Black Dracula
Years ago

Suggestions for 'Welcome Back Hodge'

OK so my boy Big Marty and I used today's journey to the Dome to brainstorm a few ideas for Julius Hodge's not-so-triumphant return to Adelaide. We don't hate the guy; but the opportunity for some shit stirring is too hard to resist.

OK, so what we have so far. The following is what you could play when Hodge walks out with the Tigers:

- The chorus from Snoop Doggy Dogg's "Gin & Juice" (the "With my mind on my money and my money on my mind" bit).

- Abba's "Money Money Money" track

- The chorus to Wu-Tang Clan's "C.R.E.A.M" - cash rules everything around me, cream get the money, dollar dollar bill y'all (I would absolutely lose it if you could do this one Skip =)).

For when Hodge goes to the foul line, you could give out some fake monopoly money or something and get people behind the basket to wave it around...

If anyone else has any suggestions, post 'em up...

Topic #21534 | Report this topic

Big Marty  
Years ago

Giant novelty cheque comes to mind.

Reply #256136 | Report this post

Years ago

It will be the worst welcome home of all time and I am sure there will be a few of our blokes who may wish to clean him up too. Give him hell!

Reply #256137 | Report this post

Years ago

"The J Hodge Jump Shot School"

Reply #256139 | Report this post

Years ago

Play Carly Simon's song You're so Vain. Dracula's suggestion of Abba's song Money Money Money is right on the money.

Skip, this is your show, make it a good one.

Reply #256140 | Report this post

Years ago

could it be the biggest home crowd for a wednesday night game ever!!
I know i will be making extra effort to be there!!

Reply #256147 | Report this post

Years ago

Pink Floyd - Money

Just the opening and closing of a cash register intro.

Reply #256149 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Huge rubber check signed by Mal

Reply #256152 | Report this post

Years ago


Nice work Dracula.

I'd love to see 'Heartless' by Kanye thrown in the mix as well.

Maybe a quote "How nice of you to turn up". That line seems to be said on just about every program that involves a school.

Think it's a Saturday, hooked.

A giant bottle of poison would go nicely.

And maybe we could get murray to stack bricks together on the baseline every time Hodge puts on up.

Also, it was great to see the 6ers took my recommendation with the Clap-banners tonight. More of them please.

Reply #256155 | Report this post

Years ago

Facebook group against Hodge's return is growing every minute! 155 members in 3 days and counting:

Reply #256157 | Report this post

Years ago

Shane McMahons WWE Entrance Theme...

"Here come the Money!"

Reply #256161 | Report this post

Years ago

Ooh ooh how 'bout a banner saying "YEP, HE DRANK THE POISON"?

Reply #256162 | Report this post

Mr bEn  
Years ago

I'm out of the loop with the Hodge-hatin'.

Didn't he leave the 6'ers because they were tardy with payments? Or what am I missing?

Reply #256163 | Report this post

Years ago

bEn, a flashback:

Reply #256169 | Report this post

Years ago

giant rubber cheques is a good call and C.R.E.A.M !!!
give it to him all night

Reply #256178 | Report this post

Years ago

When opposition players are introduced, Julius' name is announced followed by audio from Jerry Maguire.."show me the money", wait for sufficient time before next Tigers player is introduced allowing time for the mandatory "You are a wanker" chant to gather momentum.

When Julius gets a free throw a bit of Alice Cooper.."Poison" wouldn't hurt.

Reply #256187 | Report this post

Years ago

That's gold Northy

Reply #256192 | Report this post

Years ago

What about the soundbyte of "Show me the Money" from Jerry maguire.

Reply #256201 | Report this post

Years ago

Disregard my post as I got excited and skipped the last couple replies :)

Reply #256202 | Report this post

Years ago

I will be at the dome chanting and booing along with everyone else on the 5th but my concern is that when a player is "feeling the love" like he will on that night it might make him play even better than normal and that could be devastating for us. My hope is that he and his new team mates struggle with set plays and he takes several weeks to settle into the tigers routine

Reply #256203 | Report this post

Years ago

Maybe a joint apology from Mal to Julius and the fans over the late payment saga would be more appropriate.

