Years ago

Hodge stomping on Maher's signature

I've temporarily pulled the previous Hodge-stomp thread due to the absolutely-over-the-top comments from many obviously outraged fans. I think few would dispute that Hodge's actions were disrespectful, but many of the responses would be more suited to a prison environment and some of the actions at the game (someone spitting in the player's race?) are no good either.

Thanks to the moderators who were online and able to step in and delete or SinBin the more questionable posts. I apologise to those people having to read through the worst of it, and those who made calmer and more considered posts that have been collateral damage for now with the shelving of the topic.

Hodge expected and demanded boos. He got them. It was a disappointing finish to a game from the home side. But please cool down a bit (for some of you, a lot) before you post again. Threats of violence, homophobic taunts, and the like are not appropriate at all. I can appreciate what Brett Maher and his signature on the court mean to many, many 36ers fans, but please keep it reasonable. Anything ridiculous like the worst of what's been posted overnight will cop bans without warning.


Editing to add:

For those wanting to know what all the fuss is about, at the conclusion of the game, having been ridden by fans (though at his request) all game, ex-36er Julius Hodge finally had a bit more luck at the free-throw line. When the final buzzer went, Hodge celebrated and then took it a bit too far.

During the week, he had joked on televised news that had he played a couple more years with the 36ers, the club would've named the court after him rather than 36ers champion Brett Maher.

Shortly after, on an internet broadcast, Maher had defended Hodge's right to sit out a game during a pay dispute, though noting that he did not approve of Hodge's lack of communication with his team and coach over the matter.

Post-game, Hodge stomped a few times on Brett Maher's signature on the Brett Maher Court before stopping or being dragged away by team-mates. From memory, the departing crowd's reaction was largely shock. After a short break, he returned to stomp on it much more aggressively. At this point, the crowd had noticed and were making more noise. Tigers team-mates again tried to pull Hodge off it while the 36ers centre-court huddle broke up and players moved towards the signature, presumably looking to occupy the space or force Hodge off it. 36ers GM Ben Fitzsimons entered the court (game night staff and cheerleaders were already on court - the game had well and truly finished) and stormed towards the group of players. He yelled at Hodge to get off the court and for security to get him out of there before there was more trouble (in feistier words). Holmes pushed him out of there. Burston pushed Hodge lightly at one point after that.


When you hype up a situation, the stakes and tensions are high. Hopefully Hodge comes to regret putting sour icing on a Tigers-road-win cake and can apologise to Brett.

Edit: Seems that was a bit hopeful. Hodge has said that he'll stomp on the signature any time he comes to Adelaide in the future, etc.

Topic #21767 | Report this topic

Years ago

I missed the whole thing??

Was it spitefull to finish?

Reply #259708 | Report this post

D Rose  
Years ago

(Mod: And our first ban goes to...)

Reply #259709 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh, and don't go vandalising Wikipedia - that's lame.

At this point, Boti's commentary on the post-game action has been limited to this:

He was stomping on the signature of 36ers icon Brett Maher on the court surface when confronted by unimpressed 36ers players and officials and no sooner had that died down before he suddenly had to be held back from taunting spectators.

In three minutes post-game, the emotional import revealed more of himself than anything in his many happy quotes and jovial public veneer.

Reply #259711 | Report this post

Years ago

I want to know why no hard picks got set on him during the game... better be some nice hard knock out picks sent his way on Jan 16th!

Reply #259718 | Report this post

Years ago

I couldn't make the game and this was the first post at the top of the forum and the first report I've even read of the game but OH-MY-GOD I'm just speechless right now. :O

Reply #259719 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm sure Boti will have much more to say tomorrow. He usually does a match wrap-up on the Sunday, and a lot more anaylsis on the Monday. Looking forward to it! If he doesn't open a can on Hodge I'll be disappointed.

Reply #259720 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac fair enough about the thread getting pulled even though I haven't read a single post on it, but is there video footage of the incident?
I'd really have to see this with my own eyes to believe the sheer lameness and immaturity of anybody doing this!!!

Reply #259721 | Report this post

Years ago

who ever the turd was that used my name to write this get a life you loser .yes l apologized to the MAHER family for the disgraceful act commited by hodge

Reply #259723 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm really confused now wtf has been going on?

Reply #259724 | Report this post

Years ago

Wow. Just wow. I couldnt get to the game and I knew it would be an emotional affair but, WOW.

Deep down inside since Julius left I always hoped that he wasnt to blame or he just made some mistakes but he has really killed his rep now.

Does he not realise exactly what he is doing? Fair play to hype the game by saying he couldve been better than Maher but now we know for sure he's just an egotistical ghetto hoop star with his head in the clouds.

such a waste

Reply #259725 | Report this post

Years ago

Do we have clowns stealing regular posters' aliases again?

Reply #259726 | Report this post

Years ago

Im not stealing an alias, im genuinely disapointed in Hodge. Is that so hard to believe?

Reply #259727 | Report this post

Years ago

B-Easy - HAHA is talking about barra's alias I think.

Reply #259728 | Report this post

Years ago

Scroll up B-Easy- seems to have happened to barra and hopefully nobody else including me!
I'd still love to see some footage of this incident for those that missed the game and are finding the incident hard to believe.

Reply #259729 | Report this post

Years ago

The most disrespectful thing i have EVER seen in a sporting area. All the fans had every right to start chanting after the final whistle and again i give a big shout out too Ben Fitz for shoving the egotistic bastard off our legend name!

Reply #259730 | Report this post

Years ago

Just noticed for anyone who hasnt see it, it will be showed on nine news tonight!

Reply #259731 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

There's also half a page article in the SundayMail
(by Scott Walsh) and 3 pictures "Disrespect" or something like that title.

Reply #259732 | Report this post

Years ago

Ok I didn't write that last comment and it appears some dickhead is stealing aliases again and writing shit.
Whatever comments other than this thread that have appeared under my name in the past 24 hours, including the thread that got pulled, I didn't write- I was at a bucks party on the Gold Coast yesterday and not on Hoops.

Dude, you need to get a life seriously.

Reply #259734 | Report this post

Years ago

Absolutely disgraceful, the bloke was lucky to get out of that stadium alive!!!
Props to Jacob for getting stuck into him, no offence to Ballinger, but Holmes is our true Captain.

Reply #259737 | Report this post

Jay-Jay Manners  
Years ago

Can someone fill me in as to what Maher said? Did he confirm Hodge's side of the story?

Reply #259740 | Report this post

Years ago

The last thread got pulled because of the stupid threatening comments, yet there have been two so far in this thread. Lucky to get out alive? Yeah, internet tough talk makes me scared too.

As far as the players not reacting, there was a similar incident last week in Perth, yet when Weigh pushes him he a is a loose cannon and started a melee (according to some here) yet apparently the same thing should have happened last night too. I don't get it.

Reply #259743 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Bill - and, this is me talking ( not some idiot thats using my name today) Hodge was wild with the sixers as he didn't get paid prior to Christmas and the sixers office closed for Christmas and Boti was mad at the sixers for closing the office also.
Hodge said that it was like they didn't care - leaving him without pay, and going off on holidays.

Reply #259750 | Report this post

Years ago

how did he take it out on us when he played like shit? :p

Reply #259751 | Report this post

Years ago

TC2, why would you be scared unless you are Judas...I mean Julius? It wasn't tough talk at all actually, I was simply stating that after being so childish and insulting one of the Adelaide 36ers greats that Julius was lucky to have had the security around him that he did. Adelaide are very passionate about their basketball and towards Brett Maher, so it was likely they would've taken it as a personal insult. We've all heard of crazy fans doing crazy shit, well there was plenty of fuel thrown on that fire last night.

Reply #259757 | Report this post

Years ago

People please it's public knowledge that Maher supported Hodge missing a game last season if he wasn't getting paid but it seems him saying this again on Inside The Game friday night was a revelation to some. The problem was Hodge sitting out a game AFTER he had been paid in full for the rest of the season and refusing to notify the coach or his teammates, that's why the Sixers sacked him and he had to repay all that money to get clearance from FIBA. It doesn't help that he was egged on into doing this by an ex-coach with a vendetta.

