I find it amzazing that a potential league MVP can be thinking these thoughts at his age. To me these thoughts are what one goes through at that age when they've failed trying to crack it on the surfing tour and are sick of living on the dole (at least that's what they should be thinking, no good beatniks!!).
I suppose it's all about quality of life now vs looking after your future, but in my opinion you need to make hay while the sun shines. He's a domninant player in this league, and while he's not anywhere near an NBA salary, I'd wager he'd be making more here than he would if he returned home and attempted to find 'normal' work, even after you convert $AUS into $US.
If he gave it 5 more years here then returned to the US and started from scratch it may be tough pill to swallow, starting working life in your early 30's, but if he's smart with his cash he should return with a nice little nest egg which would put him in a better financial position than if he'd returned 5 years sooner.
Another thing to consider (and this is almost sacreligious on a Sixers site) is that if we continue to shaft him financially he can surely make a fair bit more at another club. He's stated he'd rather play here, but if you're talking trade offs for financial reasons then surely playing pro ball in Oz for a team you're not altogher happy with is preferable to becoming a slave to the wage in the States. 2 weeks leave a year is what you get in most jobs over there. 2 weeks. Dusty, think about it, delay that sort of scenario for as long as possible!!!
If he gets MVP surely his international stocks will rise significantly also. I dunno, it seems an awful waste for such a talent to give up the game at this age for financial reasons.