Years ago
8 Team NBL League - Thoughts So Far
I said a couple of years ago that the league should go down to 8 teams for the simple fact that the talent pool got a little dilluted with 12 or more teams.
So far I think it has really worked. Of course I live in a city that has a team.
The games seemed to be well attended (I have no statistical data on this - just what I'v eseen on the TV).
Comparing it to the A-League - they used to run 8 teams (this year expanded to 10 teams). I much prefered the smaller league - again for the simple fact that there is a finite amount of decent players out there in Australia - so some teams are filling their roster with lesser players which will ultimatley affect the product.
I would much prefer to see the league kept at 8 and if teams like Sydney and Brisbane want back in they will have to show 1. prove that they can sustain and team and 2. come in at the expense of another team. This of course wouldn't/couldn't happen cos the NBL need teams in the bigger markets and they aren't gonna boot out at Wollongong or Cairns (just saying is all).
Another positive is I really like the Top 4 playoff system - 4 make it, 4 miss out - makes each game much more important (especially come seasons end).