Camel 31
Years ago

Netball sell out Dome

Interesting article in today's 'tiser - where T-birds have sold out the Dome, or their opponents have as they are paid over the salary cap, and the contrasting umpiring styles in the two countries are a worry.
(Previously it was mentioned they are looking at a player points cap)

Topic #20347 | Report this topic

Years ago

I stuggle to make sence of what your words mean

Reply #241981 | Report this post

Years ago

lol same

Reply #241982 | Report this post

Years ago

You really only need to know that the netball on Sunday will sell out the Dome. Pretty impressive.

Reply #241986 | Report this post

Years ago

Not a surprise considering how well they market their game. Larry should do a 6month probationary stint at Netball HQ.

Reply #241988 | Report this post

Camel 31  
Years ago

Aw - I was thinking about NBL caps and drawing crowds, when I read it . Also the refs favour the home team.
Is the full house ,at the Dome going to see the T-birds, or are they going to see the worlds most expensive netball team- Waikato magic, who are paid over the salary cap. And, should they have a points cap.

Reply #241989 | Report this post

Number 44  
Years ago

If you buy a family ticket to the Power game this week you get a bonus family ticket to the netball.

The Netball have had to reserve 2000 seats for the game for Port Supports who have bought a family ticket.

Reply #241991 | Report this post

Years ago

And there's probably even more give-aways being distributed elsewhere.

"Netball freebie out Dome" should be the revised title.

Reply #241999 | Report this post

Leopard 46  
Years ago

Who cares if the Thunderbirds give away tickets, as long as they make enough money to cover their costs it doesn't matter that they 'freebie out the dome'. Maybe the 36ers should take a leaf out of the netball game and realise the atmosphere of a sell out crowd is better than a half empty one.

Reply #242013 | Report this post

Black Dracula  
Years ago

Wonder if this has anything to do with netball being on OneHD now?

Reply #242016 | Report this post

Years ago

It will be interesting to see if they get more than 4,000 at the Dome if they are giving away that many tickets.

Reply #242025 | Report this post

Years ago

I'd take it more seriously than that as a couple of U18 sasi players are moving to netball later this year. If we are losing state and sasi players to netball, something is wrong.
Lightning teamed up with the crows but nothing like this has happened so lets hope this spurs some on to action.

Reply #242033 | Report this post

Years ago

If you want to earn money as a female athlete in Australia playing either netball or basketball, netball is the better option.
If you want to play in some country that most people have never heard of then there's probably more opportunities in basketball.

Reply #242216 | Report this post

Years ago

Lauren Jackson would probably dsagree.

And lets see how long the inflated salaries in Netball last>

On another note. How many 36ers tickets were given away last year. Most of my friends who attended never purchased a ticket.

Reply #242225 | Report this post

Years ago

Is Lauren Jackson currently earning decent money in Australia ??? No... she had to go OS like all basketballers.

Reply #242229 | Report this post

Years ago

Biggest Women's Basketball Countries:

1. USA (population 306m, 3rd largest in the world) arguably the most influencial country on the planet.
2. Russia (pop 141m, 9th largest)
3. Australia (pop 21m, 53rd largest)
4. Brazil (191m, 5th largest)
5. Spain (45m, 28th largest)
6. China (pop 1.3b, Largest pop in the world)
7. Czech Republic (pop 10m, 78th largest)
8. France (pop 65m, 20th largest)
9. Korea (pop 48m, 26th largest)
10. Cuba (pop 11m, 75th largest)

Biggest Women's Basketball Competitions would be EuroLeague including Russia, France, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Croatia, Poland, Greece, Israel plus many many more. All of which have high paying national competitions in their own right.

U.S.A. has a Women's National League Competition which runs for 4 months of the year and pays better than any Netball Competition in the world.

Pretty sure you've heard of all of the above countries.


1. Australia (pop 21m, 53rd largest)
2. New Zealand (pop 4m, 123rd largest)
3. England (*UK pop 61m, 22nd largest)
4. Jamaica (pop 2.7m, 139th largest)
5. Samoa (pop 180k, 180th largest)
6. Malawi (pop 15m, 65th largest)
7. South Africa (pop 48m, 25th largest)
8. Fiji (850k, 157th largest)
9. Trinidad and Tobago (1.3m, 152nd largest)
10. Cook Islands (20k, 212th largest)

I've been friendly by combining the population of all of UK in under Englands stats. I could go deeper but that would only make Netball's figures look even worse.

Outside of the current ANZ Championship there isn't a signle other professional Netball competition in the world. Only the very elite players in the ANZ Championship get paid enough to live on. For the most part those saleries are supported by Government funding. The League itself is dead if not for the Australian Government. ONE competition, ONE chance to play professionally.

On a world scale most in Netball consider there to be maybe 5 real countries. Australia, New Zealand, England, South Africa and Jamaica. That's it.

Try playing Netball at an Olympic games, you can't.

Ignore the tradition and ridiculous bias of this Country's Governments and Media and it's pretty clear which sporting path a budding young female athlete should follow.

Reply #242235 | Report this post

Years ago

Oh and Jackson was offered 100k to play in Australia.

Same as what Gerrard is supposedly being paid by all the juniors that play Netball in Adelaide. Yes that's where their State Association is spending their income. We all know how well that works. Oh and the State Government are helping out with that too.

Jackson is getting paid 5 times that to play overseas.

I don't think anyone in Basketball would apologise for having developed numerous professional competitions around the world.

If you lived in England can you get paid anything to play Netball in your own country? What about South Africa?

Reply #242242 | Report this post

Years ago

Netball will win the day unless basketball and netball work together. More and more girls are leaving basketball while netball grows in numbers.
Giving figures about the rest of the world and basketball is useless because here more girls follow/play netball than basketball. They play netball into their middle-age in huge numbers yet we continue to ignore the fact that girls leave our sport in droves from U 18 on.
I would love to see a greater connection with both sports playing double headers etc and a successful union with the crows and lightning rather than just hope it gets better.

Reply #242339 | Report this post

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