Years ago
All Junior Games Postponed - 11-13 June 2009
From SportingPulse:
"Following on from the email yesterday informing clubs about the latest news from the South Australian and Victorian governments about the swine flu alerts, Basketball SA would like to inform all that we have made a decision to postpone all junior district basketball games scheduled for next week on Thursday, Friday and Saturday (11, 12, 13 June 2009).
Basketball SA is aware that there are a number of teams that are attending the tournaments in Melbourne this weekend and therefore we need to prepare for the likely outcome that a number of people will be under a self imposed 7-day quarantine (as per the Dept of Health recommendation). Given this, there would be a significant number of teams that may not be able to participate in the scheduled district games.
Whilst we recognize that this decision may inconvenience participants that are not visiting Melbourne, we believe that it is a responsible action for the good of the district basketball community.
Our competitions staff will endeavor to inform everyone of the dates and times for the rescheduling of the postponed games as soon as possible."
Link to original article.