The fact Hodge refused to speak to Maher on the show (Smyth was wheeled in for the interview then replaced by Maher afterwards) and his disgraceful antics after the game last night speak volumes of what kind of person Julius Hodge is. He's got plenty of money but you can't buy class.

Reply #259758 | Report this post

Years ago

Well done, Detective Panther, you've successfully analysed all those clues I left and discovered my true indentity.

My point is that the condoning of fans attacking players, no matter if it is hypothetical or not, is just stupid. No matter what he does on the court, or says back to a fan after the match, that is crossing the line more than any foot-stomping that Hodge did.

Don't get me wrong, I'd be pissed at those actions too. People that can't win graciously are worse than sore losers. But to almost encourage or justify a fan touching a player is just bullshit.

Reply #259759 | Report this post

Old School 53  
Years ago

Where is Paul Rees when you need him on court ?

Reply #259762 | Report this post

Years ago

It's Anarchy within! D:

Let's calm it down a little people

Reply #259773 | Report this post

Years ago

Stop giving this guy attention and let him go away...Melbourne will not want him soon enough and he will end up playing in Turkey or somewhere...

Reply #259775 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

It's been on 10,7 and 9news.
9 I think it was say that Hodge has no regrets and will do it again and everytime he comes here.

Reply #259776 | Report this post

Years ago

Is there any footage anywhere please?

Reply #259786 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure me, but I managed to catch it on Sports Tonight just now in Brisbane.

Reply #259789 | Report this post

Years ago

I want to know what Isaac thinks of the incident? Come on Isaac, shed your tone of reason and tell us exactly what you think of Julius Hodge.

Reply #259800 | Report this post

Years ago

Well, I was there, and Julius was a very silly man. Too do the big Shhh sign to the crowd after making his first bucket was not a great start. He got worse as he was ridden harder and harder.

Surprisingly to me at least....Wortho showed a lot of class. He tried to grab Julius immediately when the foot stamping started, tried again, grabbed him when it was getting ugly, and then publicly apologised to Brett in the post game interview. Oh yes, and he won them the game. It galls me to say it, but well done Wortho.

Havent looked at the schedule, but if there is another Tigers game in Adelaide this season, it wouldnt surprise me if Julius had a sudden injury and was unavailable.

To put it in perspective, it was no Artest and Jackson going into the stands to fight the crowd......and I think in retrospect, its probably a good thing it didnt get to that. A truly amazing end to a game we couldnt put away.

Reply #259801 | Report this post

Years ago

all this hype just covers the cracks of the sixers inability to win on their home court and Im sure that hurt Brett more than Hodge's stomping.

Reply #259803 | Report this post

Years ago

On 9 news Wortho apologised & Al did not look happy with his import. Damn I hate Wortho, but he is clutch.

Reply #259805 | Report this post

Years ago

Props to Wortho - he's actually pretty classy after it all.

Still not entirely sure what the hell Hodge was thinking. Seemed all night like the occassion was just too much for him. Pathetic sportsmanship though.

+1 to agreeing with Ben Fitz making a stand.

Reply #259817 | Report this post

Years ago

I bet the 3 refs from last night are grateful for this Hodge saga shifting the focus from their less than pathetic effort. They didn't cause the Sixers loss, but they spoilt what could have been a much better show. Inconsistent and just staraight out wrong in half their calls - for both teams.

I think that the money paid in fines should go towards teaching the refs how the game should be called.

Bring back Caroline....all is forgiven!!!

Reply #259818 | Report this post

Years ago

Hopefully Wortho now understands the impression his comments made when he was BA bashing.
Perhaps fatherhood has taught him a few things, I too am at pains to say it but I was impressed with what he said in the press conference.

Reply #259828 | Report this post

Years ago

Loco, can you calm the fuck down please?

BT, what do I think of him? Not really a fan. I thought firing up the crowd and wearing the boos and so on was one thing, but the signature-stomping was just going too far. (Same goes for reported spitting, drink throwing and racial taunts - racial taunts and threats of violence are worse than the signature incident.)

It was a pretty scrappy game all up. Have never really loved Worthington, but he's a quality player (one of the best in the current league) and I think he improved his standings in the eyes of many opposition supporters last night with his apology for Hodge's behaviour. Some of his body language during Hodge's free throws and antics was telling.

Reply #259841 | Report this post

Years ago

kman, you're banned. Please never return.

Reply #259843 | Report this post

Years ago

Gotta admit, we're some pretty damn good fans to be able to put people off their game like we do. I know we lost due to some serious incompetence on Adelaide's part, but home crowd FTW!

On the Hodge thing, if he didn't embarrass himself having the nightmarish game he did, he wouldn't have attempted to aggrevate us that badly, we managed to get under his skin if that's any consellation.

Reply #259846 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Worthington was frustrated with Hodge's free throw shooting.. kinda ' Would you please calm down a bit and put some in. '

Reply #259847 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #259852 | Report this post

Years ago

I think the bottom line is if he hadn't acted like such a jerk at the end of the game and kept his celebrations subdued that would have been the end of it. To me his actions seemed premeditated with the intent to incite the crowd. He knew full well that the crowd would turn hostile on him (i'm not condoning racial/sexual slurs etc, but 'hodge is a wanker' chant is pretty harmless). He crossed the line yet won't take any responsibility for it.

I'm just glad he's no longer playing for us. If I was a player I would hate to have a team mate like him. I doubt what we saw on court was the end of the drama for the night either.

Reply #259854 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Aw - and Brett asked to comment on it (by 7 I thought)
But, did not want to make any comment.
(May have been 9 - which you have seen)
But, MAY be of interest.

Reply #259860 | Report this post

Years ago

I took my younger 12 year old brother and his mates to the game and hung around the players race after cause they like to meet opposition players who come out early and when julius came out he gave them all a 1 fingered gesture to alot of parents disgust!
I mean to do that to a bunch of 12 year old kids is just a disgrace for a so called professinal.. absolute peanut!!!

Reply #259861 | Report this post

Years ago

God I hope somebody got that on mobile phone video and sends it to the league- his insolence knows no bounds.

Reply #259870 | Report this post

Jackie Manuel  
Years ago


Reply #259881 | Report this post

Years ago

Never happened Anon.

Reply #259888 | Report this post

Years ago

I was close by when Hodge came out and he did not give the finger - don't believe everything you read.

Reply #259900 | Report this post

Years ago

Disgraceful behaviour by many at the game even though it may have been incited by Hodge's own poor behaviour.

In any case, some very good publicity for the NBL!

Reply #259901 | Report this post

Rodney Carney  
Years ago

Any Publicity is good publicity. Think about it

Reply #259905 | Report this post

Years ago

"Loco, can you calm the f*ck down please?"

I don't know if someone posted something under my name or something, but I honestly didn't post anything inflamatory? I haven't even been online for most of the last day or so?

Reply #259907 | Report this post

Years ago

I was sitting in the northern pocket near the Tigers race. What Julius did was disgraceful but in my opinion what some fans did was actually worse......saw a cup/drink hit Julius in the chest which further aggravated him. C'mon Adelaide're better than that! Taunt, boo, heckle but never start throwing shit at the players! And the security was piss weak because he saw exactly who threw that drink and did bugger all about it!

Reply #259908 | Report this post

Years ago

... I usually sit back and just read all the JH posts. I always maintained that I loved watching him and thought he was an exciting player to have.

This however changes my mind completely. Absolutely disgracefull. Sure.. enjoy the win.. rub the fans faces in it with a bit of chit-chat.. whatever.. but the whole stamping on the signature is a pretty direct negative symbolisation and representation of his thoughts that no one really needed to experience. I mean, his own team mates were disgusted! Brett is a state and national hero and one of the fairest players the nbl has ever seen and ever will see.

All he did was show that Brett is 10 times the man and 10 times the human Hodge can ever hope to be.

I couldn't make the game Sat night and now I am happy I didn't get there. I think I would have been out there with Ben after the game!

That situation could have easily boiled over into something much much nastier. I would not be surprised at all if a fine is heading their way. I wonder if the Tigers are having an "oh god.. what have we done?" moment yet?!


Reply #259910 | Report this post

Years ago

Loco, apologies. The person impersonating others has been banned. Was really surprised that you might've been posting those sorts of things!

