Years ago

D-league players wages

does anyone know what guys playing in the nba d-league would be earning, would it equate to a cheap import in the nbl? (i remember seeing rumours its in the 30k-50k ball park)

say would you be able to get one for what a guy like Cortez Groves, who is supposably a cheap import this year, is earning?

Not that i am fully in the we need to sack groves bandwagon, but if they earn a similar amount and the money is there to make the move it would be something worth considering IMO.

There are many names i recognise including Rod Benson, more for his blogs though and a number of ex nbl imports are putting up atleast reasonable numbers including guys like Carlos Powell, Justin Bowen, Mark Tyndale, Jared Newson, Oriene Green, David Bailey,Michael Joiner,

Would any of these guys be worth considering? in the future atleast,especially if they are cheap, they are mostly atleast semi proven at nbl level with Powell being a star, the others were all fairly solid from my opinion i think joiner is the one with the worst nbl career on that list.

The 3 that standout to me are Powell, Bowen and Greene, Powell was a mvp candidate, Bowen was quite good from the couple of games i saw of him and Greene was atleast solid and has nba experience and is averaging 3.5 steals in the d-league! (along with 16p, 4r, 3a)

Rod Benson would also be an interesting one given the publicity he could generate, and he is 6-10 so would be handy in the C spot to cover Burston if they go down that path which many have suggested on this forum.

Anyways just throwing it out there for discussion, im not personally on the sack groves bandwagon as i have seen him do some good things albeit inconsistantly and have always been a fan of his over the years, but i also would not be too shocked/upset if they did try and make a change to get the xfactor import to get us over the top.

What do people think?

Topic #21803 | Report this topic

Years ago

more then the nbl hands down

Reply #260511 | Report this post

Years ago

You will find guys are in the D-League, not for the money, but for the proximity to NBA clubs and the potential to be seen by more NBA scouts and called up to the NBA. Most D-League players could earn much more playing abroad.

Therefore recruiting from the D-League is difficult, because Australia is as isolated from the NBA as you can get.

D-League salaries are around the 30-50K mark for the season, so as an NBL import, the potential to earn 3-4 times that is there.

Reply #260513 | Report this post

Years ago

Not likely to be over $35,000 I don't think. A few may get more if they have NBA contracts but are in the D-League because they're not in an NBL team's primary playing roster.

However, the reason they get paid so poorly is because it's a trade-off for being exposed to NBA scouts much more easily.

A player like Carlos Powell would probably ask more than almost any NBL player is currently getting to play here. And he'd be a risky choice - not really known as a team player. Orien wasn't really that great in the NBL and Joiner got dumped after a few games with the Blaze. Obviously you know Tyndale too.

Reply #260515 | Report this post

Years ago

The money is ridicolously low, especially considering people think that the players earn slightly less than the NBA Players. THEY EARN ALOT LESS! It is labelled a "minor league" remember and many people do not attend the games
NBA D-League salaries range from $12,000 - $30,000

The link above is an interesting american story about how the average salary for a grocery store manager in the U.S. is above what an NBA D-League player earns. Average Salary for Grocery Store Manager is $33, 392

This was taken from the story:

"The D-League pay scale is broken down into three segments.

- The "C" level players make between $12,500 and $14,000.

- The "B" level players make between $18,000 and $20,000.

- The "A" level players make between $24,000 and $26,000"

The quality of the NBA D-League is still very high, and alot of solid college players who didn't get drafted, play in the D-League. Current players include Diamon Simpson, Deron Washington, Joey Dorsey, JamesOn Curry, Taylor Griffin (Blake's brother), Devon Hardin (Who at once stage in his career at Cal was considered a certain NBA Player), Michael Joiner, BJ Mullens, Mustafa Shakur, Cedric Simmons, Mark Tyndale as well, Carlos Powell and Romel Beck (dude that crossed up Kobe)

Reply #260517 | Report this post

Years ago

What would a cheap import ala groves be on as a guess would it be in the $60k ball park??

if the d-league guys are earning say around $30k tops then i reckon it would be possible for a NBL to get a decent player from there, especially someone who is in there mid 20's or older as they are unlikely to crack the nba at that stage and double the money would have to be appeailing to atleast some of them wouldnt it?

Reply #260520 | Report this post

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