Worthington, Westover, Anstey, Gaze - they knew what he was doing and they apologised. Heal has been a spoilt brat from the time he was at the AIS and has never learnt anything (particularly humility). Once a wanker always a wanker. And yes, I have had personal experience dealing with Heal and the guy has no redeeming features that I am aware of.

Reply #260895 | Report this post

Years ago

Got to say I am actually enjoying the coverage much more this year. Heal can grate at times and I have never been a fan of his playing (largely because he was often kicking my or my team's arse) but am enjoying his commentary and think the teaming with BT works as well.

So they occasionally go over the top and somebody had to read the socreboard and see Gilchrist had fouled out but you've got a monitor to call from, a crowd all around you and probably an inexperienced director in your ear, so maybe we should give them a pass.

I suspect BT isn't nearly as basketball-ignorant as he makes out and also suspect there's a strategy there to appeal to the non-basketball person (who probably doesn't put their feedback on Hoops) by asking 'their' questions and getting excited at what 'they' get excited about. Wed night's new segment (double dribble - was it?) spent plenty of time sending themselves up and was vastly superior to Carfino's (cue the seemingly fake American accent from a real American) "Plays of the Week".

As far as Heal having no redeeeming features that's a pretty damning comment about anybody (and possibly more damning about the commentor) and given the amount of time he spends in his local association coaching juniors and working in basketball (let's face it, anything he does in the sport is pretty much a 'love job') that he's got to be doing some things right!

Reply #260901 | Report this post

Years ago

I liked the Maori broadcast for the NZ-Gong game the other week where they had to run with a solo commentator for the first few minutes of the third quarter because the other guy had gone to get a drink or go to the bathroom and got bailed up in conversation with someone on the way back!

Reply #260902 | Report this post

Years ago

Found it interesting during the Perf/NZ game yesterday that when one of the maori blokes was talking on screen after the game a little Fox disclaimer appeared down the bottom of the screen saying that they get the feed direct from Maori TV and therefore some parts of the commentary would be in maori, um no shit?

Reply #260904 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

From what I've seen - for I don't have FOX myself.
(when my son is so very kind to invite me over to watch it.)
Brett Maher is the best I've heard .

Reply #260908 | Report this post

Years ago

I dont understand how Gilchrist was fouled off?
I might be wrong(and probably am :S) but didnt he go off after getting fouled by gibson i think??
Im a tad confused ahha :)


Reply #260922 | Report this post

Years ago

glad dwyane russell and andrew gaze are back next (this) week.

Reply #260944 | Report this post

Years ago

I have to agree. The sixers we getting no praise from the commentators for their excellent shooting all I kept hearing was how abyssmal the blaze were. The sixers played good it was only the rebounding that lost them the game. Same goes for the away wollongong game. The commentator was saying how brilliant the gongs defence was to limit adelaide to the amount of shots they had taken compared to the gong. When the gong had grabbed 12 more offensive rebounds. Pretty sure offensive rebounds are at the offensive end and not the defensive end.

Reply #260945 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah Dwayne Russell over BT for me.
Sure the Maori broadcast can get a little annoying but atleast it's one more game per week we get to watch, even if it is the Kirk Penney hour.

Most of the time the Maori commentary actually makes more sense to me than listening to Shane Heal.

Reply #260946 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

4 Smiths in the Townsville Logan game today for ABC commentators to call.

Reply #260955 | Report this post

Years ago

03:59 69-67 2 20, John Gilchrist, substitution out
03:59 69-67 2 6, Cortez Groves, substitution in
03:59 1, Adam Gibson, foulon 69-67 2
03:59 69-67 2 20, John Gilchrist, turnover
03:59 69-67 2 20, John Gilchrist, foul offensive

Reply #260957 | Report this post

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