Reply #259911 | Report this post

Years ago

Here's Boti's Monday article on the Hodge stuff. Glad to hear the league is going to review things.

Loved this quote from Brett:

He could've come out of that game looking pretty good. But instead he ruined it all by acting like a two-year-old child who hadn't been given his lollies.

Reply #259913 | Report this post

Years ago

I haven't even been online for most of the last day or so?

You've just been sitting in front of your TV, disconsolately watching the 1998 Grand Final series on loop, haven't you? Wearing your Rob Rose singlet?

Reply #259914 | Report this post

Years ago

Sorry for the spamming, but I've just noticed that the article linked above includes an Advertiser poll on what to do re. the Hodge incident. You know what to do! :)

Reply #259915 | Report this post

Years ago

Rod Carney, we have thought about it- quite a lot in fact on another thread and overall, it's amusing for many in the game but hardly so for those outside of it.

Reply #259916 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't think this incident is good publicity. Talk of thrown objects and racial abuse, even if only by an absolute minority, does not encourage families to go to games. Very different to the Cats-Blaze post-game IMO.

Reply #259917 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Yes agree a lot of what was posted on sat night was over the top and some terrible but guess at the least there was passion back into the hoops site that hasnt happened since the new Sixers ownership.

Cant see why anyone could even suggest any excuses for Hodge as his behaviour from start of game was to incite the crowd even at half time going down the race he was at it.
Glad Brett has come out and been critical of his actions as needed to support the views of those that were outraged by this clown and for Hodge to make more comments today taking it further is not showmanship but the actions of a unbalanced individual who if does last the season out, will not be back in Aust.again.
Surely the NBL must take some action over his actions but only hope Ben Fitz doesnt get in trouble for pushing Hodge for right reason as he was one of the heros of the night along with although hate to say it but Wortho was also. Not only did he win the game for them ( how good was that 3 he shot in dying minutes of game ) but also how he not only tried to keep Hodge repectful but his unreserved apology at game end . Wonder what Paul Rees might have done if he was out there

Reply #259918 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac - all cool man. Still have no idea what got said, which is probably for the best!

Hopefully this ball club can get its focus back where it needs to be - Saturday night and the Breakers.

Reply #259919 | Report this post

Years ago

"You've just been sitting in front of your TV, disconsolately watching the 1998 Grand Final series on loop, haven't you? Wearing your Rob Rose singlet?"

Damn you lol

Dad walked into my place Saturday night before heading up to the Apollo Room and goes "Ahhh... is that the 1994 Canberra Cannons vs. the Adelaide 36ers? From Canberra? How in GODS name do you have that on DVD!?!?"

Me - "Wanna watch the Titans series again?"

And massive cheers to Brad for transferring my crappy old glory days VHS tapes to shiny, fancy DVDs.

Reply #259921 | Report this post

Years ago

Bretts, Fitz didn't push Hodge. Closest he got still had Holmes, Mackinnon and another two Tigers between them. Only push on Hodge outside of game-time was from Burston and it was about as tame a push as you can get.

I think the league should consider fines for both Hodge and Fitz, to be honest. Hodge for escalating the situation and Fitz, not for saying something, but the way in which he went about it. The club should also be reviewing video and photos to try and identify anyone that threw anything over near the player's race. If video can pick up any racial taunts, go after those fans too.

Reply #259923 | Report this post

Years ago

We were talking about this on the way home. Only thing you can really get Hodge for is ye olde "bringing the game into disrepute" bit I think.

Likewise, I dunno what you could hit Fitz with - he didn't touch anyone, even if he intended to. I guess BA has to be seen do be doing something about it all.

I still support Ben's reaction though. Time for a whip around to raise bail for him :p

Reply #259926 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe Fitz should cop a fine, but its money well spent, sometimes you just have to make a stand. If the players weren't going to, someone had to!

Reply #259927 | Report this post

Years ago

I will send money from Brisbane! :P

Reply #259928 | Report this post

Years ago

fitz was just as stupid and deserves to be fined - your a GM not a player so you DONT belong on the court. im ashamed that he did it

hodge won the game, im all for him being disrespectful - you get what you give and the crowd was riding him all night, it has to be tough to just take it without going artest like into the stands, so you want to do something to figuratively "slap" them in the face and thats what he did

i wish more athletes had the right of reply to offend people who just abuse them all game long because they think their ticket and the white line makes it ok

Reply #259932 | Report this post

Years ago

finally just saw the footage - would have been fun to see fitz and hodge not separated........ especially considering i know how "all talk" fitz is personally

Reply #259933 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

Agree Isaac with fines even though Ben Fitz intentions were right.
But has posted in Hodge safety post I am 3-4 seats from Tigers race and wasnt as bad as said , although paper and a drink were thrown from corporate area and some-one did spit towards him from top of race and was grabbed by security these things we do not want to see .
There was a lot of yelling etc but did not hear racial taunts and Hodge was giving as much back as was giving as he did from time they pulled him off bretts sign with all the way yelling and gesturing towards crowd continoully inciting the crowd.
Unfortunately always going to get someone to over react which doesnt make it right.

Reply #259934 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure what Chuck will classify the Hodge incident under.

Appendix 9 - NEW NBL Tribunal Charges, Offences and Penalties Page | i
NBL Rules and Regulations – as amended 4 April, 2008
Appendix F – NBL Player Contract

Improper Conduct
(including sledging and/or racial vilification)
10 games

Unsportsmanlike Behaviour
No charges
5 games

Bringing Game into Disrepute

Misconduct (a general "catch-all")
10 games


1. Maximum penalty is indicative because - a mix/combination of penalties is available to the Tribunala)
b) fine
c) imposition of suspended sentences
d) ban
e) reprimand
f) The Tribunal also occasionally issues a warning.

2. No minimum penalties are listed because the Tribunal may consider that, even though a charge is
sustained, there may be extenuating/mitigating circumstances which would warrant no penalty, but
the Tribunal might issue a warning or reprimand. The Tribunal has, on isolated occasions, where a
player has been dismissed from the court very early in a game, decided that no further penalty is

Reply #259935 | Report this post

Years ago

"Loco, can you calm the fuck down please?"

Did the administrator of this site seriously write that?, or was that someone else?

Reply #259939 | Report this post

Years ago

hodge won the game

I must not have been watching the same Tigers-36ers game. In the one I watched, Worthington and Crosswell won the game for the Tigers, with help from the 36ers at the end. Hodge was a role-player - solid, but poor by his own standards. He had no more impact on the game itself than Mackinnon with his 8 rebounds or Johnson with 11 points @ 83% and 9 rebounds.

Reply #259940 | Report this post

Years ago

yes, tipo, think you have a typo there,

'hodge won the game' is spelt 'worthington won the game'

Reply #259941 | Report this post

Years ago

tipo you realise ben knows who you are don't you

Reply #259942 | Report this post

Jay-Jay Manners  
Years ago

Is the NBL going to look into some of the behaviour of the crowd? While there was a lot of fans yelling (or screaming like deranged, crazy people) at Hodge, I couldn't hear anything that was said. But I clearly saw a cup thrown at Hodge though. The fool who threw the cup should be banned from The Dome for at least the rest of the season.

Reply #259947 | Report this post

Years ago

The guy seems to have a major bad attitude. Can't remember the last time I witnessed any behaviour as vindictive as this from a professional sports person.

Then again, whilst I can understand the crowd being upset, there's no need to throw bottles or spit at players.

Reply #259950 | Report this post

Years ago

Someone's mentioned that security apprehended the spitter. Hopefully they get the cup thrower(s) as well. Not sure if that's a matter for the NBL to oversee or the club to work with the Dome on (Dome organises security, club pays for it). I believe that two security guards had hold of Hodge over near the race and, with help from a few Tigers, were forcing him out of that situation. Lucky the cup throwing didn't incite an Artest situation itself.

Reply #259951 | Report this post

Jay-Jay Manners  
Years ago

That's good that they got the spitter. I didn't see that happen but what a total disgrace.

You're exactly right Isaac, its lucky it didn't incite an Artest situation. Hodge was ready to go at the guy who throw the cup at him. Imagine if his teamates and security didn't manage to hold him back. It would have sparked total chaos.