I hope he puts up 40 pts.

Reply #256204 | Report this post

Years ago

ESP, are you a Tigers fan? Any Tigers supporters that are critical of the criticism made by Adelaide supporters should realise that Adelaide have experienced Hodge. Good luck to the Tigers for picking him up, we are not jealous. Atleast if this leopard hasn't changed his spots, it will be Melbourne that will suffer the consequences this time.

Reply #256208 | Report this post

Years ago

I wish hodge well and blame the sixers, not hodge for him leaving

the way the sixers handled that, combined with my extreme dislike for our new ownership = why me and at least 5 other people I know don't support the sixers

go Julius!!!

Reply #256211 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Hah, if Hodge were a decent player, he could have at least turned up and sat on the bench in casual clothes rather than no-showing period.

Also, from my recollection, the payments had gone through, Hodge's manager just hadn't checked the accounts soon enough.

Reply #256215 | Report this post

Years ago

That's the spin the 6ers put on it

Reply #256221 | Report this post

Years ago

What about a banner "good of you show up Hodge"!!

Reply #256222 | Report this post

Years ago

Jeffey has the one. Money - Pink Floyd & it will inspire Hodge to a triple double in front of 8000 screaming croweaters!!

Reply #256231 | Report this post

Years ago

ESP.... it wasn't just the payment problems, prior to that he woudn't turn up for training saying that he was good enough that he didn't need to train, he would refuse to attend sponsor events and didn't join in with team player events outside of the game.

TIPO....Whats your problem with the new ownership group( are you mates with Mal) and you do realise that the new owners had nothing to do with Hodge and what happened last season.

Reply #256236 | Report this post

Years ago

Tipo = Julius Hodge

Reply #256241 | Report this post

Years ago

Tipo, the payments were early, not late. Hodge and his agent thought the contract was for payments each period in advance when they were actually due at the end of each period. So when he was complaining about not getting paid before Month X, the payment itself was not actually due until the end of that month.

Half the confusion, AFAIK, arose because when it was brought to the club's attention, they initially assumed that the payments were due prior to each month also and took the agent's word. Remember Hodge having to pay back the club?

Reply #256247 | Report this post

Years ago

hooked... the game is on Saturday night... the 5th of December... if u go on the wednesday all u probably will see is training

Reply #256252 | Report this post

Years ago

How about:

Reply #256253 | Report this post

Years ago

I know it is unlikely to happen. But if the crowd went competely quiet when he was introduced, and turned there backs to him. That would be pretty epic, and I think that would rattle him, without firing him up.

Or those cannon shooters, filled with monopoly money, so when he comes out, you could let them off. That would be quiet good.

Best of luck, I cant wait to watch this game!

Reply #256259 | Report this post

Years ago

Go Hodge i hope he drops 40 on Adelaide!!

Reply #256261 | Report this post

Years ago

I would love to see Hodge's contract:-

I am good
I get paid, no matter what
I am good
I only show up to training when I feel like it
I am good
I have no jump shot
I am good
After a flop, I must lay on the ground for 2 minutes
I am good
I am the team
I am the NBL

Reply #256265 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac I find it staggering that you find no malice in what the Sixers did. Furthermore, this "Confusion" you talk about is that you referring that the Sixers management is incompetent as you say that they didn't know when their players were meant to be paid and were going on whatever Hodges agent said?

You say his payments weren't due to the end of the month instead of the 15th of December as has been reported. If that was the case then why did it take till the 7th of January for him to get paid? Regardless if the payment was 7 days late or 23 days late that is still late!

