Years ago
Facebook Message from Julius
Hi all, yesterday I recieved a personal message from Julius Hodge on Facebook after adding him as a friend (to see if that status was real). I replied and he gave me a pretty comprehensive account of how he thinks things went down. He said it would be alright if I shared it:
Julius Hodge November 9 at 6:44pm Report
i like the Jay-Z quote! i got sumthin for yall when i get up there.. fyi if it wasnt for Paul Bauer ill be a 36er still.. i luv the page tho keep it going.. God Bless baby its all in fun..and tell Cooper i said hi to Melanie
The group he is referring to is the one I started last week 'Julius Hodge, come back to the Dome with Melbourne... we dare ya.'
Sam, November 9 at 7:41pm
Jules, Jules, Jules, U gotta give me more than "it was Bauer" bro. Here is what 36ers fans know (or believe):
-You were a bad team man in 2008/9, missing trainings and acting like you were bigger than the team. As you saw, Coop used the word "cancer", he actually said you're not a bad guy, it's just the people around you that turned you into something else last year. (his wife's name's Melody btw).
-You wanted out of the team, whether you were paid on time or not. Wanted to play elsewhere.
-The 36ers made a habit of paying you EARLY, and this is why you thought it was late that month. When, according to your contract, it actually wasn't after the due date.
-You are up-yourself with an ego bigger than Kanye's. ie you think you're the best.
-When you didn't show up to the Wollongong game, you didn't even inform the club, or teammates of your decision, leaving them, and all us fans, wondering where the hell you were right up until tip-off. Not even a phone call?
-You thought you still had the right to use the club's facilities even after you walked-out on us.
-Now you're playing for the most hated team in the NBL, leaving everyone wondering how they fit you under the cap and meanwhile saying "Hi Adelaide I'm Back, fuckin wankers, lmao" on your facebook page.
I absolutely loved you when you were here Jules, you were adored by the whole town. So if you can explain how any of the above points are incorrect, please do. I would love to discover that you were not at fault whatsoever and you'd be just-about my favourite player again.
But you can understand why the whole of Adelaide hates you so much when this is what we've heard ^^^ This is all we know, it looks like you 'drank the poison' bro.
If you can tell me what on that list is wrong I'm sure everyone would be happy to change their opinion of you. You're a great player, no jumper, but the league needs more stars like you.
I know you probably don't even care what us people in Adelaide think anymore, but if you could take the time to explain to me what happened, why it is all Bauer's fault and whether I have said anything wrong up there, I'd appreciate it a lot... and maybe even boo you less on the 5th ;)
Julius Hodge November 10 at 6:49am Report
less boo's LOL.. and everyone will see the jumper improvements smart-ass..haha well you pretty much laid it out for me.. for starters i would very much enjoy the boo's and playing under that added dislike from the crowd( i actually feed off that energy and its suppose to be fun and to me thats fun! -honestly speaking) but i did indeed inform coach and my teammates of me not being paid in a timely manner and that sooner or later i will have to stop playing if Paul keeps lying about a payment being made(you know that to be true because before i sat out there was an article in the paper about me not being paid- so if the paper found out obviously it was from a teammate or someone in the office who did know of it.) ...my thing was whether you have it or i have to wait..dont lie about it thats bad business(we now see that they indeed didnt have the $ from the way they had to pay the players this season).. ego?? maybe? actually yes..but on the basketball court only! if you dont feel inside like your the best player on the court then you shouldnt step foot on the court becaue you give your best and in oreder to the that you have to work the hardest!!! i always been taught that!! now skipping a few things for Cooper to say that is in bad taste to say the least.. my 1st year Cooper allowed me in his home for Christmas with his family and thats something i will never forget. so i will act as he didnt say those bad things about me.. and im sorry im a scorpio so everything i do is with passion and emotion and you cant tell me one time i didnt step on that court and give it my absolute all?? I missed one training because of a dentist appointment i let coach know before and was late to two practices(2-3mins late and thats the truth).. ask any of them how many times i was the 1st one in the gym and staying after and shooting and working on my game or taking creatine supplements and then lifting til i was sore or after games working out or on off days in the gym..and I WAS THE BEST PLAYER ON THE TEAM and dont get me wrong some guys work hard sometimes but me and eric burdon and Luke was easily the hardest workers! i pride myself on work ethic cuz without it im nothing..my skillset alone cant outplay a duck i pride myself on working hard on court and being a good person off of it.. and yes Brett did hint me to the idea of sitting out because i wasnt the only player not getting full-pay and then afterwards he acted as if he was in total shock i finally didnt play.. no no one knew exactly when i would sit out but 2-3games in succession i was told my $ was on the way and i was being lied to and i told my teammates.. just be honest and yes I say Paul because he was the one telling me it was on the way when it really wasnt, no obviously he was being told this from someone else-to keep me in the loop- but i thought me and him were better then that but hey thats the business i guess.. i loved adelaide i didnt wanna leave! c'mon adelaide, aussie or Besancon,france(really is that even a decision longer then a second to decide????) no i didnt drink no poison lol (you a funny guy).. i loved the area and the fans most importantly. as for ninnis my mother always said if you dont have nothing good to say you shldnt say nothing at all! so with that said Coach Phil is "THE MAN"!! as for me being a Tiger..well the show must go on right?? and i was never paid early my payments were indeed late dont you drink the poison Sam..and i didnt ask to use the facilities i mentioned "im gonna miss working out in here" and Paul said "you wanna work out im going to find out and get back to you" so thats how that rumor got in the mill. but thats it..i hope thats everything..but it really is more important things going on so thats why i ignored the responses from adelaide fans early on..believe me having a good import leave the club early is nowhere near some of the horrible things that happen in the world everyday..to make it simple the glass is half full.. ok im sounding like a inspirational speech right now later Sam and i miss you adelaide. check out my website 24hodge.com coming soon..
p.s the haters gonna continue to hate anyway after this i know this but thats my take on it peace
So there are obviously still a lot of conflicting stories here, and I hope the kiddies no see the need for their English class at school. I gotta say this is the bit I have the most trouble believing:
"and yes Brett did hint me to the idea of sitting out because i wasnt the only player not getting full-pay and then afterwards he acted as if he was in total shock i finally didnt play"
But it was good of him to give me a decent response. I didn't see the need for a screenshot but if someone really needs it I can get it.