Given the situation, its hard to imagine a more stupid thing to do than throwing something at Hodge at that moment.

Reply #259954 | Report this post

Years ago

Security saw who threw the cup as they went over to him but nothing seemed to happen. He was later waiting for the Tigers bus. I don't understand why people are allowed to get away with this sort of behaviour.

Reply #259955 | Report this post

Years ago

Either the spitter or plastic cup thrower was wearing a red t-shirt with shorter spikey hair and yes he was the kind of guy who will be spending all his xmas money at ed hardy.

Reply #259957 | Report this post

Years ago

Can see much of the front row from this photo of Yvonne's.

Reply #259960 | Report this post

Years ago

The spitter isnt in that photo, he is in more of the Ed Harry mold

Reply #259966 | Report this post

Years ago

I dare say there's be more than a few photos taken on the night which could reveal those responsible.

Reply #259967 | Report this post

Years ago

..isn't a large part of the point of this whole affair the fact that the crowd behaviour was incited?

There are bound to be a percentage of peanuts in ANY crowd... Hodge brought them out of their shell.

i.e do you think if Hodge hadn't acted the way he did, there would not have been such escalation? What did he THINK would happen? people calmly walking up to him with roses and kisses for the way he acted? He MUST have expected SOMETHING to happen?

IMO he created the situation. Is a formal penalty the way to do this (especially considering he said publically that he would do the same again?) - Personally I think so - yes; or what's next?!?

Reply #259968 | Report this post

Years ago

Brett Maher = Class.
Julius Hodge = Ass.

That's really all that needs to be said.

On a side note, like many others have said, Worthington gained a lot of respect with his efforts to pull Julius away and his post-match apology. He didn't have to do that, and the fact that he did shows he has a lot more class than a lot of us (myself included) have previously credited him with. Pity Julius couldn't follow his example.

Reply #259969 | Report this post

Years ago

Talk is that Tigers were already thinking twice about getting Hodge on board with his attitude issues even before the Sixers game- I'd put money on it that this will be the last team who picks him up in this league.

Reply #259970 | Report this post

Years ago

Keep feeding the ego people. About time to build a bridge and get over it.

Reply #259973 | Report this post

Years ago

I'll add +1 to Jordan's Wortho comments. I previously didn't think much of him either, but props where they're due.

Reply #259974 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

I believe the guys who threw the cup were a few rows behind me in the North Stand. They got pretty riled up over the whole incident and worked their way down to the players race before Hodge was escorted off.

Think the alcohol they were consuming played enough along with the emotion, but I don't have a problem with the drink throwing; considering he could have potentially had worse things thrown at him.

Granted the racial overtones with some people was going over the line; much of the "standard" abuse he received was well deserved for the post-game antics.

I would assume that the situation would have been just as bad had he played for the Sixers and tried that in Melbourne with Andrew, Lanard or Mark Bradtke. Even worse had this happened in Perth to the likes of Andrew Vlahov or Ricky Grace.

Makes me even wonder if he was to look up into the rafters at the Cage and look at the Singlets, whether he'd know or care about any of the names. Considering the team he plays for now; he'd be wise to look into the club history and make sure he knows who he shouldn't be talking trash about.

Reply #259976 | Report this post

Years ago

Shane, yes, he largely incited the later dramas, but every one of those people must be responsible for their own actions. Countless fans at the Dome were furious but managed to convey their disappointment without throwing anything or falling to racial/violent threats.

Marty, fans throwing things just cannot be condoned, regardless of the circumstance or whether things could've been worse. I think you can be far from surprised that it came to that considering what had just happened, but I don't think it should be endorsed in any way. As fans, we *should* have a problem with it getting to that.

Reply #259977 | Report this post

Years ago

care factor?

Reply #259979 | Report this post

Jay-Jay Manners  
Years ago

ShaneD, sure the crowd behaviour was incited but people still need to take responsibility for their actions. The guy didn't have to throw the cup, did he? Just because Hodge was disrespectful it doesn't mean it's a free for all.

Sure, its reasonable that there would be a reaction from the crowd to what Hodge did. However, that doesn't mean the behaviour can be is still bound by what is acceptable behaviour at a sporting event. The booing was reasonable. The chanting was reasonable. Throwing stuff at the player and spitting at the player is completely unreasonable and serves to only escalate the situation further.

It doesn’t matter what Hodge did, its not the fans role to get physically involved in anything happening on court. Its never acceptable.

Reply #259981 | Report this post

Years ago

Just as a side issue question, did any of those things connect? (cup, spit, whatever else was hurled)
I've only seen the stomping incident thus far.

Reply #259985 | Report this post

Years ago

We don't want to get to the point as in Greece where the fans throw coins at the players and referees!
If we allow a cup, what will be thrown next?

Reply #259987 | Report this post

Years ago

The people who spat / threw beer are both in the wrong and should be held accountable...BUT as Hodge crossed the line and went too far, he has to expect a reaction that in return goes too far.

He put his own head on the chopping block I'm afraid.

Reply #259992 | Report this post

Years ago

In Cyprus Joey said they hurled rocks at them then set the stadium on fire- the pictures Big Joe took the following morning were unbelievable!
Who would even think to take rocks into a sporting event?!

Reply #259993 | Report this post

Years ago

.. I believe it DOES matter what Hodge did. No the guy didn't HAVE to throw a cup.. but in a strange way - the fact that he DID is just the point.

Like everyone else I am not saying that spitting or throwing drinks etc is a nice thing to do.. it's not.... but sparks in powder kegs are _NOT_ a good idea.

Not the first time this sort of thing has happened in professional sport and definitely will not be the last time I am sure.

Yes peanuts like us humans, are responsible for their own behviour, but professional Players in this situation are surely reponsible for MORE than their own to at least some degree? If they are no longer held accountable and are allowed to carry-on like this with no warning or consequence, who knows what will happen at other games (and not just Sixers games). The sport doesn't need it, the Fan's (especially Kids) don't need it.. no one needs it.

A (sincere) apology from Hodge would be a good start on the right path back to sanity.

Reply #259995 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes HAHA, the cup of beer got Julius in the chest. Not sure of the spitting though. Jeez that security guard was piss weak. He damn well saw who threw that cup and he did fark all about it! Those turkeys should be banned!

Reply #259997 | Report this post

Years ago

As 'HAHA' said in the 'Hodge Feared for His Safety' thread, were racial taunts even made or is Hodge the only one to mention this?

Can you really believe anything that comes out of his mouth - I wouldn't have thought that he is the most credible person in the world...

Reply #260001 | Report this post

Years ago

Podman is it possible the security guys just made a mental note of the guy at the time and were waiting to see if anybody else threw anything and pulled that guy aside later?

Wow I didn't know a cup actually hit him in the chest- I'd only heard that a cup had been thrown... I take it he went apeshit?
What were the other Tigers' reactions?

Reply #260002 | Report this post

Years ago

"Who would even think to take rocks into a sporting event?!"

Public stonings Ha Ha, fake beards sell well there as well.

Reply #260004 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes he did go apeshit....that's when his team mates were holding him back from jumping the bloke....luckily, otherwise it could have been heading in to Detroit/Indiana territory.

Reply #260007 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #260008 | Report this post

bretts the man  
Years ago

The spitter was not in Red, he was in blue and was definitely taken away by security guards.
Believe from what told he spat towards him not on Hodge.
I was close enough to hear most of abuse at top of race and I heard no racial stuff.
Again please understand though and not defending throwing or spitting .
Hodge was sreaming and gesturing abuse all the way back to and through the race.
Think what would have happened if that was a english cricketer on the MCG.
Our sport is still a good family one and hope all learn from it especially Tigers and their import.

Reply #260011 | Report this post

Years ago

It is sad the game ended the way it did but I must say it was an exciting game and that's what we need more of throughout the league. It just has to be kept on court.

Unfortunately the sixers let their weakness in clutch moments rear its ugly head both in terms of the last minute and also after the game when Julius stomped the signature.

From where I sit, centre court bench side close to the action it was clear in the dying seconds Julius genuinely believed he won the game for them when it couldnt be further from the truth. In fact he seemed to be a liability for them throughout the game forcing bad shots and causing turnovers in his single minded efforts to take the sixers on. I was sitting with some Tigers fans who cringed when he got the ball or went to the stripe. IMO when he played the best was when he drove and then passed to the open shooters, thats what got us in the last quarter.