Why then was Mal telling the papers that there was a transfer issue as to why his payments didn't happen on the 15th of December. Not to mention that there hadn't been a problem with transfers the previous month. He should have said "No Hodge is wrong we pay them at the end of the month" from the beginning but obviously Hodge was paid not at the end of the month the previous month!

Add to that they then payed Hodges contract out in advance for the rest of the season on the 7th. Why would they need to do this if they feel they have paid on time?

In one of the last articles written at the time Mal came out and said that he went back and checked the contract and that his payments were actually ahead of what he owed Hodge due to the fact that he had paid Hodge an undisclosed amount when he had first arrived. I find this hard to believe, if Hodge was getting 20k a month, I doubt Mal had paid him 20k upon arrival and then this advanced payment was never disputed or mentioned until Mal decides to have the last word when the issue is finished and Hodge wasn't going to comment on. Even if he was paid one month in Advanced I doubt it is in the contract saying "I will pay you one month in advance then without warning i will not pay you one month".

From studying Contract law, if i am not mistaken, a contract is legally binding HOWEVER if both parties AGREE to amendments to the contract i.e. payment on another date. Then that becomes legally binding. I don't know as a fact but it is almost certain Hodge was paid prior to the end of the month in the previous month otherwise there wouldn't be no issue from Hodge saying it was due on the 15th and Mal saying there was issues with the transfer getting the money to Hodge on the 15th. From this you can conclude there was Amendments to the contract. As a result, in the court of law Mal can't go "oh yeah in the end i checked the Contract and then realised that I had already given him advanced payments" That would be invalid, the new VERBAL agreement would be binding.

"Remember Hodge having to pay back the club?" Yes he had to pay back ONLY the money the club had payed him in advance for the rest of the season as to be expected, so not sure why your even mentioning that.

You're a very knowledgeable person Isaac so maybe you have inside knowledge to this issue that the rest of the public doesn't know about. but from what was reported in the newspaper IMO there WAS Malice from the Sixers management regarding this issue. Was it bad enough for Hodge to not play? Probably not. If people want to hate him for walking out on the Sixers that is fine and up to them but I don't accept trying to paint a angel picture that Sixers management were not at fault at all.

Finally, everyone hating on him for leaving because they thought he was looking for an out clause so he could go to the Tigers, NBA or Europe was also UNTRUE and purely speculation by the haters.

My post is based on what was read in the paper and is not necessarily what happen as none of us besides Mal, Hodge, Hodge's agent and Sixers management know the truth.

I am actually looking forward to him coming back into the league as everyone (besides me) will be booing him when he plays here and it adds more interest and passion to the game.

Reply #256267 | Report this post

Years ago

Good to see some passion KingJames, but I think you are having a go at the wrong person here. We can all argue about who said what and is the team management lying, or Hodge? The one constant though is that people like Brett Maher never say anything about anybody unless they are sure it is correct. Look back at what Brett said and he was scathing of Hodge. More so than a team captain just dancing to the club song.

Hodge is a self serving individual who will never be able to exist in a team environment unless it is full of egomaniacs like him. Just the way he talks (lies)about himself should be enough to show his true character.

Reply #256271 | Report this post

Years ago

don't know what i was thinking, with the wednesday night thought, oh well... saturday equals full house!!

love how easily we turn myself included!! was lovin hodge when he was here, now he signs with the tigers... think bradtke could suit up for a one off game??

whoever scores hollywood seats next to tigers bench will be loving it, just hope they talk trash.

Reply #256279 | Report this post

Years ago

EC, No I'm a sixers fan.

Anon, Hodge isn't the first prima donna import and won't be the last. Still no reason for the Sixers to not pay up as per his contract.

Isaac, Mal admitted some fault re late payments.

Reply #256288 | Report this post

Years ago

ESP...your right Hodge isn't the first prima donna but this is a team sport and no one individual can consider themselves bigger than the team/game/league and he did that and thats why he is now getting this response from people.

