Years ago

36ers rotation

I must say i agree with Boty on Inside the Game that Cooper should start and Garlepp should split the minutes with him so Ballinger can play his natural position of PF.
Id go for rotations of

C Cooper(20mins)/Garlepp (20 mins) - we really need Burston back.
PF Ballinger (32 mins)/Holmes (8 Mins)
SF Holmes (17 mins)/Hill (23 mins)
SG Groves (8 mins)/Ng (17 mins)/Herbert (15 mins)
PG Gilchrist (23 mins)/Groves (17 mins)

That would be more balanced than having Ballinger and Holmes as our 2 bigs, and Gilchrist minutes of on form i would increase to around 30, as i believe for us to win Ballinger needs to average 15-20 points, Gilchrist and or Groves needs to get around 15 with the other getting atleast 10, and you need around 8-10points from at least 3 of Holmes, Hill,Ng and Herbert.
They ALL need to play some intense defence, not just guys like Holmes, who plays hard on defense and rebounding every game everyone needs to follow wiht that.

Topic #21383 | Report this topic

Years ago

I agree - Scotty pointed out after the game last week we need to get more of the ball through Balls if we want to be winnging games, and by moving him out of PF and into C is making that harder.

Reply #254244 | Report this post

Years ago

Another thought, if Burstons is going to be out for say more than 2 weeks is it worth bringing in someone like Chris Cameron or Blagoj Janev to start C?? Both those guys played ok for the slingers from memory and would probably be a upgrade on Cooper or Garlepp.

Reply #254247 | Report this post

Years ago

Start Cooper, but as soon as Crosswhite goes to the bench Ballinger can play C. The Taipans don't use Rampton, so once Crosswhite goes off it will be either Melzer or Rychart at C. Both are even more undersized than Balls so we can get away with Holmes/Balls as our 2 bigs then. And from memory Crosswhite has only been playing around 25 lately.

Reply #254250 | Report this post

Years ago

Rambo injured at the moment - Rowan Gray might play.

Reply #254252 | Report this post

Years ago

Given Holmes is the better rebounder and inside hustler and Ballinger has the better outside shot, i was thinking despite him being shorter i reckon we may be better off leaving Ballinger at PF for the whole game and shifting Holmes to C if we are going to use one of them in the C. As Xtatik said they do use smaller C's like Rychart for half the game and i reckon Holmes would be able to guard him just as well as Ballinger and then it frees Ballinger up more to play his natural position and dominate the game.

Reply #254253 | Report this post

Years ago

Sixers are $3.50 to win tonight as well, I chucked $20 on as we are a bit down and this might the only win they have a chance of in the next three games.

Reply #254254 | Report this post

Years ago

XztatiK - When Crosswhite goes to the bench I'd almost prefer to throw Holmes in defensively against Rychart/Melzer at Centre. Leave Balls to do what he does best at the 4 spot.

Unless both are posting up - very unlikely Holmes can defend well enough against these two, rebounding will be his only issue, but if Holmes is switched on and boxing out than he can do a great job against the 'big boys'.

Reply #254255 | Report this post

Years ago

Yea i remember when Rogers left in around 2004 and we had no C and we got Rychart in that Holmes and Dusty were basically our c's and Holmes id ok in bigger opponents so can do the job.

Reply #254256 | Report this post

Jack Toft  
Years ago

Keeps Balls away from centre.

Perhaps staring Coops is not a silly as it sounds. I still don't see Miss Molly in there for any minutes. Can't we fit in 5 mins somewhere?

Would like to see Ng play a bit more than 17, but cramps could be an issue. Maybe the last few minutes of the quarters when we need some big threes.

We are desperately short of forwards. Hill is too tall for a guard, needs to be re-engineered

Reply #254258 | Report this post

Years ago

C - D.Cooper(20), J.Holmes(13), T.Garlepp(7)
PF - A.Ballinger(35), J.Holmes(5)
SF - B.Hill(20), J.Holmes(8), N.Herbert(12)
SG - C.Groves(10), D.Ng(20)
PG - J.Gilchrist(30), C.Groves(10)

Reply #254259 | Report this post

Years ago

*Tez at SG is supposed to be a 20

Reply #254260 | Report this post

Years ago

Rotate Scott ninnis right out of the stadium & get someone who can coach.

Reply #254261 | Report this post

Years ago

If Ballinger plays C tonight, then that is proof that Ninnis doesn't know what he is doing. Ballinger at C = lost games. I don't care how desperate a centre is needed, you can't compromise Ballinger's game when he is the star of the team and needs to do what he does best. He has to score and if playing centre gets in the way, then he simply can't do it.

Reply #254286 | Report this post

Years ago

I agree with the above. Balls needs to start at PF & Cooper in the C. Probably needed to sign another big at the start of the season rather than Herbet as are too guard heavy.

Gilly needs to step up & Tez needs to continue to take the ball to the hoop.

Scott & the coaches really need to keep it simple rather than mixing up the defence every possession & having no structure in offence. They need to set some hard screens to free up Balls & Ng & for Gilly to distribute the ball better.

XztatiK has got the correct amt of mins so I hope Scotty can see this & not play Herbet for 26 + mins this game.

Reply #254292 | Report this post

Years ago

Please disregard the above 3 posts (and as usual especially EC)

Reply #254436 | Report this post

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