I loved the fact he tried to rev up the crowd DURING the game because it stirred us up, worked against him and provided a great atmosphere.

Whilst I was disappointed no sixers really let him have it for the stomping, from where I sit I had a clear view, it happened pretty fast and I don't think the majority of them saw it. Wortho had the brains to pull him off and put a body between him and Burston. But it is sad that the fiestiest one in the team was the GM, and even though he may cop a fine, I fully support his actions because it shows heart and fighting spirit which the boys need a bit more of.

Obviously the signature stomping went way too far and I dont think Julius realises how much of a knobber he has made himself out to be. All you have to do is visit his website, its laughable the tickets this guy has on himself with his videos and twitter comments.

Rather than get mad and incite violence etc which is just lowering to his level, I'm sure someone out there can get footage of the game. Put together a highlight reel of his clunkers, turnovers and stomping and put it on YouTube and send it to his mate Kiki in NJ so the world can see what a professional sportsman he is! I think he has pretty much guaranteed he wont get work in Australia again.


Reply #260013 | Report this post

Years ago

Was the stomping serious enough to bring about acts of violence and assault?

As i see it, Hodge had been beaten by the crowd/36ers all night, he had a poor game many T/O's, missed jumpers and FT's

Come the serious time, he along with the rest of the Tigers stepped up and the 36ers sadly faultered.

When he stomps on the signature, he is celebrating a win, he is not physically threatening or assaulting anyone.

yes, i can certainly understand peoples anger and frustration, HOWEVER.. to me, the bigger issue here is that the TEAM (36ers) did not see the need to defend thier court and their history. NO ONE from the "team" stood up to Hodge, only Ben Fitz seems to carry the passion, evidenced by his commitment to SOS and the his reaction to Hodge.

Threats of violence, assault, racism are all a WORSE act than Hodge stomping!

The 36ers losing this game, and allowing the abuse of our home and our hero is worse than Hodge stomping.

Sort out our TEAMS PROBLEMS rather than focus on an understandable act by a loser who got served all night.

The team should go and stand centre court.. look at that footage.. look at each other, and vow NEVER to let someone come and treat our house that way again!!!!!!!!!!!

if the team had sorted it out.. Ben Fitz and the crowd would not have got involved


Reply #260014 | Report this post

Years ago

Have to laugh though - Hodge's little chicken legs stomping on the court aren't likely to do much - I wouldn't be surprised if Brett's signature actually inflicted some damage to him!

Reply #260015 | Report this post

Jay-Jay Manners  
Years ago

Yes ShaneD, all true. But the NBL will keep Hodge accountable for his actions. I'm sure they're weighing up what their response should be. It will be probably in way of a fine. Maybe a suspension, but probably a fine. The Tigers may well fine and suspend him if the league doesn't. I doubt he'll get out of this without having to take responsibility for it. It's not just Sixers fans who were unimpressed...the Tigers don't sound too impressed and the league is looking into it.

The fans who crossed the line will need to be made accountable too. Its not up to the fans to make sure players face repercussions for unnecessary behaviour. That's what refs, ground security, coaches and the league office is for. Fans need to stick to being observers.

Reply #260016 | Report this post

Years ago

A (sincere) apology from Hodge would be a good start on the right path back to sanity.

I don't think there's any danger of that happening any time soon!

Reply #260018 | Report this post

Jerry Seinfeld  
Years ago

Maybe there was a second spitter?

Reply #260019 | Report this post

Years ago

Jerry gold, good to still see some humour here..

Reply #260020 | Report this post

Years ago


That is because no one in the "team" SEEN IT HAPPENING! They were in a huddle and the tool was dragged away before they actually realised what he had done. The Team are more passionate about their Club Hero than that, so don't disrespect them by saying they don't care about Mahersy's name being stomped on. Think before you speak and accuse our Boys of being that disrespectful. They would have all jumped in and smacked Hodge around if they seen that, not that that would have solved anything anyway.

Reply #260021 | Report this post

Years ago

Look at the Channel 9 footage when Hodge is stomping, at least a couple Sixers were next to him and saw it happen.

Reply #260022 | Report this post

Years ago

Could it be that of the Sixers who did see it, that they in that moment, were as stunned as some of the crowd?
I can still remember the brief footage from ST last night where while Hodge was stomping, I could clearly see a middle-aged man perhaps in his 40s or 50s in the stands in the background who threw his head back and put his hands on his head in disbelief.

There is also a clear shot of a woman in an orangy shirt in Yvonne's picture, who amongst the anger in the stadium, is just standing there flabbergasted and stunned at what she is seeing.

Reply #260027 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah but by the time they actually realised what he was doing, the tool was dragged away! You can seen Darren doing a double take like "wtf"?

Reply #260028 | Report this post

Years ago

Def gave the finger.. It happened when he was in the car being driven out of the stadium and just leaving the ramp! The kids were holding up a sign. They were certain it was a finger but could of been mistaken was also hard to see in the dark and slightly tinted windows but fairly positive.. wouldn make that up for the sake of it..

Reply #260030 | Report this post

Years ago

Fans like those two should never have to walk away from a game feeling the way they would have- it's not part of what they expect to see when they buy a ticket regardless of if they show up every year or just to a random game here and there.
I could practically see that poor old man's heart break in that moment for what it meant to him symbolically.

Reply #260031 | Report this post

Years ago

Quote in Adelaide Now

"If I could do it again, I would have continued to step on it and step on it and step on it," he said. "I want them to remember how it felt for the rest of their lives and I'm sure they will and every time I play there I will make it my personal effort to try to go out and destroy them."

This shows as much about Julius Hodge as the incident itself .
Classless behaviour from an deluded egomaniac .

Reply #260035 | Report this post

Years ago

I've been a member and ticket holder of the 6ers since i was also a member of the crows, woodville west torrens football club and my local rugby club. And sitting there on saturday night and watching that disrespectful show of unsportsmen like conduct was i have to say one of the most shocing moments of sport of my life. To stomp your foot on the name of not only a South Australian but an Australia wide sporting Hero is just a good way to show everyone how asinine and juvinile he really is. You have to know you've done something rong when you team mates appoligise for you on national TV.I would just like to say to all the supporters that are as "ANGRY" if not more than i am it makes me proud to be a South Australian. even people that have never watched basketball before know who Maher is and know that what hodge(he does't get a capital) did was very rong. and to Maher and the Players and to the hole 36ers support team. Well done in keeping your cool and even though he did thatfor not sinking to his level well done guys were all really proud.

Reply #260036 | Report this post

Years ago

anon 260021

"That is because no one in the "team" SEEN IT HAPPENING"...
Some saw it and did nothing! (and i assume you are referring to the Hodge incident..and not the last 25 seconds of game time)

"The Team are more passionate about their Club Hero than that, so don't disrespect them by saying they don't care about Mahersy's name being stomped on."...
If so.. why didnt they do something?

"They would have all jumped in and smacked Hodge around if they seen that, not that that would have solved anything anyway".

1) They didnt
2) It would have told me and others that they care about their club, history and fans.
3) It would have made sure Hodge wouldnt think of doing it again.
4)It may have reduced the need for fans to challenge Hodge
5) it would have removed the need for club officials to challenge Hodge
6) It would have told 7 other teams, that the 36ers arent walkovers

how many more do you want?

Reply #260037 | Report this post

Years ago

OH yes and to the fans that trew things and spat that is not the best thing to do i hate him as much as the next person but he was looking for that reaction and if the NBL fine him then he will probobly use that to hurt us back. thats how things are banned at stadiums... Don't sink to his level....

Reply #260038 | Report this post

Years ago

Really hard to read your posts Monique.

So has Brett actually commented on the situation at all? Don't think I have seen anything re this.

Reply #260042 | Report this post

Years ago

There's an ABC article that seems to have some new material where Hodge claims that his actions were due to thrown drinks, racial abuse, etc. Not sure if he's speaking of racial abuse during the game (yet to see any accusation of that) or that it caused his actions in the player's race, but otherwise I don't really think he can blame the stomping on things that happened afterwards.