Reply #256296 | Report this post

Years ago

Adelaide were more than happy to get him back a second time to play with the team. Obviously something happened for his behaviour to change because if there's any truth to him not turning up to training etc, they wouldn't have re-signed him.

Reply #256303 | Report this post

Years ago

Fair enough Spinner but Maher was talking about Hodges poor training attendances and effort, not the contract issue. At the end of the day I think both management and Hodge were in the wrong at some point.

Reply #256306 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge will go for 40 on Adelaide I hope you know. Cortez and Brad Hill aint gonna stop him. All the beats and chants you want will not prevent that

Reply #256334 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac I find it staggering that you find no malice in what the Sixers did.
You might want to look up malice. I think you just mean "incompetence."
Furthermore, this "Confusion" you talk about is that you referring that the Sixers management is incompetent as you say that they didn't know when their players were meant to be paid and were going on whatever Hodges agent said?
Clubs are busy operations - it's easy to go on one set of details and overlook a specific contract thing. They made an assumption and didn't realise that they weren't actually paying late until further down the track.
You say his payments weren't due to the end of the month
End of a given period. I used "month" as an example of a period to keep the concept simple.
Why then was Mal telling the papers that there was a transfer issue as to why his payments didn't happen on the 15th of December. Not to mention that there hadn't been a problem with transfers the previous month.
Because I believe Hodge was originally getting paid to a different bank account (possibly through his agent) and then wanted to change it.
Add to that they then payed Hodges contract out in advance for the rest of the season on the 7th. Why would they need to do this if they feel they have paid on time?
Gesture of good will to keep him playing so that the issue wouldn't further disrupt the team. They paid him and took him to an ATM to physically show him that the money was there.
From this you can conclude there was Amendments to the contract.
No you can't. They were, by the contract, paying him in advance when they weren't required to.
but from what was reported in the newspaper IMO there WAS Malice from the Sixers management regarding this issue.
See further up. Malice would be them trying to screw him. They weren't - they ended up paying more than was required to try and rectify the issue.
Finally, everyone hating on him for leaving because they thought he was looking for an out clause so he could go to the Tigers, NBA or Europe was also UNTRUE and purely speculation by the haters.
And you know that how? Some of his team mates knew he was very eager to get over to the Tigers - he'd said as much. I think I'll go by what they said rather than your guess.

If all you're going on is newspaper articles and your own stubborn position, I don't know why I'm bothering to argue with you. The club were late to pay him based on the schedule they were maintaining, but technically they had been paying early if you went by the contract. Incompetent (hardly new to the NBL) but nothing malicious about it at all. They were relying on Groves money at the time IIRC and from what I was hearing it wasn't always too regular.

Reply #256338 | Report this post

Years ago

Tipo is not Julius Hodge just has a brain and jump shot very similar to his.

Reply #256341 | Report this post

Years ago

KJ, email me and I'll explain it again if you want.

Reply #256350 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge is far and away the best import in the nbl and if he was in Adelaide everyone would be all over his jock

Reply #256360 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Isaac - I understand what you have written.
But don't know what "llRC" means ? Sorry.

Reply #256365 | Report this post

Years ago

"if I recall correctly"

Reply #256375 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Aw - I'm from the 60s..

Anyways - What an intriguing night the 5th will be,
reading the banners and seeing if he can drop 30.
I'd guess Groves will guard him and has the ability to cut him down a bit and Hodge not a defensive player. Fascinating.

Reply #256382 | Report this post

Years ago

Tipo - you obviously haven't seem Hodge's jumpshot given you are from Melbourne. Hopefully he has been practising with his best mate Kiki - he might actually hit one on his return as he didn't knock down many as a sixer.

I am pretty sure the 36ers will just stand off him to prevent the peneration & let him launch his bricks all night.

