bretts the man
Years ago
Sixers happenings etc
Stuff in tiser today re Scotty not looking at Adrien.Sturt after we all got the info. on this guy and I like other posters looked fwd to seeing him signed.
Who the hell are they looking as a back up C Please dont say Coops.
Also Bruce in USA and not entirely out of the loop.
What is he doing over there and what does that really mean as far as his future with us.
Also who is likely to be our u-23 plyr.
With season getting closer and all teams signing plyrs I have found this year that less rumours or the word about prospective plyrs etc to Sixers on this site as now usually read it in Tiser first.
I can only put it down to key posters are now too close to the SOS group.
Also Isaac maybe simple explanation but could not work out why the Nathan Herbert post with continous postings and views went off main page yesterday.
It itself has more postings than all those on there at the time and over 2.2k views