Reply #260043 | Report this post

Years ago

DB5, comments from Maher:

"Yeah, I was a little disappointed," Maher said of the flamboyant American's antics. "He could've come out of that game looking pretty good.

"But instead he ruined it all by acting like a two-year-old child who hadn't been given his lollies.

"He played a pretty average game and was definitely affected by the crowd. But that wasn't warranted."
Full story from Boti

Reply #260046 | Report this post

Brett Maher on Australia Live TV now with KG and Phil

Reply #260048 | Report this post

Years ago

Same old attitude- he can antagonise the crowd but heaven forbid if he gets put in his place.

Reply #260050 | Report this post

Years ago



BeJeepers, Here, just incase you are a little slow off the mark,...

THEY DIDN'T SEE IT HAPPENING and the couple who caught the end of it were stunned, even did a double take, and TOOL-IUS was dragged away!

Reply #260054 | Report this post

Years ago

Thanks Isaac, will have a read now.
Rip City, cheers for the heads up.

Reply #260055 | Report this post

Years ago

Tigers want to be 'a-holes' - new interview with Judas in The Age.

Reply #260067 | Report this post

Years ago

Cheers hereschenes - getting painfull to read all these interviewss.

I gotta learn me how to do the quote thingy...

"I think the rivalry is good for the NBL. It was a sold-out crowd which was very good for the league and for the 36ers and for us," he said.

There were < 6,000 people at a nearly 8,000 seat stadium; does any of this guy's daily existence involve reality on any level?

Reply #260068 | Report this post

Years ago

I think he meant the crowd was sold-out to him in love. Or something.

(To do a quote thingy, start with <blockquote> and end with </blockquote> after the quote.)

Reply #260069 | Report this post

The Journo  
Years ago

I will predict right now that Adelaide will host Melbourne in an elimination final of some sort this season.

It's bound to happen after Saturday night!

Reply #260070 | Report this post

Years ago

He thinks it's good for the game- what would he know about what's good for the game in this country or anywhere else?
He can't even be a professional athlete- as if he spends a single second of his self-absorbed day thinking about what's good for the game.
Dickheaded shit-talking delusional asswipe.

Reply #260071 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge should not have acted like he did but then again Maybe he was reacting to the childish behaviour of the 6ers crowd which was just as deplorable. Would be the worst behaved crowd I have seen and unsportsmanlike. - Maybe a small town syndrome effect that one guy could upset so many people. Bit of a joke really and time for the crowd to grow up perhaps.

Reply #260072 | Report this post

Years ago

victorian the crowd was booing like hodge asked them too?!

Reply #260076 | Report this post

Years ago

Victorian - Adelaide absolutely has a small-town syndrome, and it's utterly frustrating much of the time. However, I think that has little-to-nothing to do with the events of Saturday night and their aftermath. Riding a villain playing away from home is a time-honoured tradition across many sports, in many countries. True, a small minority took things too far, (cup-throwing, spitting etc) and I hope they are caught and punished. But again, drawing lines between all of that and "small-town syndrome" is pretty ridiculous IMO.

Reply #260077 | Report this post

Years ago

Not to mention #24 now claiming "the Tigers were told to play like a-holes". Bit rich crying foul now.

Reply #260078 | Report this post

Years ago

people, can we please just remember that this is a family event and there are numerous kids there who want to support the team, my two little girls dont need to know what a wa**er, or f**k anything are. keep the chants clean, and watch your language. F**k doensnt need to be in your vocabulary, get a disctionary for christmas and find some new insults. or stay home and yell at your TV!

Reply #260079 | Report this post

Years ago

Before the game I had decided not to boo Julius as I respected him as a player that always put effort into his game. Even during the game I held back and just laughed everytime the crowed chanted their boos. I was at the game to watch basketball, not focus on one player. I thought as a professional player 'once NBA' he would act professional and use his playing skills to prove a point, not act as a 2yr old child and do something as juvenile as stomping on the court. For a player that claims he would still like to return to the NBA he will now be overlooked for any opportunity in the future. I hope he will soon understand what he has done for his own future and regret his decision.
So Julius from me its a big BOO!

Reply #260080 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with the sentiment, but that's cracked me up.

get a disctionary for christmas

Nice one.

Reply #260081 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

The stomp reminds me of what we used to do to cane toads when I was residing in Qld.

Perhaps he wasn't trying to stomp the signature but saw a cane toad on the floor?

Reply #260085 | Report this post

Years ago

Yes, his own reflection on that shiny polished hardwood.

Reply #260088 | Report this post

Years ago

He's like a budgie with a mirror - identical mental capacity too.

Reply #260092 | Report this post

Years ago

How long before the league make a decision- maybe by the end of the week?
The less time this story lingers for the better.

Reply #260095 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair suck of the sav.....If Andrew Gaze's signature was on your court and if one of our players spat and stomped on it, are you seriously telling me that the Vic fans would have a laugh!!

Reply #260098 | Report this post

Years ago

Other than the fact that the NBL gave the event the 3 worst refs to step onto a court for a while, imagine if they gave Hodge player of the week just to piss us off!!!!

Reply #260101 | Report this post

Years ago


"...and the couple who caught the end of it were stunned, even did a double take, and TOOL-IUS was dragged away!"

thanks so much for your valuable (repetetive) input and poor attempts at attacks on me.

As you say.. they caught the end of it .. and they did NOTHING!

remind me to make sure these guys are right beside me in the trenches... as long as they see whats going on.

Reply #260107 | Report this post

Years ago

I hope his fav coach Phil Smyth gives him a call, and a clip over the head for what he did, Smyth should explain to him how good and how much of a legend Maher is not just in SA but in Aus basketball, and how good a guy he is, I doubt Smyth would have been happy to see that and i hope he tells him that and gives him Mahers number to apologise.
Mr Hodge, drop the attitude and let your game do the talking, i dont think wortho and co will be happy about your actions and i doubt they will be wanting to apologise for you again, so if you dont wanna be cut at the end of the season let your game do the talking, sure wave your arms around and rev up the crowd and drop the occasional quote to the press, but go no further and do not disrespect legends of our league. I dare say if you behave like that again you will be sent home (at least at the end of the season) and not be signed by anyone else in the NBL.
The annoying thing was prior to that i (like many others im sure) had given him the benefit of the doubt, especially after maher backed him up saying management screwed up, sure he was gonna get booed and i thought he handled all the pre game attention and interviews since his arrival well and with class and humour, all he had to do was play the game, sure rev up the crowd during the game but just shake hands and leave afterwards, and all 36ers fans would have respected that as he can flat out play. If you wanna rev up the crowd but have some class just do what wortho does he wasnt the most popular guy in Adelaide but he showed some class once the game was over.

Reply #260109 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge's antics after the game were disgraceful and highlight the lack of decision making that has prevented him from succeeding at NBA level.

He had a shocking game and almost single handedly kept the 36ers in the game with his 6/17 from the field, 6/14 from the foul line and 4 turnovers.

There is no excuse for his post match actions but you would hope that he would at least have the understanding that he had a dog of a game and leave the Court grateful that the Tigers got up despite his horrible performance.

The thing that stands out to me as a long time follower of the league is that his actions disgraced the Tigers' franchise. This is a club founded on the efforts of legends like Lindsay Gaze and Andrew Gaze who gave back to Australian basketball by coaching/playing for ridiculous amounts below market value to further basketball in Australia.

Hodge doesn't deserve to wear the same jersey as Andrew Gaze and I trust that the Gaze family and others involved within the Tigers' organisation are equally disgusted at Hodge's actions in the same way as all true 36ers' fans would be disgusted if one of our players stomped on an "Andrew Gaze" tribute on the Tigers' home court.

His act was pre-meditated and in keeping with his pre-match quotes of how the court would have been named after him had he been a 36er for a couple more seasons.

Maher's contributions to the 36ers, the NBL and Australian basketball, not to mention charity, are too numerous to mention. Hodge's act in my view forces the Tigers rather than the NBL itself to punish Hodge. If either of our first year imports (in their 3rd game with the 36ers) committed a comparable act I know that I would want them on the first plane back home.

Reply #260115 | Report this post

Years ago

Great post Stephon.