Reply #256385 | Report this post

Years ago

LMAO because gilchrist and groves have better shots?

hodge >>>> rest of league

Reply #256392 | Report this post

Years ago

Hey Tipo, Is Hodge a fantastic player because he is the first to arrive at training and the last to leave? Just ask Julius he will tell you. You might want to overlook askimg his team mates though.
Great NBL player on talent but not a team player.
If money was the major issue for him why didn't he open up a Bank account in Australia meaning funds would have been in his account earlier assisting him to support his family of 10 or whatever his BS version was.
The world according to Julius..he brought Luke to the 6ers. I guess he also had a part in bringing him to the Wildcats as well.

Reply #256394 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Well... obviously yes they do.

They look like normal jump shots, and seem to go into the net like a jump shot should.

Reply #256395 | Report this post

Danger Mouse  
Years ago

It will be interesting to see the crowds response on Dec 5 (is Hodge officially confirmed for the Tigers yet?). Hodge used to bring in big crowd numbers, and with the different versions of payment events floating around, I'm thinking it will be a mixture of booing and clapping. Most general public wouldn't have the 'inside word' on what happened...

Reply #256401 | Report this post

Years ago

Hodge's jump hot certainly isn't good but I didn't hear any sixer fans complaining about it when he was playing (nor did it make him a bad player). The fact that his jump hot was a weakness meant that many tems did stand off him - the fact that he still put up some unbelievable numbers shows how good he is.

As for jump shot criticims - take a look at Groves (especially) and Gilcrhist's.

Reply #256405 | Report this post

Years ago

I'm more of a passive protester. When Hodge is introduced to the crowd, rather then a big boo, I'd like to see 8000 people silently trun their back on the court and him. Now that would make a statement.

From then on yes, the cash register sound everytime he misses a shot would be beautiful!

Reply #256412 | Report this post

Years ago

#256405 - you have to be kidding!! Even when he was playing for Sixers (and decided to show up) everybody was on his case for no jump shot. Great drive, but nothing mid or long range. That would be why he will never get back in the NBA. Gillchrist and Groves may not have the technical perfection that Ballinger has, but at least they can hit. Even Holmes with his flat shot can hit from outside. How many 3s has Hodge hit in his career? Less than Paul Rees I suspect!!!

Reply #256418 | Report this post

Years ago

Can we get the announcer involved? Let's just say if he mispronounced his name and said "Judas" I'm sure everyone would consider it an accident ;)

Another song: 'I'm an Asshole' - Dennis Leary.

Reply #256425 | Report this post

Years ago

He will no doubt gain alot of get up n go from all the "love", but I do like the "Hodge drank the poison" banner idea. It's quiet, not distasteful and won't get us in any trouble with the refs etc.

Reply #256438 | Report this post

Years ago

XztatiK 'I'm an Asshole' is gold. Not sure if the club would be allowed to play it though. I am all for it.

So you'll be at the game Tipo on 5th Dec so you can see for yourself Judas has no mid to long range game.

Big Matty Burston should be back to some reasonable fitness which will test Hodge out coming into the paint & Herbet will muscle up on him give him donuts.

Reply #256441 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Anon, there were quite a few complaints about his Jump-shot. Most of the people around me at the games were yelling each time her threw one up.

Even if they sank, there was always a call to "Never do that again".

Reply #256442 | Report this post

Years ago

Nine Inch Nails "Head Like A Hole" would work... Lyrics pretty much sum him up (if some of the stories about him hold any truth) - even though (apparently) the lyrics refer to a purveyor of the services provided by the world's oldest profession...

Reply #256444 | Report this post

Years ago

My point is that Hodge produced better than anyone is this league without a jump shot. The number of 3 pointers you hit in a career is not a measure of the player you are. As for your theory, Groves and Gilchrist are shooting 20% (7/35) and 28.6% (12/42)from the 3 point line respectively. They're big numbers!

Reply #256446 | Report this post

Years ago

"Even if they sank"

What??? When did that happen?

Reply #256447 | Report this post

Years ago

lol X.

Even "where is the love?" would be good.

