Years ago

U18 SAC - Is Patto a chance

With the great start to the U/16 Nationals for the SAC teams, is the current U/18 coach looking at a dynasty of gold medals? Or is this group just a flash in the pan?

Topic #20439 | Report this topic

Years ago

what are you on about?

Reply #243093 | Report this post

Years ago

U16 SAC girls are favourites in a decidedly weak competition. They have one very good player and a number of good players. Amongst the other teams competing you would struggle to find more than a handful of top players.
Boys no chance this year , next year or in the foreseeable future.

Reply #243105 | Report this post

Years ago

Um, are we not all forgetting that there is a 90% chance that Vic Metro will wipe the floor with SAC's impending 'dynasty'..?

Reply #243120 | Report this post

Years ago

To the OP, your question is still hard to understand, and to be frank, I'm not sure where you're heading with it. I will give you my dumb thoughts on it&.

I would think SP is safe in that position so long as the current 16's girl head coach stays put, if he decides to follow some of his players up, there may be some ruffling of the feathers¬ real sure he would want to go up, and I think right now would rather stay put&..however&the Albury U16 girls coaches (current assistent coaches) may be looking to be head coach at 18 level, both have coached the up coming girls and some of the girls who are going to be there and have wins on the board&

What needs to be looked at tho is with making medals last year, and falling out this year there is no real reason to not allow SP to take the role again, if after next years Nationals there is no improvement it may be a need to make change, but unless there is something/someone out of the blue SP will be there next year...

At the end of the day wins count, this year not so well, but was the team good enough to medal too? I'm not sure anyone could have gotten that team any higher&perhaps the young lass who had foot surgery?? That was a big loss and perhaps a few spots higher, but certainly not a medal&

Looking at the 16's team and who is top age and who is bottom age, who is going to be staying in SAC, who will transfer over to SAM or even AIS (good luck to her if she does make it) what has stayed down and what has left in the current 18's, will ultimately decide who gets what after that, and who is going to chase what!

Good luck to whomever gets what, no matter how much sh!t they cop on the forums some times.

Reply #243587 | Report this post

Years ago

I see the SAC coaches list is out, Patto is still the U18 girls and Semens still the U16 head coach, even when so many thought he wouldn't get the job again. I also see that Glen Mathieson didn't get a gig.

Reply #248475 | Report this post

Pigs Of War  
Years ago

Word coming out of SAC is that unless gold is the result of the 18 girls Nationals campaign Patto will be out of the head coaches job...

Noticed a change in Ass coaches there and I would think 1 if not both would be happy to step up next year.

Even the 16's coach who is not going away this season would be looking to get back into the system...

Reply #254507 | Report this post

Years ago

Truth is "Pigs of War" you have absolutely no idea do you mate. Gutless trolling

Reply #254550 | Report this post

Years ago

Settle down Patto!

Reply #254636 | Report this post

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