Years ago
Adelaide & Townsville Streaming - More on the way?
With the 36ers and Crocs leading the way in fan content and streaming all their home games online its not unlikey, that should these 2 teams experience success with this experiment, that more teams will follow and we would end up with a arrangement similar to nba league pass. I'm hopeful that this will happen along with improved TV coverage (hopefully on ONE HD) meaning just about every NBL game is accessible on way or another. There's one thing for sure, Townsville and Adelaide should be congratulated on what they are providing for their die hard fans. Not to mention it should also make the clubs some money.
One a side note I find it interesting that the 36ers aren't advertising the live stream more on their website to let people know.
Also tonight's game in Perth is on the rivus tv list of games available but no other Perth games are? Anyone know if they are steaming for rest of the season or if this is just a one off experiment for them?