Reply #260125 | Report this post

Years ago

yeah wot stephon said

Reply #260140 | Report this post

Years ago

I heard several racial slurs from people such as you black c#*t and you ni#@a. That is totally wrong on so many level's. Now if i was Cortez or John and heard those racial taunts i'd be disgusted to play for a racist bunch of inbreeds.

To the people that were yelling racial remarks your lucky he didn't stomp your face and just stomped Brett's signature. If Seamus got fined for yelling at the ref's and he didn't step foot on the court then Ben should be fined aswell.

Reply #260148 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeah i think Ben has to get fined as you cant condone it at all, though i was proud to see him stick up for the club it really should not be his place to do so.

Hodge needs to get fined or something for his actions and if the can find the person who spat they should be sent packing as that is the lowest form of behavior. Likewise with any racial taunts that might of happened. Everything else abuse wise i think is fair game as he brought it on himself when he stepped over the line.

Reply #260155 | Report this post

Years ago


Reply #260160 | Report this post

Years ago

So there were legit racist remarks?


That's WAY WAY too far. If I heard that sh*t, despite how upset I was, I'd escort peeps outside the BMC myself.

NO Sixer fan would condone that - no chance in hell. And if that's what happened, then u have my genuine apology as a Sixer fan. Very embarrassed.

Reply #260170 | Report this post

Years ago

After all the Hodge threads and comments, it took 3 DAYS for somebody to come out and say "I heard _____ get said as a racist remark."
It took 3 days to get a racist quote?
If it did happen I'm disgusted, but otherwise, I smell a rat.

Reply #260189 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge has spoke to The Age newspaper this:


MELBOURNE Tigers' American import Julius Hodge said his post-game antics after an 87-84 win over Adelaide on Saturday night were part of a conscious move by the injury-plagued team to be 'a-holes' to help break their losing streak.

But there is much more...

Reply #260191 | Report this post

Years ago

KB's take on the whole Hodge saga before and after saturday night, i think its fairly balanced and makes a bit of sense, from reading this you can sort of understand why Hodge wasnt happy with Brett and the club but that doesnt make what he did right, as KB says 2 wrongs dont make a right.

Reply #260196 | Report this post

Jay-Jay Manners  
Years ago

Sorry this post is so long...

Interesting perspective from KB. I've never been sure if 'the stomp' occurred because of some personal problem Hodge had with Maher, or if it was just his way of trying to kick the fans where it really hurts. Maybe it was a bit of both.

I thought at the time that the press conference the Sixers had after Hodge left was a disgrace. The Sixers had every right to defend themselves in public against what Hodge was saying to the press. But the press conference degenerated into the Sixers really going to town on Hodge, which just wasn't needed. All that was needed was for Mal to explain his side of the story in regards to the payment issues and to go into 'some' detail about how he felt that Hodge leaving the team was a part of a bigger behavioural issue.

It wasn't necessary to have Maher and Ninnis at the microphone tearing him apart. I seem to remember Ninnis even saying something along the lines of 'I'm glad he's gone, I'm glad I don't have to deal with it anymore." I'm sure he felt that way, and maybe he had every reason to feel that way, but to air all of that in the public realm felt dirty to me at the time. It wasn't necessary, it wasn't professional. It was school yard.

I was particularly disappointed that Maher took part in it. To my knowledge, he had never publicly criticised a teammate or ex-teamate before. I was even surprised that some of his negative thoughts about particular imports came out in Boti's book. But his criticism was measured, never over the top and Boti's book seemed like an appropriate platform.
His words at the press conference didn't seem like Maher. Again, I'm sure he had his personal opinion of players, I'm sure he was critical of players behind the scenes as all players and captains would and should be. But he had never aired his thoughts with such immediacy before. Given that Maher had carried himself with the upmost dignity and class throughout his entire career, it felt strange that in the final months of his career that he would be standing in front of the media and going to town on Hodge, regardless of what had transpired. I felt that he had probably been corralled to a certain degree by Mal, who was in full-take-no-prisoners-damage-control mode.

Now, to hear that Maher publicly acknowledged that Hodge had a legitimate beef with management really surprised me. I know Maher hasn't defended the way Hodge dealt with the situation, and nor should he, but none of what Maher came out with last week was ever mentioned at the press conference or any another time last season after Hodge left. I can understand why, he's not going to go to the media with negative stories of club management. But now knowing what Maher knew and thought at the time, it makes his performance at the press conference somewhat tragic. Here he was sitting in front of the media, chastising a former team-mate while defending team management when he knew the situation was more complex than what was being told and that he knew management were also at fault.

At the time I wished the press conference had a more professional tone. I wished Maher had never attended it. Now knowing more facts, I wish even more that Maher wasn't there. Once again, I can only assume it wasn't his idea and that he was in a difficult situation.

I think the Hodge affair was a callosal failure. Almost all the blame has been placed on Hodge's shoulders, and I would never deny that he has to take the brunt of it. The way he dealt with the problem was far from professional. But its clear it was a failure on management's side too.

I still think some of the blame has to been worn by Ninnis. His comments regarding Hodge at the press conference were designed to be in defence of himself and the organisation but in my opinion only made him appear impedit in his inability to address behaviour from Hodge that he thought was detrimental to the team. To this day, I still have no idea what actions were put in place by the coaching staff to address the same behaviour from Hodge that Ninnis complained so openly about at the press conference.

From what I understand, a particular ex-coach had his part in the saga as well.

And also Maher, who I believed in a small way sold out Hodge. I never expected Maher to defend Hodge's behaviour but it was a little sad seeing him rubbishing a former team-mate, whether he deserved it or not, with his boss sitting next to him. It's the only time in his long career that I wished he had handled things a bit differently.

Reply #260211 | Report this post

Years ago

That's overly harsh on Maher! He endorsed sitting out a game due to late payments which Hodge then played. Before the next game, Hemmerling (and the guy putting up the money) then paid up for the duration of the season. They shook hands with Hodge. Maher's endorsement rightfully no longer stands at that point. Either Hodge maintains his beef and doesn't shake or he does and commits to playing. Not even notifying the coach or players?

I also think that's unfair on Ninnis - he can't pay the wage and find the money when Groves' wallet dried up. And on Bauer - imagine being the operations manager, trying to keep a player on court when your boss is out of money and stalling. Hemmerling faltered when Groves wasn't there to back him, but when Fuss got it sorted, that should've either been the time that Hodge accepted that things were back on track or told Hemmerling and the team that he would not be playing further.

And I would absolutely love to see payment dates and contract details because people directly involved have been adamant that the contract showed that they weren't late to pay to begin with and that this was specifically explained to Hodge when discovered.

Too many excuses. I didn't get paid, so I didn't play - but he had been paid at that point. I stomped on Maher's signature - but it was the GM who incited the riots by trying to stop him? I acted like that because of racial abuse - which came after the stomping. He should accept more responsibility for the aspects that he could control.

Reply #260220 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL has issued no penalties.

Reply #260227 | Report this post

Years ago

Reply #260229 | Report this post

Years ago

NBL has issued no penalties


Reply #260230 | Report this post

Years ago

Never mind - I found one. Thanks for the heads-up.

NBL issues ruling on Hodge incident

Reply #260231 | Report this post

Years ago

What a joke. Typical of Chuck Harmless one.

Reply #260234 | Report this post

Years ago

Harmison Is a Joke!

What a great standard he is setting. Any player is now allowed to incite the crowd anyway they like.

Reply #260235 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps the Sixers should have lodged a formal complaint to force the issue?

Reply #260236 | Report this post

Years ago

loco, glad my mispelling amused you!!! guess i should have read through after i typed it. i tried to say thesaurus but didnt know how to spell that either. guess im not the smartest on this site, i had hoped i would be. (yes jeers and boos, i dont care, i have a sense of humour)

teehee teehee!!!!!!

Reply #260238 | Report this post

Years ago

I would have used Linky, but am still waiting for the Likky Party.

Reply #260239 | Report this post

Years ago

By Likky i mean Linky.

Reply #260240 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe the Sixers didn't lodge a formal complaint as then Melbourne would have in regards to Ben Fitz which would have probably ended up in a fine.