Reply #256448 | Report this post

Years ago

Anonymous have you been drinking the poison with ya mate Judas dreaming that you can hit anything outside the keyway?

Reply #256451 | Report this post

Years ago

I have heard that Julius has been concentrating exclusively on his jump shot all off-season and has changed his action to something a little more orthodox. He now shoots the ball better than Michael Jordan ever did.

You heard it here first... then you will hear it from the great Jules over and over again.

Reply #256465 | Report this post

Years ago

How about I got SHOT because I am a WANKER?!

Reply #256468 | Report this post

Years ago

Or how about I got shot because of my Jump Shot?

Reply #256469 | Report this post

Black Dracula  
Years ago

Banner idea..

"Julius's iPod playlist:
Paid in Full
Mo Money Mo Problems
Who Shot Ya?
Money Money Money"

Reply #256472 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

911 is a Joke - Public Enemy

Reply #256542 | Report this post

Years ago

Who cares if he has no shot? Hodge still >>>>>>> anyone on the Adelaide roster

Reply #256567 | Report this post

Years ago

Are you referring to Hodge's playing ability or integrity?

Reply #256573 | Report this post

Years ago

Tipo.......are you Hodge's Melbourne boyfriend?

Reply #256577 | Report this post

Years ago

Nice comment Jake. It does sound like Tipo is "sucking up" to Julius and drinking his poison.

Reply #256592 | Report this post

Years ago

lol, it has to be "show me the money" Remember when he was playing here & at half time they had a few of the players on the big screen reinacting movie lines? I am quite certain it was Judas that did the show me the money line? How true he was! Wanker!

Reply #256605 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Who cares? you seemed to care a few posts ago when you used it as a counterpoint vs. Gilchrist.

Hodge is only going to be good if everything is run through him. If Worthington and Anstey grab all the boards, and Croswell and Kendall do all the passing, Hodge ain't nothing but a scorer; and even then the 4 names i've mentioned can all do that.

A player is as good as the team makes him and a team is as good as all the players make it. Don't expect him to just light up on the first night so your wet dream can come true.

Reply #256641 | Report this post

Years ago

Another Song Suggestion: Song For The Dumped by Ben Folds

"Give me my money back you bitch"

Reply #256644 | Report this post

Years ago

Isaac, your response was fine, so no need for me to send you an email. Also you were right I Used the word malice incorrectly.

I think we can agree there was some miss management.

We can also agree to disagree that the payments were in advance/not late.

Reply #256666 | Report this post

Years ago

Good point Big Marty - remember how good Farley was the first year for us and then he sucked when he wwent to West Sydney

Reply #256672 | Report this post

Years ago

wow! if only the politicians put that much energy into running our country, we would be golden!!! cant believe one little man with a big ego has caused such a reaction from such different circles, must be a slow week???

Reply #256684 | Report this post

Big Marty  
Years ago

Anon, out of all the teams he joined, he picked one with one of the biggest fan bases in the Country, not to mention a fan base with the best basketball knowledge in the Country; and managed to do a screwjob on the team.

The problem isn't the fact that he was disputing pay problems with the club; that's fine. The problem is the guy didn't turn up to the game regardless of the situation. He could have at least sat on the bench and watched.

You wouldn't get away with that in any league for any team. *IF* Hodge has been with the Tigers instead and *IF* the same thing happened, you'd still have this post going up, just on the Gaze website, or another forum.

While it's good to have a high calibre player in the league again; if he knows what is good for him, he'll make sure to be more of a professional and not try and pull that again. If he ends up doing a similar job to the Tigers, then he has basically flipped off two of the biggest clubs in the league and probably won't see a job here again.

Reply #256850 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

"out of all the teams he joined, he picked one with one of the biggest fan bases in the Country, not to mention a fan base with the best basketball knowledge in the Country; and managed to do a screwjob on the team."

One question to ponder. Is Julius smart enough to deliberately do that?

Reply #256853 | Report this post

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