Reply #260241 | Report this post

Years ago

As far as I remember, Ninnis seemed to insinuate (either in the press conference or in the paper, I can't remember where) that there was no need for them to file a complaint as it should be a no-brainer for the NBL to press charges.

Reply #260248 | Report this post

Years ago

Yeh didn't Chuck come out almost immediately after the game and say that the game tape was being expressly sent to him and the NBL would review the whole incident? If the NBL's reviewing the incident then why would you need to make a formal complaint? Of course, now Chuck's just gone "oh, no one's made a formal complaint so I don't need to do anything!"

Reply #260258 | Report this post


What a massive joke of a decision!!

on one hand we get a Harmison going on about how juvenile and disappointing the act was and how it disrespected Maher.. i'd also add the 36'ers, basketball in the state and I'd go as far as Basketball in this country as Brett's legacy and standing is right at the top of this and as even Anstey and Worthington have stated it was out of line.

Not to mention the provocative nature and how it could of incited something very serious.. Hodge was trying to get at the cup thrower until he was pulled away.. other codes in this country would at least ask for an explanation from the club and take it from there at the minimum!!

so the 36ers didn't make a complaint so thats it!! now I'm not up on the rules unfortunately but surely that should not be up to the 36'ers!! the league needs to take responsibility for it code and players (along with the clubs additionally, so i will be interested if the Tigers have more to offer..)

And KingJames i'd say if that was the case then bring it on, if both have offended them fine them both i say.

So after all this what we have is the loss which now hurts more!!, Hodge feeling pretty pleased with himself after getting one over the club (long term who knows for the guy what it will do) and significantly Adelaide 36er fans have been accused of racism in all national media outlets and that may be the most significant thing to come out of it.

If true lets find out and catch them, but if no one else backs that up and it's just Hodge's word then that mud still sticks whether its true or not and that would be very sad for the club and fans

Reply #260261 | Report this post

Years ago

Couple of things to come out of Boti's article today.

Firstly, I'll start on a positive note.
I've already mentioned earlier in this thread that I have a newfound respect for Worthington after his apology on sat night and his efforts to stop Julius' stomping. Good to see that another of Adelaide's "favorite" sons - Chris Anstey - has also come out and publicly apologised. Also good to see that they have both apparently privately contacted the Sixers, Scottie Ninnis and Brett himself to apologise. Credit where its due, those two guys evidently have a hell of a lot more class than I've ever credited them with in the past.

Secondly, I see that Anstey was planning to have words with Julius at yesterday's training. Another nice gesture, only one problem, Julius forgot to come to training. Where have I seen that before?

Reply #260268 | Report this post

Years ago

I believe the NBL indicated that a formal report from the 36ers wasn't required and wouldn't have changed their decision either.

Reply #260283 | Report this post

Years ago

If thats the case Isaac then why would Chuck refer to the fact that the Sixers didn't lodge a formal complaint? From reading the article its pretty obvious that he uses that to atleast partially justify his decision.

Reply #260284 | Report this post

Years ago

Not sure. Offload a bit of heat? Either way, it's done and the Sixers have something more important to worry about this Wednesday.

The 36ers have also responded to the NBL's ruling and accepted it, saying that they will take no further action regarding Hodge, but will work with the Dome team over the fan behaviour, etc.

Reply #260292 | Report this post

Years ago

Glad the Sixers take the high road here, but we come out of it as the bad guys IMO. Do we go from the most knowledgable crowd to the most racist/feral now?

Reply #260301 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge missed training the other day perhaps he wasnt paid for the overtime he played on sat night.

Reply #260313 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Is there any truth that someone has organised a banner with Hodge's face on it we can wipe our feet on as we enter the stadium on Saturday night?

Reply #260452 | Report this post

Years ago

I think you are referring to the specially made toilet paper at the stadium with Hodge's image on it ;)

Reply #260456 | Report this post

and 1  
Years ago

how funny was that JUDAS HODGE banner from last weeks game! Did u see the guys take it down to the tigers huddle at 3/4. Loves it! Think they do a banner every week!

Reply #260462 | Report this post

bit of fun  
Years ago

My office is coming up with some great idea's and most of them don't even follow the game.
1) Players take a life size photo of Hodge to the Melbourne game, put it on the floor and ......Stomp
2) Life size photo's at the Dome of Hodge, costs you a dollar to throw darts at it, proceeds to the Hudson Maher Foundation
3) Get Brett to come on court at the next game and ask Hodge for his autograph

Reply #260463 | Report this post

Years ago

Glad the Sixers take the high road here, but we come out of it as the bad guys IMO. Do we go from the most knowledgable crowd to the most racist/feral now?

Pretty much sums up my feelings. I'm thoroughly sick of the issue now, but it feels like the Sixers have been on a hiding to nothing, thanks to the NBL's willingness to let Hodge go unpunished and the claims of racism, etc.

Reply #260464 | Report this post

Years ago

Have any racist claims been established as true yet, or was it the typical smoke and mirrors bullshit?

Reply #260467 | Report this post

Years ago

I don't know how easily you can make that judgement, unless you maybe asked Tigers players if they heard anything and assume that they were generally close enough to Julius at all times that they should've heard what he did. I know he's been prone to playing the victim, but I think he could be given benefit of the doubt here if only because it was a very heated moment post-stomp and someone may have crossed the line outside of the spitter and empty cup and plastic bottle.

Comments on here are largely anonymous reports saying they heard or didn't hear anything over in that players' race area. I've suggested that the club or Dome staff put out a call on here asking for non-anonymous reports from people in that area and see what comes of that. I'm pretty sure the spitter will be taken care of separately.

Reply #260472 | Report this post

Years ago

Would have been interesting to hear the Melbourne boys at practice this week in regards to their attitude to what Hodge did Saturday, and in response to the racist claims as you said Isaac.

Reply #260476 | Report this post

Years ago

If there was racial abuse, strange that it wasn't reported for a couple of days - if it was true you'd think it would be one of the first things to come out.

Reply #260504 | Report this post

Years ago

Perhaps a banner for the next home game televised on Fox saying:

Racist accusations from a Juvenile Disrespectful Player without evidence DOES NOT make Adelaide fans racist. A formal apology is demanded.

Let all of Australia see how the Adelaide fans feel about this stinging attack.

Hodge's allegations of racial taunting following the game are a serious concern and we will work closely with the 36ers and venue security staff to identify any individuals who may have used racial slurs against Hodge," said Harmison. "There is absolutely no place for that sort of behaviour in the NBL or indeed in our society.”

There is however a place in the NBL for Hodge's behaviour of disrespect for a legend of the game.

Reply #260595 | Report this post

Years ago

Some interesting updates from Hodge's Twitter:

One of my favorite songs of all time by Kirk Franklin is?? Drum-roll... "STOMP"! LOL!.Okay,okay, I'm done.. Just joking Brett its all love!

What was that dwarf's name again? Happy?..NO! Sleepy?..NO! Oh I remember STOMPY.. Yea that gotta be it lol..

It was in JEST! I was enjoying the moment like I always do..Daaanggg! Anyway.. Running the beach in a few-makes me STOMP the sand out.

Reply #260602 | Report this post

Years ago

surely we can get this to 200 posts

i love balls!

Reply #260652 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

iz dat da man? or iz it just another pretender?

Surely it's just someone pretending to be Hodge. I mean, the vocabularly skillz and the general comments on that twitter account is something I would expect from a 15 year old trying to be cool.

Do you expect me to believe that a responsible 26 year old father would twitter those words?

Reply #260659 | Report this post

Years ago

Pretty sure that's the "man" himself, JT. It's his official Twitter account, linked from his official website.

Btw, this is one of my favourite Hodge posts on his website's blog - I love it how he put his name on the top of his own Star Players list! "Yay for me!"

Reply #260661 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

I feel it is pretty sad if that is the case.

A psychologist would have a field day with all this!

Reply #260664 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Would love a psychologist to have a quick look at hodge24 and post a few comments.

Reply #260666 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey, I thought this was a pretty cool post from Mark Worthington. Kudos to Wortho!

Reply #260675 | Report this post

Years ago

Cheers for the link hereschenes
again good work Wortho...shudder..

Reply #260679 | Report this post

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